Diffusion Science radio: I love that word, Meltdown

I love that word, Meltdown

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Ian Woolf tells us about the latest and greatest in stem cell organ transplant.
Victoria Bond, Ian Woolf, and Martin Faccini speak to to Matt Dawson, the amateur astronomer who named the recently discovered planetoid "255073: victoriabond".
Martin Faccini gives us an update on the Fukushima meltdown.

Hosted, paneled, and produced by Victoria Bond.

Minor Planet Ephemeris Service
: Query Results
Below are the results of your request from the Minor Planet Center's Minor Planet Ephemeris Service. Ephemerides are for the geocenter.

(255073) Victoriabond

Display all designations for this object / Show naming citation / # of variant orbits available = 3

Perturbed ephemeris below is based on 6-opp elements from MPO 184828. Last observed on 2010 Dec. 13.

Discovery date : 2005 10 30
Discovery site : Cote de Meuse
Discoverer(s) : Dawson, M.
Citation for (255073)
The following citation is from MPC 75550:

(255073) Victoriabond = 2005 UR8
Victoria Bond is the popular Australian science radio presenter of
"Diffusion Science Radio". Her catchphrase "Planetoid! I love that
word!" and accurate astronomy coverage have endeared her to listeners

July 25, 2011
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