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August 2010 Archives

August 2, 2010

Power tool orchestra, self attraction?

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Ian Woolf speaks to Fred Rodrigues with his power tools orchestra at Dorkbot Sydney,
Lachlan Whatmore brings us part 2 of the evolution of the horse,
News by Victoria Bond
- Dogs can't help imitating people
- Social networks help you live longer
- are people most attracted to those that look like themselves?
Presented by Lachlan Whatmore,
Produced by Ian Woolf with technical support from Victoria Bond


August 9, 2010

Brown science, Solar cells, horse tale

MP3 download

Aaron Cook presents this weekâs juicy news.
Lachlan Whatmore finishes off his trilogy tribute to horse evolution. Marc West grills Senator Bob Brown, leader of the Green Party, about his partyâs stand on science in the upcoming election, and Brigid Mullane interviews Rod Seares about the cost effectiveness of solar pannels in Australia.
Panneled, presented and produced by Victoria Bond in the studios of 2SER in Sydney.

August 15, 2010

Science Week special 2010

MP3 download

The Diffusion Science Week special, coming to you from the Ultimo Science Festival. We tackle the questions you have asked us over the last few weeks.
Why do I sneeze at the Sun?
What would something look like if it was travelling at the speed of light?
Why do sportsmen train at altitude?
Why do previously overweight people have trouble keeping the weight off?
We ask the experts to get the real answers to these questions and more
Questions answered by Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf
Produced and hosted by Marc West

August 16, 2010

Photic sneezing and a naked scientist

MP3 download

Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf cover this week's news.
Marc West spoke to Dr. Louis Ptacek for even more about photic sneezing.
Lachlan Whatmore gets down to the bottom of what a breed is, exactly.
Bonnie Yu interviews Chris "The Naked Scientist" Smith about climate
change and its impact on Australia.
Hosted, paneled and produced by Victoria Bond.

August 30, 2010

DIY EMP, Putin and Sunlight

MP3 download

Ian Woolf speaks to Leigh Russell at Dorkbot. Leigh explodes a hydrogen filled condom to cause an Electromagnetic pulse that reboots a computer. He moves beads with sound and brings non-Newtonian fluids to life.
Listener question: Is sunlight behind glass just as good as outside? answered by Ian Woolf
- President Putin's views on the science of whaling and climate change by Lachlan Whatmore
- How Grapefruit could make you pregnant by Ian Woolf
Presented by Lachlan Whatmore,
Produced by Ian Woolf

About August 2010

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in August 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2010 is the previous archive.

September 2010 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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