MP3 download John Teague builds an electro-mechanical board game, Wentian Zhang built an electronic nose, Anne Griebel protects tea tree forests, David Arnold predicts and prevents forest crimes with mathematics. Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf John Teague Wentian Zhang...
Posted by Ian Woolf on January 27, 2020 8:48 PM
MP3 download From Singularity University Australia Summit 2019: Kim Hulett talks about hacking sex and playing God, From CEBIT Sydney 2019: Steven Brinks talks about the Citizen's Space Agency. Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Kim Hulett (Singularity University South...
Posted by Ian Woolf on November 25, 2019 6:44 PM
download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Walk fast if you want to live by Ian Woolf, Daniel Bouzho talks about Manuka honey and bacteria, Raelene Sommer describes the Rhythmotron and Penrith Observatory. Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,...
Posted by Ian Woolf on June 4, 2018 4:23 PM
download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Hangover cure by Ian Woolf, Michael Widjaja talks about bacteria using cleavage, Kate Wilson talks about building the virtual Penrith Observatory. Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian...
Posted by Ian Woolf on May 28, 2018 11:31 PM
download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') New Zealand launches a 3D-printed rocket by Ian Woolf, Claude Sammut from UNSW talks about robots at CeBIT, Todd the T1000 by Jonathan Coulton, Gavin Smith from Voxon Photonics talks about 3D displays...
Posted by Ian Woolf on June 5, 2017 11:07 AM
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