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February 2019 Archives

February 4, 2019

The Future of Human Needs

MP3 download

3D printed steaks,
One cheap pill to treat most of aging by Ian Woolf,
Nathan Waters examines Human Needs, now and into the future - part 1,
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Nova Meat
Barcelona researcher develops 3D printer that makes ‘steaks’
A researcher has developed a plant-based meat substitute that's made with a 3D printer
Vivera Vegan Steak: Does It Taste Like The Real Thing?
Sampling Vegan Steaks
Vivera vegan steak: a review

(2006) Long-term angiotensin II AT1 receptor inhibition produces adipose tissue hypotrophy accompanied by increased expression of adiponectin and PPARγ
(2008) Angiotensin receptor blockers are lower incidence, progression of Alzheimer's disease
(2009) Disruption of the Ang II type 1 receptor promotes longevity in mice
(2009)Disruption of the Ang II type 1 receptor promotes longevity in mice (researchgate)
(2010) Angiotensin receptors as determinants of life span
(2012) Less Alzheimer's pathology with angiotensin receptor blocker use
(2012) New insights into angiotensin receptor actions: from blood pressure to aging
(2014) Brain renin-angiotensin system and dopaminergic cell vulnerability
(2016) Changes in Angiotensin Receptor Distribution and in Aortic Morphology Are Associated with Blood Pressure Control in Aged Metabolic Syndrome Rats

February 11, 2019

Solar cooling, work and housing

MP3 download

Will the Sun cool the Earth? by Ian Woolf,
Nathan Waters looks to the future of work and housing needs- part 2,
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Frost fairs, sunspots and the Little Ice Age
The 'imminent mini ice age' myth is back, and it's still wrong
Ultraviolet Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength Observation of Solar Analogs - Astrophysical Journal Letters

A grand solar minimum would barely make a dent in human-caused global warming

Solar Cooling: The Showdown Begins in 2020
The exponential growth of solar PV
Is exponential growth of solar PV the obvious conclusion?
Solar Power Could Still Save the World

Longer winters are coming in reality and will partially blunt global warming for 50 years
Suddenly, the sun is eerily quiet: Where did the sunspots go? (2014 instead of 2018)
NASA extreme low sunspot counts indicate global cooling onset (American Thinker)

February 18, 2019

Birds, bees and bots

MP3 download

Professor Srinivasan talks about how flying animals navigate, and applying their methods to aircraft.
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Professor Srinivasan

The Poladian Project
Neuroscience of vision and aerial robotics
Youtube channel of the biorobotics lab at the Queensland Brain Institute in Australia

February 25, 2019

Nano Molecular train sets

MP3 download

Cyber attack on Australia,
Weird technology from the US Navy, by Ian Woolf,
Nano-engineering molecular motors by Dr Shelley Wickham,
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Shelley Wickham

A DNA-based molecular motor that can navigate a network of tracks
Scientists Build DNA Rail System For Nanomotors, Complete With Tracks & Switches
Instructables - Design, Assembly, and Verification of a 2D DNA Origami Nanostructure

DNAliens BioMOd team

Australian political parties hit by 'state actor' hack, PM says
Hackers gain entry to Federal Parliament network
Infosec pro questions PM's claims about 'sophisticated' attack
Parliament attackers appear to have used Web shells
Iran or China? Competing claims about actor behind Parliament hack
Explained: The Liberal Party's Parakeelia rort
Parakeelia rented Liberal Party's 2013 election campaign headquarters
Taxpayer-funded surveillance: The Liberal Party database and i360 combine
XKCD: Voting Machines
Web shells
‘State actor’ makes cyber attack on Australian political parties
Liberal Party harnesses i360 big data in time for 2019 Federal Election
The Liberal Party’s Parakeelia laundering scheme
Parakeelia generates a record $900,000 for the Liberal Party
Parakeelia: The (almost) perfect Liberal Party Scam
Revealed: How the ALP keeps secret files on voters
Labor's voter tracking practices exposed by a simple Google search
Political Databases: where privacy goes to die
Voting within Australia

If These US Navy Patents are Made Then We Are in a Star Trek Technology World
Navy files for patent on room-temperature superconductor
Patent: Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor
Navy scientists develop room-temperature superconductor based on Al or PZT coating
Big If Real: Navy Files Patent on Room-Temperature Superconductor

About February 2019

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in February 2019. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2019 is the previous archive.

March 2019 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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