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August 2014 Archives

August 4, 2014

Megaphones and Microfluidics

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Sound reconstructed from video vibrations by Ian Woolf,
Microfluidics by Meow Ludo Meow Meow,
Jenny "Kit" Alaca uses her Listening Voice to tell Ian Woolf about her artful megaphones.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

2014-07-28 22.10.12

Dorkbot Sydney
Kit's Facebook: Makers and laggers
Kit's Soundcloud: Makers and Laggers

The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video
Extracting audio from visual information
The visual microphone: passive recovery of sound from video

August 11, 2014

FundScience, Albatross, LoVid

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Recovering the world's oldest sound recordings, and DIY Flone drones by Ian Woolf.
Maria Oh talks about crowd-funding science on FundScience,
John August explains how Albatrosses fly,
Tali and Kyle discuss artwork involving analog synthesizers, arduino controllers, ceramics and dancers, at Dorkbot.
Hosted and Produced by Ian Woolf

Tali, Kyle, LoVid


Optical Imaging Study of the 1878 St. Louis Edison Tinfoil Recording from the miSci (museum of innovation and science) Schenectady, New York
Sound Reproduction R & D Home Page

Oldest Ever Recorded Voice Sings Again

Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville's Phonautograms
Bell and Tainter improve the phonograph
Restoring the 1878 "St Louis" Edison Tinfoil Recording(pdf)
Mechanical Sound Carriers
http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/The-sounds-of-science-3981255.php>st known recording of voice, music

Flone Instructable
Phone Drone Flone

Eagle shot wins drone photography competition
Sydney Mini Maker Faire

August 18, 2014

Social context and Electric cars

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Fruit flies rolled by magnets by Ian Woolf,
Ian Sharpe talks about social context, leadership and solving problems for NASA,
Mark Taylor talks about Electric cars at the Mini Maker Faire,
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf.

Ian Sharpe

The Fifth Force: (team) Social Context
The Australian Institute of Project Management

2014-08-16 11.52.14
2014-08-16 11.53.53
2014-08-16 11.54.00
2014-08-16 11.54.45
Australian Electric Vehicle Association
Sydney Mini Maker Faire

Roll Control in Fruit Flies
Researchers Make Fruit Flies Perform Aerobatics Like Spitfire Pilots - arxiv blog
Researchers Make Fruit Flies Perform Aerobatics Like Spitfire Pilots- Slashdot

August 25, 2014

Drones in the air and underwater

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

See like a fish by changing vitamins by Ian Woolf,
Ian Lyons talks about flying quadcopters,
Dominic talks about DIY underwater remotely operated vehicles for exploration and education,
at the Sydney Mini Maker Faire,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf.

2014-08-17 13.39.31
Ian Lyons

Maker Drone

2014-08-16 11.14.25

2014-08-16 11.14.09

Sydney Mini Maker Faire

Can we biologically extend the range of human vision into the near infrared?
Science For The Masses

About August 2014

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in August 2014. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2014 is the previous archive.

September 2014 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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