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August 2004 Archives

August 16, 2004

16th August 2004

Presented by Matt Clarke News by Danielle Quinn Eureka Prizes by Beck Scouler Christine Baker interviews our Dr Time Baynes about fridge magnets Ian Woolf reports his research into the Ciguatera Menace Produced and panelled by David Huang

August 18, 2004

Matthew Clarke

Learn more at Matt's HouseHunsband Diaries

Gina Sartore

Gina Sartore is simultaneously hiding from her thesis supervisor, teaching science to rural uni students, and communing with a bunch of alpaca (her favourite country-type animal). She is an occasional contributor, but is having trouble finding a tin can with a long enough string. If you know the collective noun for alpaca or have some string to sell, drop her an email.

Keir Smith

After 7 years roaming the Antarctic wilderness in search of a place to call to home, or at least a hot meal, Keir was rescued by the Discovery helicopter. He has spent the time since then working off the debt by producing funny, sometimes informative, pieces for your listening pleasure.

Chris Stewart

Kipper is the straight man of the team. A self confessed thespian trapped in the body of an astrophysicist, Chris is currently on assignment with the Laotian government looking at space travel using recycled waste products.

Dr Tim Baynes

Ahhh, the man with the velvet tonsils. Poor Scouser Tim is a Magnetic Physicist and Everton FC fan. A man who is proud of his Morris Minor and unhealthy love of Geoffrey Boycott and Max Planck, he is most likely found roaming the streets of Canberra trying to record vox pop's for no apparent reason.

Dr Tim Baynes

Ahhh, the man with the velvet tonsils. Poor Scouser Tim is a Magnetic Physicist and Everton FC fan. A man who is proud of his Morris Minor and unhealthy love of Geoffrey Boycott and Max Planck, he is most likely found roaming the streets of Canberra trying to record vox pop's for no apparent reason.

About August 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in August 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2004 is the previous archive.

December 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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