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October 2008 Archives

October 3, 2008

Writing News items

News on Diffusion is usually several short science news items. The script for each item should only take about a minute to read. If the story needs a longer amount of time, then it would sound better if it was explored as a feature.

The news is for reporting, so there's less space for opinion than a feature story, however its OK to add your own spin and comments.

Each news item should start with a headline sentence that grabs the readers attention, and should be read that way. Its no use having a clever headline, and then reading it like its a grocery list.

You can sign up to the Australian Science Communicators mailing list here to have press releases sent to your inbox. However if you see some news online or in a magazine, you can search for the press release to see what they really said, and sometimes its worth looking up the original scientific paper to see if the press release matches the paper. This can apply especially to medical stories.

If you're just using the one source of news, then you need to acknowledge them at the beginning of the report, after the headline.

October 6, 2008

Proteomics and close relatives


Our closest relatives are all of us,
You can learn to change the way genes are expressed in your body,
Ben Herbert explains proteomics,
Melinda Hall King explains childhood deception,
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

October 13, 2008

Quantum teleportation and a sexy hello


Ian Woolf interviews Samuel Braunstein about quantum teleportation, how to get yourself faxed from A to B, without travelling in the space in-between,
Patrick Rubie explains part 1 of his Science and History of Radio,
News by Ian Woolf,
- Medical Chocolate from Mars,
- Fertile greetings from females
Presented and Produced by Ian Woolf

October 20, 2008

Radio rewards pick-up lines


Pick-up lines by Victoria Bond and Patrick Rubie,
118118 Information hotline challenge by Marc West,
The brain's reward by Amy Bullen,
News by Victoria Bond and Patrick Rubie,
- obesity and pleasure
- internet surfing keeps your brain young
Presented by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

October 27, 2008

Nanotech, doctoral dancing and pubs


Ian Woolf interviews UTS Head of Physics Michael Ford about how to make matter do whatever you wish by controlling the size and shape of nano-particles,
Marc West goes on a pub crawl of science-related pubs in London,
News by Marc West and Ian Woolf
- a competition for interprative dances based on PhD theses,
- factors to make your brain grow
Presented by Nick Evershed,
Produced by Ian Woolf

About October 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in October 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2008 is the previous archive.

November 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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