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August 2008 Archives

August 4, 2008

Invisible illness and exploding spacecraft

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Ian Woolf reports the latest in the war on aging,
the Live Futures Festival to be held simultaneously in Newtown and Second Life on August 17th,
and The doomed attempt of the commercial SpaceX Falcon 1 spacecraft to launch over the weekend.

Dr Stephen Graves talks to Ian about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Conference in Cambridge. What is Chronic fatigue Syndrome? What are the causes and what is it like to be struck down by the illness? Why is it still the invisible illness so many years after its discovery in the 1980's?
Presented and Produced by Ian Woolf

August 11, 2008

Smashing atoms and nanotechnology

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Victoria Bond finds out if the Large Hadron Collider will destroy the world,
Ian Woolf talks to Professor Mike Cortie about zapping gold nanoparticles in your body with lasers to cure mind-control parasites,
News by Patrick Rubie
- King Tut's foetuses
- solar power at night
- smart bricks
- dandelion rubber
Produced and Presented by Ian Woolf

Alpine Kat https://www.msu.edu/~mcalpin9/lhc_rap/largehadron.html

August 18, 2008

Steam work and giant wallabies

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Lachlan Whatmore puts steam to work,
Jacqui Hayes and Caitlin Howlett review the week in science
- happiness science,
- giant wallabies in Tasmania
- confirmation that contraceptive pills reverse attraction
- vaccination against alcoholic pleasure
Amy Bullen examines the ultimate cheating drug - the placebo,
News by Ian Woolf
- synthetic telepathy
- anti-aging drugs keep your cells clean
- chilli heat not just an illusion
- cannabis and opium to prevent addiction
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

August 25, 2008

Future Fab Labs and Fish and Chip cars

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In this special edition from the Live Futures 2020 Festival, Brian Lennon speaks to Ian Woolf about the Fab Lab that could make anything with 3D printers and cars that run on used vegetable oil left over from fish and chip shops. Jacqui Hayes reviews elephants who count, and how to read men's faces.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf.

About August 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in August 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2008 is the previous archive.

September 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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