Entries from Diffusion Science radio tagged with 'stem cell'

Embryonic stem cells and the Organoids

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') From 2014 listen to Professor Michael Morris on investigating the basic science of embryology to find out how embryonic stem cells become all other cells. 2024 news of the Internet Archive is down,...

Strange Geometry in Antiquity - part 2

MP3 download Muscle regeneration, Facebook goes nuclear by Ian Woolf, Dr Daniel Mansfield speaks with Ian Woolf about the strange geometry used by the Babylonians 4000 years ago - part 2. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Dr Daniel Mansfield...

Baby thoughts, forget to learn

MP3 download Brain slices, green rain, weird dentistry, 9000 year old city, dried plum preserves, kids need to know, and purr therapy by Ian Woolf, Artificial noses by Gina Sartore, DIY GMO, potato bandages, and duct tape therapy by Ian...

Women's Day, Stem cells, and Multiple Sclerosis

MP3 Women in Science, Confident women, and delivery drones by Ian Woolf, Naomi Koh Belic talks about modelling Multiple Sclerosis with stem cells. Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Naomi Koh Belic The...

Digging dinosaurs

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Antibody to blood factor prevents brain ageing, Stem cell genes rejuvenate by Ian Woolf, Mitchell Seymour talks to Barry McKay about digging dinsosaurs, Put it To The test by They Might Be Giants,...

Biomimicry and coral bones

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Ultrasound for younger brains by Ian Woolf, Krishneel Singh talks about making bone out of stem cells from fat using inspiration from coral. Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian...

Embryonic stem cells and crocodiles again

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Crocodiles climb, and use tools, while alligators make video by Ian Woolf, Michael Morris spoke with Ian Woolf about investigating the basic science of embryology to find out how embryonic stem cells become...

Dynamics of expectation

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Nobel prize in Medicine for anti-parasite drugs by Ian Woolf Dr Casimir MacGregor talks about the sociology of anti-ageing and stem cell tourism, Glucose, glucose by Science Groove, Production checked by Charles Willock,...

Falling cats and Stem cell tourism

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Military drones for farmers and cataracts dissolved with eye drops by Ian Woolf, Dr Ken Silburn talks about falling cats and the dangers of DHMO, Dr Heather Main talks about Stem Cell Tourism,...

Healing corneas and building robots

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') News of: DARPA brain implants, Sony smart wigs, and prosthetic hands that feel, by Ian Woolf. Professor Stephanie Watson spoke with Ian Woolf about how she heals corneas with stem cells, From the...

Mechanical stem cells and Origin catalysts

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') The Trans-Pacific-Partnership, patents and copyrights by Ian Woolf, Professor Melissa Knothe Tate speaks with Ian Woolf about Mechanical stem cells, John August investigates the role of catalysts in the Origin of Life. Presented...

Hot locusts and digital contact lenses

download MP3 Patrick Rubie reports the news: - left handed sports - zebra fish heart stem cells - adventurers matched with scientists Ian Woolf reports on Augmented Reality contact lenses and the EyeRing, Julie-Anne Popple interviews Dr Fiona Clissold about...

Younger mice and spider invasions

MP3 download Marc West speaks to Dr Cor Vink about the invasion of foreign spiders to New Zealand Ian Woolf reports on the reversal of aging in Harvard lab mice, News from MX read by Ian Woolf: - private company...

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