download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Listen to the Ig Nobel Award 24/7 lectures, with news of compulsory Naval nuclear waste dumps and the Fram2Ham space mission. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Australia hasn’t figured out low-level nuclear...
Posted by Ian Woolf on January 13, 2025 10:16 PM
download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Nuclear diamond batteries by Ian Woolf, Ben Eggleton explains the science behind the internet. Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Rynos Theme by MacLeod ( Centre...
Posted by Ian Woolf on January 17, 2022 7:06 PM
download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Nuclear diamond batteries by Ian Woolf, Ben Eggleton explains the science behind the internet. Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Rynos Theme by MacLeod ( Centre...
Posted by Ian Woolf on November 6, 2017 6:05 PM
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