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December 2013 Archives

December 2, 2013

Valves, rockets and Doctor Who

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From the Sydney Mini Maker Faire:
Steve Price talks about making Valve amplifiers,
Lester talks about popup 3D printer workshops,
George talks about launching your own rockets
Ian Woolf revisits the science of Doctor Who - Sonic Screwdrivers and the TARDIS
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Sydney Mini Maker Faire - Powerhouse Museum
TubeSound AmpCamp
2013-11-24 11.25.58
2013-11-24 11.26.10
FourZeroPlus 3D printing workshops
2013-11-24 10.50.43
2013-11-24 10.51.02
NSW Rocketry Association
2013-11-24 12.51.282013-11-24 12.41.04
2013-11-24 12.52.14

The Fourth Dimension and How to Get There by Rudy Rucker
BBC Doctor Who Sound files
Carbon-Nanotube Optoacoustic Lens for Focused Ultrasound Generation and High-Precision Targeted Therapy
Guo Research Group
Super-fine sound beam could one day be an invisible scalpel
Mechanical Evidence of the Orbital Angular Momentum to Energy Ratio of Vortex Beams
Coke cans focus sound waves beyond the diffraction limit
Focus: Focusing Sound without a Lens

December 9, 2013

Healing corneas and building robots

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News of: DARPA brain implants,
Sony smart wigs,
and prosthetic hands that feel, by Ian Woolf.
Professor Stephanie Watson spoke with Ian Woolf about how she heals corneas with stem cells,
From the Sydney Mini Maker Faire:
Pete from Robogirls teaches schoolgirls to build lego robots,
Stephen Martin from BotBits talks about building combat robots from kits,
Diarmid Herath from Robological has a platform for you to design your own robots
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Restoring Active Memory - DARPA
DARPA wants to fix broken brains
DARPA seeks to develop implantable device to help brain-injured people regain their memories
Wearable Computing Device (Sony patent)
Is Sony's 'smart wig' even more absurd than Google Glass?
Sony's SmartWig patent is a real head-scratcher
An Artificial Hand with Real Feelings
Sydney Mini Maker Faire - Powerhouse Museum
Bot Bitz combat robot kits
Robo Wars
Robological Ro-buddy
2013-11-24 12.23.37
2013-11-24 12.14.44

2013-11-24 12.23.30
Robological Ro-buddy
2013-11-24 11.44.07
2013-11-24 11.46.54

Clinical Professor Stephanie Watson from the Save Sight Institute

Stem Cells for Eye repair on the New Inventors (video)
Corneal Stem Cells on Catalyst (video)

December 16, 2013

Stem cells fight HIV and Biohacking

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News of Fibromyalgic pain explained, and
Dream images identified by computer, by Ian Woolf.
Associate Professor Geoff Symonds talks with Ian Woolf about using HIV to modify stem cells to fight HIV,
From the Sydney Mini Maker faire, Meow Ludo Meow Meow and Kyo Dempski talk about some of the projects of Biohack Sydney.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Excessive peptidergic sensory innervation of cutaneous arteriole-venule shunts (AVS) in the palmar glabrous skin of fibromyalgia patients: implications for widespread deep tissue pain and fatigue.
Researchers discover a rational biological source of pain in the skin of patients with fibromyalgia
Scientists Pinpoint Physical Cause of Fibromyalgia Pain
Neural Decoding of Visual Imagery During Sleep
Japanese neuroscientists decode human dreams

Scientists reconstruct visual stimuli by reading brain activity
Scientists use brain imaging to reveal the movies in our mind

CalImmune stem cell research

Sydney Mini Maker Faire - Powerhouse Museum
Biohack Sydney
2013-11-24 11.26.38
2013-11-24 11.26.45
2013-11-24 11.38.05
2013-11-24 11.38.22
2013-11-24 11.38.27

December 23, 2013

Rat Park and Chromatic Composer

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News of mice rejuvenated with B3 extract, by Ian Woolf.
From the Sydney Mini Maker Faire,Susana Alarcon demonstrated a machine that draws music,
The tale of Rat Park - how socially connected rats don't like drugs by Ian Woolf,
John August interviews Dr Matthew Rimmer about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Sydney Mini Maker Faire
Susana Alarcon
Declining NAD+ Induces a Pseudohypoxic State Disrupting Nuclear-Mitochondrial Communication during Aging
University of NSW research finds compound that can reverse ageing
Australian and US scientists reverse ageing in mice, humans could be next

The effect of housing and gender on morphine self-administration in rats
Effect of early and later colony housing on oral ingestion of morphine in rats
Stuart McMillen's Rat Park comic
A bustle in the cage-row: the making of Rat Park
Globalization of Addiction: the post-Rat Park research of Bruce Alexander
Drug addiction: The complex truth
Socially Isolated Rats are More Vulnerable to Addiction, Report Researchers
Bruce Alexander's Globalization of Addiction Website
Associate Professor Matthew Rimmer

December 30, 2013

Artificial arguments and alcohol messages

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News of male contraception and LCD contact lenses, by Ian Woolf.
Alcoholic text messages from across the room by Ian Woolf,
Automated arguments online by Ian Woolf,
3 Second Theses by Ian Woolf,
The Demon Duck of Doom by Lou Steer.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Text messages direct to your contact lens
Terminator Eyes: Hi-tech contact lenses show texts and maps
Tabletop Molecular Communication: Text Messages through Chemical Signals
What are they drinking? Text message sent using...vodka
Male contraception via simultaneous knockout of α1A-adrenoceptors and P2X1-purinoceptors in mice
'Chemical vasectomy' shows promise in mice
Chatbot Wears Down Proponents of Anti-Science Nonsense
Lol My Thesis

About December 2013

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in December 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2013 is the previous archive.

January 2014 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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