Entries from Diffusion Science radio tagged with 'psychology'

Nuclear proliferation and robot relations

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') This program was first broadcast in 2007, but the science is still valid, and the technology hasn't improved. A Diffusion Science Nuclear Proliferation Special Special Guests Dr Sue Wareham OAM of the Medical...

How do we smell, again? - part 1

MP3 download Chocolate news by Ian Woolf From 2020: James Hayes talks about the science of odour - part 1 Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Dr James Hayes UNSW Odour Laboratory Insights into the Multiscale Lubrication Mechanism of Edible...

Choice Blindness

download MP3Listen how choice blindness can lead to people defending the opposite to their original opinion, whether it be in a taste test, a survey, or in a eyewitness suspect line up, and how to be less likely to be...

Cute Beard Slime

download MP3 Ian Woolf reports on Cute Science, Beard beer, Alpha Centauri B's planet and HIV milk - with comments from Julie-Anne Popple and Arwen Cross. Julie-Anne Popple speaks with Chris Reid, a biologist from the University of Sydney, about...

Sex and the single geek

MP3 Listen to polymath Matthew Hall and hypnotherapist and counsellor Melinda Hall-King talk about the science of human courtship. Dedicated to the loving memory of Matthew Hall. Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf...

Frontiers of Science part 2

MP3 Listen to part 2 of the audience question and answer session of the Frontiers of Science Forum. Professor Robert Booy, Dr Anna Romanov, Associate Professor Susanna Guatelli and Dr David Bishop, with Ian Woolf. News of prebunking propaganda by...

Zwicky Dating Deja Vu

MP3 From 2001, David Blank tells the story of astronomer ahead of his time, Fritz Zwicky, From 2009, once again, Patrick Rubie explains to Ian Woolf the feeling that we've seen this before, from 2009, Patrick Rubie and I discuss...

Expressly Human - part 2

MP3 Computing pioneer Kathleen Booth reaches 100 by Ian Woolf, Dr Mark Changizi talks about how emotional expression evolved - part 2. Produced and presented by Ian Woolf Mark Changizi Expressly Human interview part 1 The Vision Revolution book review...

Expressly Human - part 1

MP3 Pleading the fourth - suing the CIA by Ian Woolf, Dr Mark Chanizi talks about what we said before language was invented - part 1. Produced and presented by Ian Woolf Mark Changizi Expressly Human interview part 2 The...

Goats, studs and smart beds

download MP3 This episode first broadcast in 2008: Goat sacrifices of the military by Ian Woolf, Wired Beds by Tilly Boleyn and Evan Shapiro, Junk DNA points the way by Patrick Rubie, Female rats prefer males with recent sexual experience...

The Public Goods game

download MP3 This episode was first broadcast in 2011: Mic Cavazzini chats with Professor Simon Gaechter from the University of Nottingham about why we humans just can't co-operate with one another- before putting our panelists through Gaechter's Public Goods Game...

New year new behaviour

MP3 download From the Singularity University Summit 2019: Shelley Laslett talks about the neuroscience of changing your behaviour, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Shelley Laslett Vitae Singularity University Australia Summit 2019...

Deception and Proteomics

MP3 download Our closest relatives are all of us, You can learn to change the way genes are expressed in your body, Ben Herbert explains proteomics, Melinda Hall King explains childhood deception, Produced and presented by Ian Woolf Ben Herbert...

How do we smell?

MP3 download Salty masks by Ian Woolf James Hayes talks about the science of odour - part 1 Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Dr James Hayes UNSW Odour Laboratory Universal and reusable virus deactivation system for respiratory protection A...

Changing behaviour

MP3 download From the Singularity University Summit 2019: Shelley Laslett talks about the neuroscience of changing your behaviour, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Shelley Laslett Vitae Singularity University Australia Summit 2019...

Baby thoughts, forget to learn

MP3 download Brain slices, green rain, weird dentistry, 9000 year old city, dried plum preserves, kids need to know, and purr therapy by Ian Woolf, Artificial noses by Gina Sartore, DIY GMO, potato bandages, and duct tape therapy by Ian...

Women's Day, Stem cells, and Multiple Sclerosis

MP3 Women in Science, Confident women, and delivery drones by Ian Woolf, Naomi Koh Belic talks about modelling Multiple Sclerosis with stem cells. Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Naomi Koh Belic The...

Polarity, courtrooms, chilli and weirdness

download MP3 From the dusty vaults of 2003: Christine Baker interviews Kip Williams from Macquarie University about courtroom psychology, Keir Smith looks at retinal displays, and finds his Uncle John's sense of direction, Adam Mark explains why pain can be...

Sexual ecology and Pirate privacy again

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') (This show was first broadcast on the 8th of July 2013) In Pitt St Mall, Ian Woolf talks to David W Campbell, Pirate Party Senate candidate about the PRISMbreak privacy protest. At Nerd...

Oz Space law and 2016 in review

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') 2016 science news in review by Ian Woolf, Steven Freeland talks about the review of Australian Space Law. From 2008: Melinda Hall-King talks about deception in the playground. Production checked by Charles Willock,...

Space Psychology Array

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Electric brains by Ian Woolf, Adena Silverstein on the psychology of space travel, Matthew Whiting on processing Big Data from the Australian Square Kilometre Array pathfinder telescope. Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced...

Neural Knitworks

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Writing beats typing for lecture notes by Ian Woolf, Pat Pillai yarns about knitting neurons for brain health. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf The Pen Is Mightier Than The Keyboard To remember...

Pet CSI, treasure maps and cartilage

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Spies in your eyes, Mouse muscle gets younger, and Whaling science by Ian Woolf. From FameLab NSW: Vince Polito talks about the psychology of Agency, Al Fathi talks about healing cartilage with new...

Thorium Trans-Tasman 3MT competition

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Poverty uses up more brain power by Ian Woolf Thorium SkeptiCamp presentation by Ian Woolf, Ian Woolf attended the Trans-Tasman 3 minute thesis competition and spoke to" Kelsey Kennedy about winning the Trans-Tasman...

Sexual ecology and Pirate privacy

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') In Pitt St Mall, Ian Woolf talks to David W Campbell, Pirate Party Senate candidate about the PRISMbreak privacy protest. At Nerd Nite Sydney, Ian Woolf chats with Dr Peter Jonason about the...

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