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December 2008 Archives

December 1, 2008

Parasite Wisdom, warming, space sugar


Marc West extends last week's report on global warming and the next ice age, explains how wine's bubbles can track the carbon dioxide from fossil fuels, about dating glaciers by atomic bomb residue, how wind farms may create weather, and Monday night's crescent moon, along with Venus and Jupiter will show a celestial smiley face!

Ian Woolf talks parasite wisdom with Professor John Dalton, director of the Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases, UTS, who researches how to exploit parasite's knowledge of our immune system to cure diseases.

Caitlin Howlett tell us about sugar in space, which may point at life, and how water is a greenhouse gas.

Ian Woolf reports on solar powered sea slugs on the sea floor that can make food from sunlight.

Monica Sharma updates us on the fate of the spiders in space, and how a brain implant is giving a paralysed man the power of speech,

Caitlin Howlett reports on how turtles evolved their shells.

Presented by Monica Sharma, produced by Ian Woolf

December 8, 2008

Maths, hot leaves, and body swapping


Marc West talks with Jamos McAlister and Marcus Findlay about teaching kids that "calculations are the spelling of maths, not the story",
Ian Woolf talks to Dr Andrea Leigh at the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Technology about the science of hot leaves,
News by Kalvin Ng and Monica Sharma, and Ian Woolf
- body swapping
- digital beautification
- heart attacks prevent heart attacks
- Internet censorship rally around Australia on December 13th 2008
Presented by Kalvin Ng, and produced by Ian Woolf

December 15, 2008

Internet censorship protest special


Ian Woolf speaks with Sam, organiser of the protest,
Fiona Patten convenor of the Australian Sex Party,
and finally Dave the Happy Singer and Percy from the Digital Liberty Coalition.
News by Kalvin Ng
- dying coral reefs,
- relating to artificial people,
- ancient cannabis in China.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

December 22, 2008

Christmas 2008 special


Marc West interviews Hayley Birch organiser
of the Geek Pop Festival,
Marc West and Darren Osborne reflect on the science that made the news in 2008,
news on Santa dealing with global warming and the
global financial crisis, Reindeer science
Produced and Presented by Marc West

December 29, 2008

2008 Kisses, tantrums and infections


It’s the last show of 2008 so there’s plenty of love, tears and infection spreading! Patrick Rubie looks at the nice and the nasty side of mistletoe. Victoria Bond and Jaime Leclerc quiz you on infectious diseases. Ian Woolf tells a tale of eight-tentacled fury at the Sea Star Aquarium in Coburg, Germany.
And in our last news of 2008 Marc West reveals Santa’s secrets!

Presented by Darren Osborne
Produced by Patrick Rubie
Panelled by Ian Woolf
“The mistletoe: naughty or nice?” by Patrick Rubie
“Otto the kranky octopus” by Ian Woolf
“Who am I – infectious diseases” by Victoria Bond and Jamie Leclerc
News by Marc West – “Infectious Happiness” and “Santa’s Secrets”

About December 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in December 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2008 is the previous archive.

January 2009 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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