Diffusion Science radio: Where is Ciguatera? Ritalin for CFS

Where is Ciguatera? Ritalin for CFS

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Genetically engineering green glowing eggs to reduce cruelty to chicks,
Trial of Ritalin and nutrients to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Ian Woolf.
Associate Professor Shauna Murray and Gurjeet Singh Kohli explain how to track the microalgae that cause Ciguatera,
John August gives his views on Intellectual property, and the TPP.
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

UTS C3: Sustainable Aquaculture group
Explainer: what is ciguatera fish poisoning?
The Synergy Trial: Methylphenidate Plus a CFS-Specific Nutrient Formula as a Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Stanford Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Initiative
K-Pax: The Synergy Trial
The Synergy Trial
Would you prefer to eat genetically modified eggs, or see day-old chicks destroyed?

January 24, 2014
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