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July 2010 Archives

July 5, 2010

Sexual selection and the bionic eye

MP3 download

Marc West continues his interview with Professor Rob Brook about sexual selection in evolution,
The latest Bionic Eye development is explained to Ian Woolf by Nianjun Liu and Paullette Lieby of NICTA
Presented and panelled by Ian Woolf
Produced by Marc West

The output of the bionic eye which can be seen on the screen on the top right corner. The output is a 32x32 grid with the intensity of each pixel giving depth, ie, closer is brighter.

(Credit: Chris Duckett/ZDNet.com.au)

July 12, 2010

Beauty and the Geek, and Homeopathy

MP3 download

Victoria Bond and Lachlan Whatmore speak to the Australian Beauty and the Geek reality TV show,
Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf discuss the UK de-funding of Homeopathic hospitals,
News By Victoria Bond
- bird brains are like ours
- cold, cold antimatter
- addictive romantic rejection
Presented by Ian Woolf
Produced by Lachlan Whatmore and Ian Woolf
Panelled by Marc West

July 19, 2010

Female physicists and belly button dynamics

MP3 download

Victoria Bond spoke to Aileen Woo about gender equity at the University of NSW's physics department,
Lachlan Whatmore explores the underwater Hudson Canyon,
Victoria Bond spoke to Robert Booy about the importance of vaccine compliance, and the downfall of the AVN.
News by Ian Woolf, Marc West, and Victoria Bond
Produced, panelled and presented by Victoria Bond

July 26, 2010

Rare Earth, Horses, Nano-wires

MP3 download

Brigid Mullane interviews Dr Matthew James about rare earth minerals from mines to electronics,
Lachlan Whatmore begins part 1 of the evolution of the horse,
Ian Woolf interviews Professor Matthew Phillips about nano-wires and LEDs
Presented and panelled by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

2My Old & New World Equus
\ | /
\ | /
4My Hippidion Equus Stylohipparion
| | Neohipparion Hipparion Cormohipparion
| | Astrohippus | | |
| | Pliohippus ---------------------------
12My Dinohippus Calippus \ | /
| | Pseudhipparion \ | /
| | | |
------------------------------------------- Sinohippus
15My \ | / |
\ | / Megahippus |
17My Merychippus | |
| Anchitherium Hypohippus
| | |
23My Parahippus Anchitherium Archeohippus
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25My \ | /
\ | /
35My |
Miohippus Mesohippus
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40My Mesohippus
45My Paleotherium |
| Epihippus
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Propalaeotherium | Haplohippus
| | |
50My Pachynolophus | Orohippus
| | |
| | |
\ | /
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55My Hyracotherium

About July 2010

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in July 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2010 is the previous archive.

August 2010 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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