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April 2016 Archives

April 4, 2016

STEAM through space bubbles

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Its raining innovation by Ian Woolf,
Solange Cunin talks about launching QuebRider's STEAM projects,
John Barrow talks about the Eternal Bubble Multiverse,
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

2016-03-30 20.19.04

730 Report Turnbull under fire for $10m water deal
Australian Rain Corporation
Paradise Dam Bundaberg Queensland trial 2008 (PDF)
Turnbull pumps $10m into rainmaking gamble
Malcolm Turnbull the rain man who speaks with forked tongue.
Cloud Ionization, Electric Rainmaking, and Laser-guided Weather Modification
How ATLANT™ works
Turnbull's $10m for 'rainmakers' with no proof
Clouds form over rainmaking technology
Rainmaking in Middle Eastern Desert: Success or Scam?
Dirty deals?
Australian Academy of Science Statement—Rain making proposal unscientific
Austran Rain trial reports
Malcolm Turnbull’s own $11 million donation/bribery scam comes back to haunt him
No Such Thing As A Free Lunch With Turnbull
Treasurer for sale: Joe Hockey offers privileged access
Malcolm the miracle worker
Contentious rain-making machine tested at Willunga
They've Made It Rain in the Desert -- or Have They?
Expert Team on
Weather Modification

Malcolm Turbull - Rain Man

April 11, 2016

Sly Moulds

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Robot cars driving blind people, Direct to brain bionic eyes, and lithium for long life by Ian Woolf,
Chris Reid talks about slime mould and their emergent behaviour.
Production checked by Charles Willock.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Chris Reid

Chris Reid

Slime (courtesy Audrey Dussutour)


Blind man chosen to test Google's driver-less car

Wireless bionic eye trials
Monash Vision Group bionic eye
Success stories in commercialisation: Bionic Eye
Australia's bionic eye

Lithium Promotes Longevity through GSK3/NRF2-Dependent Hormesis
Fruit flies live longer on lithium
Lithium study helps scientists unlock ageing puzzle

April 18, 2016

Biohacking baby formula

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Electric gustation by Ian Woolf,
Meow Ludo talks about biohacking baby formula with proteins from breast milk.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

2016-02-04 22.41.44


Human Augmentation lab

The taste of electric currents part 2
Japan invents electric 'salt-flavoured fork'
Japanese researchers create electric fork that alters the taste of food
No salt, no problem! Japanese Electro Fork zaps flavour into your mouth
This electric fork simulates a salty flabvour by shocking your tongue
Controling saltiness without salt: Evaluation of taste change by applying and releasing cathodal current
Electric Fork Adds Taste to Salt-free Meal
Japanese Researchers Creates Electric Fork That Alters the Taste of Food
Communication by changes in taste (slideshow)
Electric cup changes the way consumers taste drink
Virtual Reality conquers sense of taste

April 25, 2016

Pursuing pulsars, part 1

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Thought texting in development by Ian Woolf,
Part 1 of Jim Palfreyman talking about his research into the Vela pulsar.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf


The 'glitching' of the Vela pulsar
Temporal Evolution of the Vela Pulsar's Pulse Profile

Brain-to-text: decoding spoken phrases from phone representations in the brain
Speech Recognition from Brain Activity
‘Brain-to-Text’ system converts speech brainwave patterns to text

About April 2016

This page contains all entries posted to Diffusion Science radio in April 2016. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2016 is the previous archive.

May 2016 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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