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March 2009 Archives

March 2, 2009

Space, babies and pregnant fish


Marc West talks to Bianca Nogrady from New Scientist Magazine about the last 3 unknown facts of our solar system.
Lachlan Whatmore pays a tribute to a special lady called Ruby and explains why babies are so warm.
Patrick Rubie will change the way you think about fish…forever
News by Patrick Rubie
- Migrating Planets
- Mutated HIV
- Bilirubin in plants
Presented by Lachlan Whatmore,
Produced by Patrick Rubie

March 9, 2009

Gender, Curie, Franklin, and Carson


International Women's Day 2009 with Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf,
Gender bending stories:
- phthalates feminise boys
- half boy half girl bird brain
- sixth sense switches mice gender
- gender gene identified
- Gender and sex identity development
- gender development disorders
- Turner sydnrome
- Kleinfelter syndrome
- hermaphroditism and gender assignment
- testosterone receptor insensitivity
Women in Science:
Marie Curie,
Rosalind Franklin
Rachel Carson
Presented by Victoria Bond,
Produced by Ian Woolf

March 16, 2009

Bats and sharks, correlated?


Nick Evershed interviews Dr. Lindy Lumsden about Pipistrelle bats near extinction,
Ian Woolf gives his view of the New Scientist interview assertion that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is "almost all in the mind" because you "think yourself sick",
Marc West examines correlation and causation,
News by Jacqui Hayes
- Older parents statistically have less intelligent children
- Stem cell policy change
- DNA confirms Tsar's children died with the Tsar
Presented by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

March 23, 2009

LOLcat censorship and Future Journeys


Futurist Janine Cahill tells Ian Woolf what "gentle whispers" from the Future are telling us about future trends,
Ian Woolf reports from Saturday's March in March protest against internet censorship in Australia:
- Google Guru Jim Stewart discusses the ACMA black-list of forbidden material and what it means for Australians,
- Protestors report on the banning of funny cat pictures, and businesses falsely accusing rivals of naughty material to get them banned,
- Colin Jacobs from Electronic Frontiers Australia explains that Internet censorship is a political problem, not a technical one.
News by Kalvin Ng
- underwater eruptions
- self-healing cars
- ID for tigers
- teenage space balloons
Presented by Charles Willock,
Produced by Ian Woolf

March 30, 2009

Mad cows, stem cells and Dark aliens


Muhsin Karim explains the big issues of tiny stem cells,
Ian Woolf looks for Dark aliens,
News by Ian Woolf
Twin paradox in DNA profiling
Mad cows come unstuck
Diabetic sugar
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

About March 2009

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in March 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2009 is the previous archive.

April 2009 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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