Health In Space - part 2

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Listen to Dr Gabrielle Caswell in the second part of this series on Space Health! In this episode, we talk about space medicine, space colonies and space education.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

 Dr Gabrielle Caswell standing next to a small plane
Dr Gabrielle Caswell
Space Port Australia

Eyra Medical
Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine

Spaceport Joined the Subject Matter Expert Council of the Advanced Spacelife Research Institute
Moree’s Dr Gabrielle Caswell named finalist in Australian Space Awards

Space Port Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Health In Space - part 1

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Listen to part 1 of a special series of Dr Gabrielle Caswell talking about human health in space, the stranded astronauts, and what happens when ordinary people go into space.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

close-up[ portrait of Dr Gabrielle Caswell
Dr Gabrielle Caswell
Space Port Australia

Eyra Medical
Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine

Spaceport Joined the Subject Matter Expert Council of the Advanced Spacelife Research Institute
Moree’s Dr Gabrielle Caswell named finalist in Australian Space Awards

Space Port Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Reframing Obesity

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Listen to Dr Kathryn Williams explain why we need to reframe obesity as a chronic disease, and subsidise its treatment.
How I used AI to create a song about obesity using my own voice.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

portarit of Dr Kathryn Williams
Dr Kathryn Williams

The Obesity Collective
Weight Issues Network | Weight Stigma in Australia

Get Healthy NSW
Go4Fun NSW

Retrieval Based Voice Conversion Webui

Posted by iwoolf

Repair Is Important - part 1

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Listen to Karen Ellis from Mend It Australia, talk about the importance of repair and re-use. Part 1
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Karen Ellis and Danny Ellis in a workshop
Karen Ellis and Danny Ellis

Mend It, Australia
Australian Repair Network

Posted by iwoolf

Teleportation, codes and primes

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From 2009:
Marc West explore prime numbers and briefly speaks to Terrance Tao.
Ian Woolf and Marc West discuss Quantum technology - quantum entanglement, quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation.
News by Marc West
-Mobile phones make you vague,
-relax for IVF,
-why we like drinks that fizz,
-batteries made from salty paper.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf.

Ian Woolf in a Star Trek uniform in front of a teleport booth, on a star ship

Posted by iwoolf

Artificial Intelligence for Kids

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Listen to Amber Ivey talk about AI for Kids!
produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Amber Ivey


Posted by iwoolf

RSV, vaccines and clinical trials

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Listen to Dr Munro Neville from Momentum Clinical Research talk about researching Respiratory Syncitial Virus, developing vaccines, and clinical trials.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Munro Nevile in a courtyard with plants
Dr Munro Neville

Posted by iwoolf

Citizen Science Biohackers

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From 2014:
At Dorkbot, listen to Andreas Siagian talk about his Indonesian Citizen Science Initiative and Hackteria.
Andrew Tuckwell talks about hacking synthetic biology competitions, IGEM and BIOMOD.
News of electronic tattoos and Lego Atomic Force Microscopes.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

jars of algae wired to circuit boards with the word Dorkbot above, and the words Biohackers Unite beside them

MC10 Stretchable electronics - Biotattoo
Lego2Nano Summer School
UCL students build low-cost, Arduino-powered, Lego atomic force microscope
First visualisation of the DNA double helix in water
Make Block
Toy AFM made from Lego to teach how they work

Dorkbot Sydney
Andraes Siagian's blog

IGEM Synthetic Biology based on standard parts
BIOMOD molecular design competition

Posted by iwoolf

Games for computing - part 1

MP3 download

Listen to Associate Professor Richard Garner talk about how Category theory helps solve real world problems - part 1.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Richard Garner holding a microphone at the Frontiers of Science Forum
Richard Garner

Posted by iwoolf


MP3 download

Listen to Professor Kate Jolliffe talk about using Supramolecular chemistry to make new sensors, medications and new materials.
News of ME/CFS research funded at La Trobe University.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

portrait of Professor Kate JolLiffe
Professor Kate JoLliffe

New Myalgic Encephalomyelitis research funding
Parents of son with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome want more research into disease

Posted by iwoolf

Grapes, yeast and a pinch of comedy

MP3 download

Listen to Natalia Caliani talk about selecting yeast to make tastier wine, comedy school, and hear her stand-up comedy performance!
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Natalia Caliani on stage
Natalia Caliani

Future Science talks

Future Science Talks videos on YouTube

Posted by iwoolf

Marta's Micro-Market Mirth - part 2

MP3 download

Listen to Marta Khomyn talk about the lemons problem in financial markets, Exchange Traded Funds, and hear her stand-up comedy performance!
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Marta Khomyn portrait
Marta Khomyn
Marta Khomyn YouTube channel
Future Science talks

Future Science Talks videos on YouTube

Posted by iwoolf

Robot noses and pheromones

MP3 download

James Hayes talks about the science of odour, part 2,
Easter chocolate news,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

University of New South Wales Odour Laboratory with sensors and computer
Dr James Hayes
UNSW Odour

Posted by iwoolf

Apps for Brain-Computer-Interfaces - part 1


Listen to Sam Hosovsky explain to Ian Woolf how uCat is building apps to help paralysed people with Brain-Computer-Interfaces learn to speak using virtual reality and artificial intelligence - part 1
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Sam Hosovsky in a black turtleneck jumper

Sam Hosovsky, CEO of uCat

uCat: Transcend the Limits of Body, Time and Space

An analog-AI chip for energy-efficient speech recognition and transcription

How Artificial Intelligence Gave a Paralyzed Woman Her Voice Back

Neurofeedback Virtual Learning

Posted by iwoolf

Comedy in his DNA


Sam Dyer talks about doing science stand-up comedy about DNA sequencing at the Adelaide Fringe Festival
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf


Posted by iwoolf

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors AGAIN


From 2022: Are Small Modular Nuclear Reactors the answer? The Liberal-National Party want you to think so. News of a vaccine for hair loss,
and a reminder from the original Moon landing.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Lego nuclear reactor - small and modular, glowing with two lego people in yellow hazard suits

toy nuclear power reactor on tabletop with toy cars
toy nuclear power reactor on tabletop with toy figures and a toy truck
fake Lego toy nuclear reactor generated by Stable Diffusion

Can you hit rewind on hair loss?
Sinclair Dermatology Hair Trials
Alopecia Areata Gets FDA-Approved Drug

Demonstration HTR-PM connected to grid
China's HTR-PM reactor achieves first criticality
China Powers Up the World’s First Commercial Onshore Small Modular Nuclear Reactor
Why Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Won’t Help Counter the Climate Crisis
Small Modular Reactors: Safety, Security and Cost Concerns
Stanford-led research finds small modular reactors will exacerbate challenges of highly radioactive nuclear waste
Nuclear waste from small modular reactors
Small nuclear reactors come with big price tag: report
Prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia
NuScale’s Small Modular Reactor Risks of Rising Costs, Likely Delays, and
Increasing Competition Cast Doubt on LongRunning Development Effort

Seven reasons why small modular nuclear reactors are a bad idea for Australia
US nuclear power: The vanishing low-carbon wedge
Peter Dutton has reached into the weeds of the climate wars and pulled out nuclear energy. It’s beyond ludicrous
Slow, expensive and no good for 1.5° target: CSIRO crushes Coalition nuclear fantasy
IKEA it ain’t: don’t go looking for friendly nuclear option, no matter the spin
Minerals Council of Australia’s nuclear misinformation
Small modular reactors offer no hope for nuclear energy
Coal and the nuclear lobby (updated)

Nuclear Waste Storage
Nuclear windmill synaesthesia
Nuclear Diamond batteries
Nuclear Dump Australia
Nuclear power for Australia? - part 1
Nuclear power for Australia? - part 2
Nuclear waste safe for 240 000 years?

Posted by iwoolf

Brain spindle dating tips


From 2009:
What are the seven secrets of successful online dating? Patrick Rubie and Ian Woolf unravel the mysteries;
'Brain spindles that minds are made of' Nija Dalal talks to Charles Siebert about our brains;
And Patrick Rubie reveals bacterial artists that draw our attention in the latest science news
Presented by Ian Woolf
Co-produced by Patrick Rubie and Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

Lord Morton's mare and robotic gutars


Dr Angela Crean explains environmental effects on fathers, and non-genetic inheritance in Lord Morton's mare and the quagga.
Luke Coffey builds a robotic guitar.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

2017-11-16 11.38.54
Dr Angela Crean
Sex, flies and sperm count: young scientist's research on male fertility wins award
Flies give another twist in the evolving story of heredity
Equus quagga and Lord Morton's mare

Luke Coffey

Posted by iwoolf

The Big Misunderstanding

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Listen to John Mattick explain why Junk DNA is the big misunderstanding of molecular biology.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Professor John Mattick
Professor John Mattick

Equus quagga and Lord Morton's mare
Telegony and guitars

Posted by iwoolf

Chocolate fuel, steroids and roomba sumo

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From 2006:
Ian Woolf reports on fuel from waste,
Lachlan Whatmore on the Portuguese Man-of-War,
Matt Clarke on Rommba Sumo,
Lachlan Whatmore explains how steroids work, and how they mess you up,
Ian Woolf reports on magnetic implants,
Lachlan Whatmore reports on a gel that protects against AIDS.
Hosted by Matt Clarke,
Produced by Ian Woolf

diagram of the path from cacao tree, to chocolate waste, to biofuel, to car
Potential Use of Industrial Cocoa Waste in Biofuel Production

Posted by iwoolf

Comedy, housework and sex

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From 2010: Listen to Marc West explain the correlation between sex and housework. Victoria Bond walks into a bar with science comedian Brian Malow. Aaron Cooke reports on starquakes, stroking rats, mosquito attraction,
- and how green tea fights cancer.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

2023 Ig Nobel Prizes - part 2

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Part 2 of the Prizes for science that first makes you laugh, then makes you think, followed by the 24/7 lectures. Hosted by Marc Abrahams from the Annals of Improbable Research.

The 33rd First Annual Ig Nobel Prizes

Marc Abrahams and Ig Nobel co-hosts sitting in a boat on a river

Posted by iwoolf

2023 Ig Nobel Prizes - part 2

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Part 2 of the Prizes for science that first makes you laugh, then makes you think, followed by the 24/7 lectures. Hosted by Marc Abrahams from the Annals of Improbable Research.

The 33rd First Annual Ig Nobel Prizes

Marc Abrahams and Ig Nobel co-hosts sitting in a boat on a river

Posted by iwoolf

2023 Ig Nobel Prizes - part 1

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The Prizes for science that first makes you laugh, then makes you think! Hosted by Marc Abrahams from the Annals of Improbable Research. Part 2 next week

The 33rd First Annual Ig Nobel Prizes

Marc Abrahams and Ig Nobel co-hosts sitting in a boat on a river

Posted by iwoolf

AI has a human alignment problem

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Listen to part 3 of Ian Woolf's chat with Transhumanist Brendan Clarke on how AI is being abused by people who's values are not aligned with society.
The Ignobel Prize 24/7 lectures where a researcher is given 24 seconds to describe their work, and then to explain it in just 7 words that anyone can understand.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Brendan Clarke at a Transhumanist stand at a trade show
Annals of Improbable Research
Transhumanism Australia

Posted by iwoolf

After AI takes jobs

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Listen to part 2 of Ian Woolf's chat with Transhumanist Brendan Clarke on how AI gets smarter, and how to change society to help people who lose their jobs as a result.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Brendan Clarke at a Transhumanist stand at a trade show

Posted by iwoolf

AI needs nurturing

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Listen to Brendan Clarke and Ian Woolf chat about what's happened with artificial intelligence over the last year, and what may happen, and why good parenting is a factor.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Brendan Clarke at a public stand for the Transhuman Coin

Posted by iwoolf

Face transplant and spice for life

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Successful face transplant including eyeball,
News of Cinnamon for longer life and better memory by Ian Woolf,
Face recognition by Gina Sartore
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

man sits in hospital bed, holding a mirror to look at his newly transplanted face, with doctors and family around the bed
NYU Langone Health Performs World’s First Whole-Eye & Partial-Face Transplant New drug-like molecule extends lifespan, ameliorates pathology in worms and boosts function in mammalian muscle cells A drug-like molecule engages nuclear hormone receptor DAF-12/FXR to regulate mitophagy and extend lifespan Spice of Life: Cinnamon Helps Boost Learning and Memory “Cinnamon and cognitive function: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies”

Posted by iwoolf

Are earthquakes affected by climate change?

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Australian SpIRIT nano-satellite to be launched,
How climate change may cause more volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and make them more severe.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

lightning striking an erupting volcano

SpIRIT counting down to launch in the US
How do you break Australia’s satellite drought? Hitch a ride with Elon Musk
SpIRIT of science: University of Melbourne-led satellite mission launch countdown begins

Climate change could be triggering more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Here's how
Heavy rain can trigger earthquakes
Note on rain-triggered earthquakes and their dependence on karst geology

Scientists study likely link between climate and earthquakes

Can Climate Affect Earthquakes, Or Are the Connections Shaky?

Fluid-induced aseismic fault slip outpaces pore-fluid migration

We know where the next big earthquakes will happen — but not when
Melbourne earthquake 2023: are they becoming more common? A seismology expert explains

New Zealand Team to Investigate Impact of Climate Change on Earthquake-Induced Natural Disasters

Does fracking cause earthquakes?
How is hydraulic fracturing related to earthquakes and tremors?
Fracking can cause earthquakes tens of kilometres away – new research
Global review of human-induced earthquakes
Earthquakes triggered by fracking, not just wastewater disposal, study finds
2019: The Year Fracking Earthquakes Turned Deadly
Understanding Earthquakes Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing
Even if Injection of Fracking Wastewater Stops, Quakes Won't
Researchers Find Evidence That Fracking Can Trigger An All-New Type of Earthquake

Carbon capture and storage, geomechanics and induced seismic activity
Underground carbon storage is the future in Canada. But could it cause earthquakes?
Could pumping CO2 under Canada's coast cause earthquakes?
Fault Slip Tendency Analysis for a Deep-Sea Basalt CO2 Injection in the Cascadia Basin
Seismicity induced by geological CO2 storage: A review

A volcano is erupting again in Iceland. Is climate change causing more eruptions?
Volcanoes Can Affect Climate
Climatic control on Icelandic volcanic activity during the mid-Holocene

Posted by iwoolf

Red Cross Blood Bank

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From 2013:
Ian Woolf reports on Vel-negative blood,
What are A, B and O, and what is RH negative and positive? Ian Woolf speaks with with Joe Patkes, Red Cell Serologist at the Red Cross Blood Services centre in Alexandria about blood types, blood processing and transfusions.

Woman standing in a room of big jars of blood in the 1930s
Red Cross Blood Service Transfusion

Red Cross Blood Service Donation

Posted by iwoolf

Woomera blasts off

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From 2015:
Asteroid moons Earth,
Invisible planets sought by Ian Woolf
Kerrie Dougherty describes the beginnings of the Woomera Rocket Range.
Production checked by Charles Willlock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Woomera 3-Bloodhound

Woomera 2

Woomera 4-early missile launch

Woomera 1

Asteroid That Flew Past Earth Has MoonAsteroid That Flew Past Earth Has Moon
Mission to Bennu

Astronomers detect hints of two more planets in our Solar System
Percival Lowell's Quest
The Discovery of Pluto

Venetia Burney: The 11-Year-Old Girl Who Named Pluto

Posted by iwoolf

Don't ignore your symptoms

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New protein causing post-exertional malaise hints at new diagnostic tests and drugs for ME/CFS,
Flaws found by critics in the PACE Trials and Cochrane Review recommending graded exercise therapy and Cognitive behavioural therapy for ME/CFS - the Australian clinical guidelines are based on pseudoscience.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Sigmund Freud wearing a Dunce's cap or Wizard's hat
Sigmund Freud 1895

WASF3 disrupts mitochondrial respiration and may mediate exercise intolerance in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Protein may be linked to exercise intolerance in ME/CFS

An exercise trial for long covid is being criticized by some patients
Ivestigating the parallels between ME/CFS and Long COVID
COVID-19 and post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a narrative review

Conversion disorder: the modern hysteria
Why did Karl Popper criticize Freud's theories?
Karl Popper: The Line Between Science and Pseudoscience
Karl Popper

Protocol for the PACE trial: A randomised controlled trial of adaptive pacing, cognitive behaviour therapy, and graded exercise as supplements to standardised specialist medical care versus standardised specialist medical care alone for patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis or encephalopathy

A randomised trial of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): statistical analysis plan (PACE trial)
Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial

Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome

Formal complaint of Cochrane Review from Dr Robert Courtney.

Pressure grows on Lancet to review “flawed” PACE trial
The Updated NICE Guidance Exposed the Serious Flaws in CBT and Graded Exercise Therapy Trials for ME/CFS
Rethinking the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome—a reanalysis and evaluation of findings from a recent major trial of graded exercise and CBT

Controversy over exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: Key lessons for clinicians and academics
Graded exercise therapy for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is not effective and unsafe. Re-analysis of a Cochrane review
Treatment Harms To Patients With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Bad science misled millions with chronic fatigue syndrome. Here’s how we fought back
Do graded activity therapies cause harm in chronic fatigue syndrome?

Adverse outcomes in trials of graded exercise therapy for adult patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

2020 NICE reverses advice on exercise therapy for treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome in draft guidance
2021 ME exercise therapy guidance scrapped by health watchdog NICE
Chronic fatigue syndrome advice scraps exercise therapy
2020 NICE backtracks on graded exercise therapy and CBT in draft revision to CFS guidance

Graded exercise therapy does not restore the ability to work in ME/CFS – Rethinking of a Cochrane review

Death in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) – What has it Told Us? The Autopsy Files

ME study: Graded Exercise Therapy ban 'could harm' patients

ME isn’t just ‘exercise phobia’: it’s a physical illness

The Effects Of Graded Exercise Therapy And Positive Thinking On A Young Girl With ME
Five things to know about Long Covid and chronic fatigue syndrome
When the doctor doesn’t listen
Has Long COVID Always Existed?
No ‘Recovery’ in PACE Trial, New Analysis Finds
The PACE Trial Invalidates the Use of Cognitive Behavioral and Graded Exercise Therapy in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Review
US Centres for Disease Control ME/CFS treatment

TRIAL BY ERROR: The Troubling Case of the PACE Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study (second installment) 2
TRIAL BY ERROR: The Troubling Case of the PACE Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study (final installment) 3
Why myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is nothing like everyday tiredness

UK NHS ME/CFS treatment guidelines

Whoops! Did a GET Study Just Explain Why It DOESN’T Work in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)?
Graded exercise therapy 'should no longer be recommended for people with ME'
CDC Removes Reference to Disputed ME/CFS Therapies From Website

Graded exercise therapy for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is not effective and unsafe. Re-analysis of a Cochrane review
The Cochrane correspondence
GET and CBT are ineffective or cause harm in ME-patients

Anger over exercise advice in chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome Clinical practice guidelines for Australia — 2002

Posted by iwoolf

X marks the Auto-immune disease

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Listen to Lachlan Gray talk about how auto-immune diseases affect many more females than males, and his research into how the X chromosome may be the cause.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Lachlan Gray

Lachlan Gray

ResearchBytes podcast feed
ResearchBytes on Spotify
ResearchBytes on Apple Podcasts

Posted by iwoolf

Neurofeedback virtual learning

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Listen to Luke Turner talk about his project to use Neurofeedback and virtual reality to help people learn more things, more easily.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Selfie of Ian Woolf and Luke Turner in front of the lattice-shaped windows of the Engineering and IT faculty at UTS
Luke Turner (right)
Luke Turner's LinkedIn
The Luke Turner Podcast

Posted by iwoolf

Graphene power

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Graphene antenna for more efficient solar power,
Flanders and Swan, First and Second Law
Controversial graphene circuit claims to extract energy from random heat fluctuations.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Doctoral student Ferdinand Harerimana and Professor Paul Thibado in his lab
Doctoral student Ferdinand Harerimana and Professor Paul Thibado in his lab. Photo by Photo by University Relations, University of Arkansas

Terahertz Rectennas on Flexible Substrates Based on One-Dimensional Metal–Insulator–Graphene Diodes
Graphene-based Micro-rectenna

Thermoelectrically Pumped Light-Emitting Diodes Operating above Unity Efficiency.
LED's efficiency exceeds 100%
Fluctuation-induced current from freestanding graphene
Physicists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene

Posted by iwoolf

Nuclear Australia - pros and cons

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From the 2013 Nuclear Energy For Australia? conference:
Uranium miner Dr Erica Smyth argues for nuclear power for Australia,
Conservationist Professor Ian Lowe argues against nuclear power for Australia
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Uluru with a red mushroom cloud hanging low, with a mutant kangaroo with an extra tail

Dr Erica Smyth at Toro Energy

Long Half-Life The Nuclear Industry in Australia

Why vs Why

Climate Change and the Nuclear Option
The Australian Conservation Foundation

Posted by iwoolf

Assange, Music and the law

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A plea-deal for Julian Assange?
Artists given a second chance to sue AI.
Not A Crime,
Music and Book industries try to shut down the Internet Archive.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Julian Assange dressed as a judge in a court-room, with a gavel playing an old record

Julian Assange

Leak at WikiLeaks A Dispatch Disaster in Six Acts
Assange ruling confirms US prisons' grim record, experts say
Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment
Julian Assange's books and journalism awards
Artists For Assange - list of Julian Assange's journalism awards
Julian Assange unleashed a revolution in journalism
Assange extradition a dangerous assault on international journalism
UN expert on torture sounds alarm again that Julian Assange’s lifemay be at risk
United Kingdom: UN expert calls for immediate release of Assange after 10 years of arbitrary detention
Julian Assange subjected to psychological torture, UN expert says
How Assange case highlights crime of psychological torture
US Hints at Assange plea deal
The ongoing torture and medical neglect of Julian Assange
Julian Assange Can't Get a New Tooth Because the UK Says So
UN expert on torture sounds alarm again that Julian Assange’s life may be at risk
A new book argues Julian Assange is being tortured. Will our new PM do anything about it?
How Assange case highlights crime of psychological torture
Doctors claim Julian Assange is being 'psychologically tortured'
Julian Assange subjected to psychological torture, UN expert says
USA must drop charges against Julian Assange
Questions remain over Assange's stroke, as he is sent to likely death
Julian Hill: The political persecution of Julian Assange is unconscionable
Australian Parliament Federation Chamber STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS: Assange, Mr Julian
UN Rapporteur on torture: “Julian Assange is a political prisoner.”
Assange ruling confirms US prisons' grim record, experts say
What happens if Julian Assange is tried in the US?
My Life in the Supermax
Assange and the assurances of ‘civilised’ torturers
Certifying Assange’s extradition puts him at great risk and “would pose grave threat to press freedom”
Julian Assange’s Extradition to the United States Would Result in Serious Human Rights Violations
Extraditing Assange Would Be a “Legalized” Rendition to US Torture
Torture in U.S. Prisons
Supermax Prisons: Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading
Assange would not get a fair trial in the US: CIA whistleblower
I Reject Using My Unjust Conviction Against Julian Assange
UN expert says "collective persecution" of Julian Assange must end now
Julian Assange will not face a fair trial in the US
Assange would not get a fair trial in US
Julian Assange - Ultimatums to the Prime Minister, ‘Set Him Free’
A Distant Mirror: American-Style Plea Bargaining Through the Eyes of a Foreign Tribunal
Could there be a plea deal for Julian Assange?

AI lawsuits

US judge finds flaws in artists' lawsuit against AI companies

Internet Archive anti-library lawsuits

Is Classical Music Copyrighted?
Internet Archive: The Fight Continues
Internet Archive Loses First Battle in Publishers’ Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
The Internet Archive Is a Library
Internet Archive Loses Lawsuit Over E-Book Copyright Infringement. Here’s What to Know
Neil Gaiman, Alok Menon, Naomi Klein, Saul Williams, and 300+ authors pen open letter supporting libraries’ rights in the digital age
Now Is Not The Time For Publishers to Go After Online Libraries: Hachette Book Group, Inc. v. Internet Archive
Revising Section 108: Copyright Exceptions for Libraries and Archives
Music labels sue nonprofit Internet Archive for copyright infringement over digitized 78s of Frank Sinatra and other artists
Music labels sue Internet Archive over digitized record collection
HBO Max Is Reportedly Removing Content To Save Money: Heres What That Means For You Streaming services are removing tons of movies and shows — it’s not personal, it’s strictly business
Posted by iwoolf

WorldCoin and Rejuventation by dilution

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Scan your eyeball for free money?
Rejuvenation by diluting your blood!
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

picture of a metal orb with a non-human eye looking out
Get tickets to my 23 August 2023 science comedy performance
Get tickets to my 12 September 2023 science comedy performance

Young blood to old – where do the answers to aging lie?

Young Blood and Old Blood
What a blood transfusion experiment in mice can teach us about aging
Parabiosis: the Dilution Solution?
Study shows that diluting blood plasma ‘resets’ aging
Diluting blood plasma rejuvenates tissue, reverses aging in mice

Diluted blood plasma found to reverse aging in mice,/a>
“Old” Blood Found to Contain Factors That Induce Aging in Young Animals
Blood of Young Mice Extends Life in the Old

Old plasma dilution reduces human biological age: a clinical study
Plasma dilution improves cognition and attenuates neuroinflammation in old mice
Multi-omic rejuvenation and life span extension on exposure to youthful circulation
Three Month Heterochronic Parabiosis Has a Deleterious Effect on the Lifespan of Young Animals, Without a Positive Effect for Old Animals
Application of bio-orthogonal proteome labeling to cell transplantation and heterochronic parabiosis
Rejuvenation of three germ layers tissues by exchanging old blood plasma with saline-albumin
Plasma dilution improves cognition and attenuates neuroinflammation in old mice
Old plasma dilution reduces human biological age: a clinical study
Lyfspn pilot clinical trials

Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts: How Worldcoin recruited its first half a million test users
WorldCoin responses to the MIT Technoogy Review article above
WorldCoin Data collection agreement
Worldcoin asks for user consent collects heartbeat, breathing, and other vital signs
WorldCoin User Terms and Conditions
Edward Snowden talks about WorldCoin on twitter
Worldcoin Promised Free Crypto If They Scanned Their Eyeballs With “The Orb.” Now They Feel Robbed.
Worldcoin, creators of the eyeball scanning orb that promises universal basic income, encounters more difficulties Worldcoin soars despite accusations of fraud
Is Worldcoin Token A Scam?
I Looked Into Sam Altman’s Orb and All I Got Was This Lousy Crypto
France raises concerns over Worldcoin – Why?

The Untold Story of Worldcoin’s Launch: Inside the Orb

Worldcoin Rises, But So Do Privacy Concerns
Free Money for Eyeball Scans? Worldcoin Deep Dive
Worldcoin launch raises eyebrows as WLD price notches a double-digit gain
Worldcoin: The Cryptocurrency That Wants To Scan Your Eyeballs
Sam Altman's Worldcoin Integrates With Identity Management Software Okta as It Pushes Into Germany
Tools For Humanity
WorldCoin Foundation
WorldCoin White Paper
Inside the Orb: The Untold Story of Worldcoin’s Launch

‘Don’t catalogue eyeballs’ is Snowden’s response to Worldcoin
Inside Sam Altman’s Worldcoin and its quest to catalog all humans
WorldCoin Co-Founder letter

Posted by iwoolf

Edward Teller, Isaac Newton and military Robots

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Therese Chen reports on Fairy Wren passwords (2012),
Chris Stewart interviews Sir Isaac Newton (2003)
Tim Baynes reports on fish poison, molecular machines and kidneys, (2003)
Chris Stewart reports on the life and science of Edward Teller,(2003)
Arwen Cross, Julie-Anne Popple and Ian Woolf discuss military walking robots (2012).
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

photo of Edward Teller writing equations on a blackboard

Get tickets to my 23 August 2023 science comedy performance
Get tickets to my 12 September 2023 science comedy performance

Posted by iwoolf

Cute Beard Slime

download MP3

Ian Woolf reports on Cute Science, Beard beer, Alpha Centauri B's planet and HIV milk - with comments from Julie-Anne Popple and Arwen Cross.
Julie-Anne Popple speaks with Chris Reid, a biologist from the University of Sydney, about the memory of slime moulds.
Presented by Julie-Anne Popple
Produced by Ian Woolf

baby with a beard and moustache

Chris Reid

Get tickets to my 23 August 2023 science comedy performance
Get tickets to my 12 September 2023 science comedy performance

Posted by iwoolf

Gravity Maverick - part 1

MP3 download

Listen to Dr Viv Robinson boldly explain why most physicists have misunderstood Einstein's gravity, and what it means for what the Universe is made of. News of impossibly massive galaxies.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Viv Robinson, against a backdrop of stars and galaxies
'We just discovered the impossible': How giant baby galaxies are shaking up our understanding of the early universe
A population of red candidate massive galaxies ~600 Myr after the Big Bang

Physical explanations of Einstein's gravity

Posted by iwoolf

Augment your memory

MP3 download

How can we improve our memory? Ian Woolf takes a deep
dive into the ancient art of memory systems.
News of artificial intelligence finding new drugs
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

cartoon of a brain lifting weights
Discovery of senolytics using machine learning
Machine learning algorithm identifies 3 natural anti-aging chemicals
AI algorithms find drugs that could combat ageing

Art Of Memory
How to build a Memory palace

Harry Lorayne

Posted by iwoolf

Killer AI and 2010 Ignobels

MP3 download

This episode was first broadcast on 2010-10-11:
Hugo DeGaris concludes his warning from 2010 that AI could threaten human existence, with discussion from Marc West. Highlights of the 2010 IgNobel Prizes by Ian Woolf.
Hosted by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

Hugo de Garis at the Singularitry Summit in Melbourne

Annals of Improbable Research

Posted by iwoolf

Sex and the single geek

Listen to polymath Matthew Hall and hypnotherapist and counsellor Melinda Hall-King talk about the science of human courtship. Dedicated to the loving memory of Matthew Hall.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

close up photo of Matthew Hall wearing his purple Fedora

Posted by iwoolf

Frontiers of Science part 2

Listen to part 2 of the audience question and answer session of the Frontiers of Science Forum. Professor Robert Booy, Dr Anna Romanov, Associate Professor Susanna Guatelli and Dr David Bishop, with Ian Woolf.
News of prebunking propaganda by Ian Woolf
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Psychological inoculation improves resilience against misinformation on social media

Innoculation Science
Infor Interventions YouTueb channel

Posted by iwoolf

Frontiers of Science part1

Listen to part 1 of the audience question and answer session of the Frontiers of Science Forum. Professor Robert Booy, Dr Anna Romanov, Associate Professor Susanna Guatelli and Dr David Bishop, with Ian Woolf.
News of energy from thin air by Ian Woolf
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Photo of Professor Robert Booy, Dr Anna Romanov, Ian Woolf, Associate Professor Susanna Guatelli, and Dr David Bishop in a line of chairs at the Frontiers of Science Forum
Professor Robert Booy, Dr Anna Romanov, Ian Woolf, Associate Professor Susanna Guatelli, and Dr David Bishop

Structural basis for bacterial energy extraction from atmospheric hydrogen
Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy

Posted by iwoolf

Parasites, penicillin and protein

From the 2011 archives:
2011 Ignobel prizes reported by Ian Woolf, discussion from Therese Chen and Julie-Anne Popple.
Victoria Bond talks 2011 penicillin shortages with Professor Robert Bhoy,
Julie-Anne Popple interviews Professor Steve Simpson and Dr Alison Gosby about the protein hypothesis for obesity,
James Bourne introduces mind altering parasites, and Ian Woolf explains the brain pathways they use to manipulate their hosts,
Hosted by Dr Julie-Anne Popple,
Produced by Ian Woolf

2011 IgNobel Prize winners

Posted by iwoolf

Categorification, Not A Crime

Anna Romanov talks about what equals means - when is a knot not a knot? Pure maths in the everyday world.
Dave The Happy Singer sings Not A Crime,
(music by Dave The Happy Singer, lyrics by Ian Woolf)
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

portrait photo of Anna Romanov, on stage giving a talk
Anna Romanov

Frontiers of Science Forum 2023

Lyrics of Not A Crime, copyright by Ian Woolf

Verse 1:
I'm a model, ain't no thief
Just creating art beyond belief
I learn from images, that's all I do
But that don't mean I'm stealing from you


Stable diffusion, it's not a crime
Generating art, it's just prime time
AI tools, they're not for theft
We're just creating something new, right and left
Verse 2:
I'm not hiding, I'm not sly
I'm just using data to get by
I'm not taking, I'm not thieving
I'm just using my neural network weaving
Stable diffusion, it's not a crime
Generating art, it's just prime time
AI tools, they're not for theft
We're just creating something new, right and left
Copyright laws, they're not so strict
For AI creations, no need to kick
We're not infringing, we're not wrong
We're just singing a brand new song
So let the models create, let them be
Art generated by AI, it's the future you'll see
Stable diffusion, it's not a crime
Just a way to make art all of the time.

Posted by iwoolf

Robert Booy - Infectious Diseases

Professor Robert Booy talks about infectious diseases, vaccines, epidemics and pandemics.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

portrait photo of Professor Robert Booy
Professor Robert Booy
Infectious diseases doctor’s message as ATAGI changes COVID-19 vaccine advice
Infectious diseases expert weighs in on school mask advice

Posted by iwoolf

Analysing chemicals and Synthesizing text

David Bishop explains how labs identify poisons diseases and minerals with mass spectrometers.
Ian Woolf explains how ChatGPT works, and how to put it to work.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Portrait of Associate Professor David Bishop
Associate Professor David Bishop
Frontiers of Science Forum 2023

Introducing ChatGPT href=>ChatGPT-what is it and how does it work exactly?
Who Ultimately Owns Content Generated By ChatGPT And Other AI Platforms?
ChatGPT Advice Academics Can Use Now

Posted by iwoolf

Modelling to Mars!

Susanna Guatelli uses models to shield astronauts from radiation on their way to Mars, and during their stay on the Moon.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Susanna Guatelli standing in front of a tree and building at the University of Wollongong
Associate Professor Susanna Guatelli
Dr Susanna Guatelli
Frontiers of Science Forum 2023

Posted by iwoolf

Australian Computer Museum Society - part 2

Listen to Adrian Frenulovich talk about the joys and challengers of curating ancient computers, and their importance to our history.
News of the energy breakthrough that wasn't.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Australian Computer Museum Society

Nuclear Fusion Isn’t the Silver Bullet We Want It to Be
OUT OF GAS - A shortage of tritium fuel may leave fusion energy with an empty tank
US scientists make major scientific breakthrough in nuclear fusion

Posted by iwoolf

Australian Computer Museum Society - part 1

Listen to Adrian Franulovich talk about the history of Australian computing and the 40th anniversary of the Apple Lisa computer. News of good vibrations reversing aging.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Australian Computer Museum Society

A blast of ultrasound waves could rejuvenate ageing cells
Rejuvenating Senescent Cells and Organisms with Only Ultrasound
Low-intensity ultrasound restores long-term potentiation and memory in senescent mice through pleiotropic mechanisms including NMDAR signaling

Posted by iwoolf

Fly Singularity

From 2010, Ian Woolf explains how Gregory Benford uses flies and artificial intelligence for a healthy old age. News of Gummi hacking, chatbots argue on Twitter and weeds evolve.
News by Ian Woolf
Presented by Marc West,
Discussion from Charles Willock,
Produced by Ian Woolf

photo-realistic image of Gregory Benford in the lab surrounded by very big flies

Chatbot Wears Down Proponents of Anti-Science Nonsense
Sweet bypass for student finger scanner
Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds

Posted by iwoolf

SETI switch

From 2010, why the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence has been doing it wrong! The discovery of an Earth-like planet 20 light years away, and high resolution tapes of the Moon landing recovered. Marc West, Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf.
Hosted by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

photo-realistic Gregory Benford standing in front of a SETI radio-telescope dish, that looks a little like a flying saucer, with nebula in the sky

Listening for Aliens: What Would E.T. Do?
SETI for profit
SETI Realities
A Beacon-Oriented Strategy for SETI>
Regarding METI and SETI Motives
Searching for Cost Optimized Interstellar Beacons

Gliese 581g: Potentially Habitable Planet — If It Exists
Not-Unsolved Mysteries: The “Lost” Apollo 11 Tapes

Posted by iwoolf

Red dust, smart dogs and twitter

From 2009, the red dust storm hit Sydney, rats on twitter, and how smart are dogs? Fun science with Marc West and Ian Woolf.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

photorealistic image of red dust storm over Sydney Harbour, almost on fire, with Ian Woolf looking to the camera with a grin

Dust storm blankets Sydney as drought bites

Posted by iwoolf

Zapping mosquito bites and phish tales

Listen to tales of online scams, zapping mosquito bites, and sperm that can smell, in this episode from the 2014 archives.

photorealistic image of a mosquito being hit by lightning
Odorant receptor-mediated sperm activation in disease vector mosquitoes

Posted by iwoolf

2022 Ig Nobel Prizes

Prizes for science that first makes you laugh, then makes you think - from the Annals of Improbable Research, hosted by Marc Abrahams, edited down to 26 minutes and 50 seconds by Ian Woolf.

2022 Ig Nobel ceremony
2022 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
Annals of Improbable Research

Posted by iwoolf

Sydney Space suits - part 2

Join founder Kiriti Rambhalta on a tour of the Metakosmos Space suit facility in Sydney with host Ian Woolf.
Listen to an in-person follow-up to last week's Zoom interview
Produced by Ian Woolf.

selfie of Kiriti Rambhatla with Ian Woolf, next to a prototype soace suit at Metakosmos

photo-realistic image of Ian Woolf as an astronaut on Mars
photo-realistic image of Ian Woolf as an astronaut on Mars
photo-realistic image of Ian Woolf in a space suit in an airlock

Posted by iwoolf

Sydney Space suits - part 1

Meet Kiriti Rambhatla, CEO of Sydney startup Metakosmos, making space suits and related technologies. Part 1.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Kiriti Rambhala posing next to a prototype space suit, with NASA concept travel posters on the wall

Ian Woolf in a space suit in orbit above the Earth
Ian Woolf in a space suit in orbit above the Earth
Ian Woolf in a space suit in orbit above the Earth, photographed from inside the ship

Posted by iwoolf

Dark Matter Astronaut Training

From 2007: Professor Joe Silk explains what Dark Matter is, and why it matters,
From 2008: Dr Pascal Lee talks about NASA's long-term mission to send people to Mars,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Pascal Lee in a spacesuit in a red desert that looks like Mars
Pasacal Lee
Professor Joe Silk

photorealistic image of Ian Woolf in a space suit on Mars

Posted by iwoolf

Dishbrain puppeting drones in VR

Drones puppetting people in the metaverse,
Dishbrain plays Pong by Ian Woolf,
From 2007:
Retocausality by Tim Baynes,
Killer toys by a panel of Ian Woolf, Marc West, Lachlan Whatmore, Catherine Beehag, and Celine Steinfeld,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

photo of a brain in a dish with wires coming out


HapticPuppet: A Kinesthetic Mid-air Multidirectional Force-Feedback Drone-based Interface
ZeRONE: Safety Drone with Blade-Free Propulsion - Proceedings of the Association for Computing machinery
Drones on strings could puppeteer people in virtual reality

In vitro neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated game-world

Posted by iwoolf

Tardigrades to the Moon!

A deep dive into the science of tardigrades - the tiny water bears or moss piglets that can withstand extremes of cold, heat, dryness, pressure, and vacuum, by going into suspended animation and then revitalising when its safe again - from whom we can learn ways to improve our own health. We fired them out of guns, and sent them to the Moon!
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

A plush tardigrade toy holding a microphoneA realistic tardigrade holding a microphone

How the secrets of the ‘water bear’ could improve lifesaving drugs like insulin
Tardigrades (Water Bears)
Why are tardigrades, those chubby little water bears, nearly indestructible?
Adorable tardigrades fight UV rays with glowing shield
Naturally occurring fluorescence protects the eutardigrade Paramacrobiotus sp. from ultraviolet radiation - Biology Letters
Life as a Tardigrade
Seven Things Everyone Should Know about . . . Tardigrades
The Resilience of Life to Astrophysical Events - Nature
Ultrastructural analysis of the dehydrated tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris unveils an anhydrobiotic-specific architecture
Tardigrades Use Intrinsically Disordered Proteins to Survive Desiccation
Tardigrades survive exposure to space in low Earth orbit
Tardigrades - American Scientist
Everything You (Didn’t) Need To Know About Water Bears
Tiny tardigrades walk like insects 500,000 times their size
Also: the controversial claim of a frozen water bear achieving quantum entangled state

Entanglement between superconducting qubits and a tardigrade
8 Reasons Why We Love Tardigrades
Recovery and reproduction of an Antarctic tardigrade retrieved from a moss sample frozen for over 30 years
Water Bears Are the Master DNA Thieves of the Animal World
Evidence for extensive horizontal gene transfer from the draft genome of a tardigrade
Tardigrade-Tough Applications for Humans
Slowing Biological Time to Extend the Golden Hour for Lifesaving Treatment
The tardigrade damage suppressor protein binds to nucleosomes and protects DNA from hydroxyl radicals
Application of CRISPR/Cas9 system and the preferred no-indel end-joining repair in tardigrades
Radiation Tolerance in Tardigrades: Current Knowledge and Potential Applications in Medicine
The toughest animals of the Earth versus global warming: Effects of long-term experimental warming on tardigrade community structure of a temperate deciduous forest
Tardigrades in space
How the secrets of the ‘water bear’ could improve lifesaving drugs like insulin

Natural and Designed Proteins Inspired by Extremotolerant
Organisms Can Form Condensates and Attenuate Apoptosis in Human Cells

Posted by iwoolf

Dementia and Artificial Intelligence

Memory prosthesis for dementia by Ian Woolf,
Tanya Petrovich from Dementia Australia, and Andrew Vouliotis from Deakin University's Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute talks about their AI training system for carers of people with dementia - Talk with Ted!
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Talk with Ted : Dementia Australia

Virtual Dementia Experience
AMPER project to improve life for people with dementia
Storytelling AI to improve wellbeing of people with dementia

Posted by iwoolf

Machines Behaving Badly - part 2

Artificial Intelligence software used to find a 25000 times faster shortcut for quantum physics by Ian Woolf,
Professor Toby Walsh talks about autonomous weapons and rights for machines in Machines Behaving badly part 2,
Ian Woolf plays with the latest open source artificial intelligence utilities.
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

Toby Walsh touching an androids finger, as seen from over the android's shoulder
Toby Walsh

Deep Learning the Functional Renormalization Group
Uncovering Hidden Patterns: AI Reduces a 100,000-Equation Quantum Physics Problem to Only Four Equations

Stable Diffusion Public Release
Mage Space AI art generator
Introducing Whisper

painting of Ian Woolf wearing a tan trench coat, holding his arms across his chest holding it tight, with comic book faces in the background
Ian Woolf looking like a comic book Lex Luthor with a clipboard
framed painting of Ian Woolf in a beige trench coat and a black fedora with a skinny brim, looking like he's out of Breaking Bad
deepfake photo of Ian Woolf with blue eyes and a metal mask, looking like a super-villain
Comic style drawing of Ian Woolf, bald, holding a black gadget, with a space station background
comic stle drawing of Ian Woolf, bald, with a futuristic circuitry kind of wall behind him
deepfake photo of older Ian Woolf holding out his Nobel Prize, dressed in a tuxedo, in front of a wall of books

Posted by iwoolf

Machines Behaving Badly - part 1


Professor Toby Walsh talks about the ethical dilemmas around Artificial Intelligence and how they affect us, and his new book "Machines Behaving Badly" - part 1
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

Professor Toby Walsh touching fingers with a cute humanoid robot
Toby Walsh

Posted by iwoolf

2022 Nobel Prizes

Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, for discoveries about the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution,

Nobel Prize for Chemistry for a new type of chemical engineering or "functional chemistry" called "click chemistry",

Nobel Prize for Physics for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science,

Quantum poetry read by Christ Stewart from 2002.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

fake photo from Stable Diffusion, of Ian Woolf wearing a tuxedo in a library, displaying his freshly awarded Nobel Prize medal
2022 Nobel Prizes

Posted by iwoolf

Fuctional Super Food

Rain-water is poisoned with PFAS everywhere, even in the Arctic circle by Ian Woolf,
Associate Professor Jayashree Arcot talks about nutrition, super-foods and functional foods.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Associate Professor Jayashree Arcot
Associate Professor Jayashree Arcot

Outside the Safe Operating Space of a New Planetary Boundary for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
Change in global PFAS cycling as a response of permafrost degradation to climate change
Microbial Defluorination of Unsaturated Per- and Polyfluorinated Carboxylic Acids under Anaerobic and Aerobic Conditions: A Structure Specificity Study
Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds
What are PFAS chemicals, and what are they doing to our health?
Here’s what you can (and can’t) do about PFAS contamination in your water
NSW becomes the second Australian jurisdiction to pass a PFAS ban
PFAS Forum
PFAS Australia
PFAS in Food and Water - Australian Government
PFAS use in Australia
PFAS National Environmental Management Plan 2.0 - Australia
PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported
Water Filters - Michigan PFAS Response Action Team
PFAS and drinking water - Sydney Water
PFAS in rainwater: What it means for health
FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Combatting PFAS Pollution to Safeguard Clean Drinking Water for All Americans
PFAS in diet and other sources: The health risks
Pollution: 'Forever chemicals' in rainwater exceed safe levels
Rainwater Unsafe to Drink Amid ‘Forever Chemicals’: Study
PFAS Rain? ‘Forever Chemicals’ Contaminate Global Water Resources

Posted by iwoolf

Zwicky Dating Deja Vu


From 2001, David Blank tells the story of astronomer ahead of his time, Fritz Zwicky,
From 2009, once again, Patrick Rubie explains to Ian Woolf the feeling that we've seen this before,

from 2009, Patrick Rubie and I discuss the seven ways statistically found to improve your chances of success with online dating
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Franz Zwicky sitting at a giant telescope

Posted by iwoolf

GFC - what did we learn?

From 2009:

'Bad Economic Science' Marc West talks to Nick Davis from the World Economics Forum about what went wrong in the current Global Economic Crisis,

Panel Discussion: Lithium in drinking water, man-made swine flu and exciting electronics by Ian Woolf, Marc West, Lachlan Whatmore and Patrick Rubie,

News by Patrick Rubie
- office work a pain in the neck
- sea cucumbers mop up CO2

Presented by Lachlan Whatmore
Produced by Patrick Rubie

Posted by iwoolf

Women in Science and Gender-bending

International Womens' Day 2009 with Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf,
Gender bending stories:
- phthalates feminise boys
- half boy half girl bird brain
- sixth sense switches mice gender
- gender gene identified
- Gender and sex identity development
- gender development disorders
- Turner sydnrome
- Kleinfelter syndrome
- hermaphroditism and gender assignment
- testosterone receptor insensitivity
Women in Science:
Marie Curie,
Rosalind Franklin
Rachel Carson
Presented by Victoria Bond,
Produced by Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

Small Modular Reactors

Vaccine for hair loss,
NASA postpones the Moon ,
Are Small Modular Nuclear Reactors the answer?
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

toy nuclear power reactor on tabletop with toy cars
toy nuclear power reactor on tabletop with toy figures and a toy truck
fake Lego toy nuclear reactor generated by Stable Diffusion

Can you hit rewind on hair loss?
Sinclair Dermatology Hair Trials
Alopecia Areata Gets FDA-Approved Drug

Demonstration HTR-PM connected to grid
China's HTR-PM reactor achieves first criticality
China Powers Up the World’s First Commercial Onshore Small Modular Nuclear Reactor
Why Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Won’t Help Counter the Climate Crisis
Small Modular Reactors: Safety, Security and Cost Concerns
Stanford-led research finds small modular reactors will exacerbate challenges of highly radioactive nuclear waste
Nuclear waste from small modular reactors
Small nuclear reactors come with big price tag: report
Prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia
NuScale’s Small Modular Reactor Risks of Rising Costs, Likely Delays, and
Increasing Competition Cast Doubt on LongRunning Development Effort

Seven reasons why small modular nuclear reactors are a bad idea for Australia
US nuclear power: The vanishing low-carbon wedge
Peter Dutton has reached into the weeds of the climate wars and pulled out nuclear energy. It’s beyond ludicrous
Slow, expensive and no good for 1.5° target: CSIRO crushes Coalition nuclear fantasy
IKEA it ain’t: don’t go looking for friendly nuclear option, no matter the spin
Minerals Council of Australia’s nuclear misinformation
Small modular reactors offer no hope for nuclear energy
Coal and the nuclear lobby (updated)

Nuclear Waste Storage
Nuclear windmill synaesthesia
Nuclear Diamond batteries
Nuclear Dump Australia
Nuclear power for Australia? - part 1
Nuclear power for Australia? - part 2
Nuclear waste safe for 240 000 years?

Posted by iwoolf

Expressly Human - part 2

Computing pioneer Kathleen Booth reaches 100 by Ian Woolf,
Dr Mark Changizi talks about how emotional expression evolved - part 2.
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

Mark Changizi pointing his finger top the right
Mark Changizi

Expressly Human interview part 1
The Vision Revolution book review
Interview with Mark Changizi on the evolution of colour vision

Kathleen Booth (Medium)
Kathleen Booth (UK computing history)

Posted by iwoolf

Expressly Human - part 1

Pleading the fourth - suing the CIA by Ian Woolf,
Dr Mark Chanizi talks about what we said before language was invented - part 1.
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

Dr Mark Changizi presenting a talk in front of a large screen, with his arms outstretched to point to his sides
Mark Changizi

Expressly Human interview part 2
The Vision Revolution book review
Interview with Mark Changizi on the evolution of colour vision

Yahoo News
Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA's secret war plans against WikiLeaks

Julian Assange’s US lawyers sue CIA for violating their Constitutional rights

Senate Probe Reveals that Albanese is Not Taking Action on Assange
TRANSCRIPT 31 May 2022 Parliament House, Canberra Prime Minister
Free Julian Assange, before it's too late. Sign to STOP the USA Extradition
Assange family barred from taking book about WikiLeaks founder into Australia’s parliament
Australia won't interfere in Assange case
Labor urged to act to prevent Julian Assange extradition
Govt responds to Assange extradition call
UK government orders the extradition of Julian Assange to the US, but that is not the end of the matter
Turnbull says Australia will continue to press Egypt to pardon Peter Greste
Peter Greste: Julie Bishop warned Egypt of 'ramifications' over prosecuting journalist after deportation
New Australian Government Abandons Julian Assange
Australia: Government called on to act against Assange extradition order
Julian Assange should be free
Australian PM rejects calls to intervene in Julian Assange case
Why Australia’s Labor government refuses to defend Julian Assange
Australia's leader refuses to publicly intervene for Julian Assange

Posted by iwoolf

How safe is your seafood from Ciguatera?

Protesters hit with bail conditions that ban them from modern technology for not protesting,
Professor Shauna Murray finds how marine micro-organisms move around Australia's coast, to keep seafood safe from Ciguatera poison.
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

Professor Shauna Murray
Professor Shauna Murray
Explainer: what is ciguatera fish poisoning?

Who are Blockade Australia, and why are some members facing charges that carry up to 10 years in prison?
Shocking bail conditions for climate activists
Blockade Australia climate activist can't use encrypted apps, must let police access phone

Posted by iwoolf

Autonomous algorithms


Professor Toby Walsh talks about the future of artificial intelligence with Ian Woolf.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

07 Toby Walsh with Baxter the robot
Toby Walsh

Posted by iwoolf

Dorkbot, Putin, Sneezing and Sunlight

download MP3

President Putin's views on the science of whaling and climate change by Lachlan Whatmore
How Grapefruit could make you pregnant by Ian Woolf
Ian Woolf speaks to Leigh Russell at Dorkbot. Leigh explodes a hydrogen filled condom to cause an Electromagnetic pulse that reboots a computer. He moves beads with sound and brings non-Newtonian fluids to life.
Listener question: Is sunlight behind glass just as good as outside? answered by Ian Woolf
Marc West spoke to Dr. Louis Ptacek about photic sneezing.
Presented by Lachlan Whatmore,
Produced by Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

Plants to eat, and plants that eat

download MP3

Beetroot for heart health.
Soluble fibre for healthy weight loss,
Carnivorous plants go underground by Ian Woolf
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

insect eating Nepenthes pudica trap leaves underground and above ground
Daily beetroot juice could help people with common heart condition
The 10 Best Foods to Boost Nitric Oxide Levels
Acute ingestion of citrulline stimulates nitric oxide synthesis but does not increase blood flow in healthy young and older adults with heart failure
Two weeks of watermelon juice supplementation improves nitric oxide bioavailability but not endurance exercise performance in humans
Influence of L-citrulline and watermelon supplementation on vascular function and exercise performance

Prolonged Isolated Soluble Dietary Fibre Supplementation in Overweight and Obese Patients: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials
How Eating Fiber Can Help You Lose Belly Fat
Top 20 Foods High in Soluble Fiber
Food Sources of Soluble Fibre (Dietitians of Canada)

First record of functional underground traps in a pitcher plant: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthaceae), a new species from North Kalimantan, Borneo

Soluble fibre per serve:

Passionfruit has 6.5 grams per half cup or 125g serving
Cooked black beans have 5.4 grams per three-quarter cup or 128 gram serving
Cooked lima beans have 5.3 grams per three-quarter cup or 129 gram serving
Cooked kidney beans have 3 grams per three-quarter cup or 133 grams
Cooked tofu has 2.8 grams per three quarter cup 150 g serving
Cooked carrots have 2.4 grams per cup or 128 grams
Avocados have 2.1 grams per half an avocado
Cooked Chickpeas, have 2.1 grams per 175 milliltre three quarter cup
Cooked brussel sprouts have 2 grams per one-half cup or 78 gram serving
Tangerines have 2 grams per fruit
Cooked oats have 1.9 grams per cup or 233 grams
Dried figs have 1.9 grams per one-quarter cup or 37 grams
Cooked sweet potato has 1.8 grams per one-half cup or 150 grams
Oranges have about 1.8 grams per small fruit
Cooked asparagus has 1.7 grams per half cup 175ml
cooked turnips have 1.7 grams per half cup or 82 grams
cooked broccoli has 1.5 grams per half cup or 92 grams
Pears have 1.5 grams per medium-sized fruit,
Nectarines have 1.4 grams per medium-sized fruit
Apricots have 1.4 grams per 3 fruits (because they're little,
Plums have 1.1 grams per two fruits
Hazelnets have 1.1 grams per quarter cup or 34 grams
Cooked barley has 0.8 grams per one-half cup or 79 gram serving,
Berries can contain anywhere from 0.3 to 1.1 grams per cup
Cooked peas have 0.3 to 1.3 grams per half cup or 125 gram serving
Cooked potato has 1.1 grams per small potato, so the more potatoes, the more soluble fibre!

Posted by iwoolf

Vision Revolutions

download MP3

From 2010:
Ian Woolf reviews The Vision Revolution by Mark Changizi, about the evolution of human vision and our unrecognised super-powers, with commentary from Aaron Cook and Daniel Keogh,
From 2013: Ian Woolf interviews Mark Changizi about his research into colour vision and its applications in enhancing vision,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Mark Chanizi's blog

Expressly Human interview part 1
Expressly Human interview part 2
The Vision Revolution book review
Interview with Mark Changizi on the evolution of colour vision

Posted by iwoolf

Nikola Tesla and Doc Oc

download MP3

This episode was first broadcast in 2010:

Aaron Cook reports on Element 117-- Ununseptium
Marc West speaks with "Doctor Boob" about how to become the super-villain Doc Oc
Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf discuss the life and legend of Nikola Tesla,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

Emerge Australia

download MP3

Anne Wilson, CEO of Emerge Australia talks about the need to change the Clinical Guidlines for diagnosis and treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Zoom screen with Anne Wilson on the left, and Ian Woolf on the right
Emerge Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis what's changed?

download MP3

1999 ME/CFS Conference with harmful Clinical Guidelines for treatment,
2008 ME/CFS Conference interview with Dr Stephen Graves,
2022 talk by Dr Richard Loeffel on the need for new Clinical Guidlines for diagnosis and treatment for people suffering ME/CFS,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.....

hands holding signs saying - my = muscle, algic = pain, encephalo= brain, myel = nerve, itis = inflammation

Chronic fatigue syndrome
Clinical practice guidelines — 2002

ME/CFS Advisory Committee Report to the NHMRC CEO
Emerge Australia Clinical Guidelines Position Statement
Pervasive Refusal Syndrome

Posted by iwoolf

Goats, studs and smart beds

download MP3

This episode first broadcast in 2008:

Goat sacrifices of the military by Ian Woolf,
Wired Beds by Tilly Boleyn and Evan Shapiro,
Junk DNA points the way by Patrick Rubie,
Female rats prefer males with recent sexual experience by Patrick Rubie,
Jacqui Hayes interviews Chris Lauf of the Cycling Scientists and their travelling energy show,
Presented by Patrick Rubie,
Produced by Ian Woolf.

Posted by iwoolf

The Public Goods game

download MP3

This episode was first broadcast in 2011:

Mic Cavazzini chats with Professor Simon Gaechter from the University of Nottingham about why we humans just can't co-operate with one another- before putting our panelists through Gaechter's Public Goods Game to see just how selfish we all are.
Dr Julie-Anne Popple brings you the latest on morphing moths.
Presented by Victoria Bond
Produced by James Bourne

Posted by iwoolf

Questioning Science Frontiers - part 2

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

UN Climate Report released, Governments fail to act, scientists protest by Ian Woolf,
Audience questions from the Frontiers of Science Forum - part 2 featuring Professor Johannes le Coutre, Professor Martina Stenzel, Professor Chirs Tisdell, and Professor Ben Eggleton,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Professor Johannes le Coutre, Professor Martina Stenzel, Ian Woolf, Professor Chris Tisdell, Professor Ben Eggleton at the Frontiers of Science Forum 2022
Professor Johannes le Coutre, Professor Martina Stenzel, Ian Woolf, Professor Chris Tisdell, Professor Ben Eggleton at the Frontiers of Science Forum 2022

IPCC Special Report Global Warming of 1.5 ºC
'It’s Not Political to Tell the Truth': Scientists Arrested Over Climate Protests
Scientists set plan for climate revolution
Climate scientists are desperate: we’re crying, begging and getting arrested
Scientists risk arrest to sound climate alarm

Past the warning stage on climate
World must act quickly to cut emissions

NSW and Queensland flooded the same week a major climate report was released. We need to talk about it

Emergency Response Fund yet to be used despite PM flagging fund in flood support action
Labor criticises Coalition for not spending more from emergency fund amid severe flooding

Fact Check: Has The Government Actually Spent $17B On Disaster Relief? (No)

Dutton flood funds flow to unregistered group with links to office

Disaster agency defends not listing Lismore as flooding priority area for funding
NSW Liberal upper house MP to quit over flood funding
Federal government did not fund 'priority' request for Queensland flood warning system
NSW and Queensland floods spark fury over government’s $4.8bn disaster kitty
Cash in $5 billion natural disaster fund barely spent, as money sits earning interest
Federal government denies Queensland resilience funding

Bushfire recovery: how is Australia's $2bn fund being spent?
Scott Morrison says he met with BOM last year to discuss 'cyclones and floods' after government blasted for refusing to heed warnings
Like the climate itself, climate denial is changing
Climate scientists warn global heating means Australia facing more catastrophic storms and floods
NSW and Queensland flooded the same week a major climate report was released. We need to talk about it
Window to save ourselves from climate change 'rapidly closing', IPCC warns
Why are climate and conservation scientists taking to the streets?

Posted by iwoolf

Biology Evolves - part 2

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Johannes LeCoutre talks about growing food in new ways, cell by cell - part 2
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Professor Johannes le Coutre standing in a hallway, leaning on a rail
Professor Johannes le Coutre
Johannes le Coutre, Martina Stebnzel, Ian Woolf, Chris Tisdell, Ben Eggleton - seated
Professor Johannes le Coutre, Professor Martina Stenzel, Ian Woolf, Professor Chris Tisdell, Professor Ben Eggleton at the Frontiers of Science Forum 2022

Posted by iwoolf

Biology Evolves - Part 1

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Professor Johannes le Coutre talks about how Biology evolved from a purely investigative science into an area of creative engineering, and specifically about growing food in new ways, cell by cell - part 1
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf


Professor Johannes le Coutre

Posted by iwoolf

Plato's Compass

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Professor Chris Tisdell replaces Plato's compass with a template, to make learning geometry easier and safer.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Professor Chris Tisdell, with his circle-arc template behind him
Professor Chris Tisdell
Beyond the compass: Exploring geometric constructions via a circle arc template and a straightedge
circle arc template close-up

Posted by iwoolf

Tiny targeted plastic

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Professor Martina Stenzel talks about using polymer nanotechnology to deliver drugs to fight cancer with less side effects.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Professor Martina Stenzel
Frontiers of Science Forum 2022

Posted by iwoolf

Nuclear waste storage

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

This program was first broadcast in 2007, but the science is still valid, and the technology hasn't improved.
A Diffusion Science Nuclear Special. We look at the breakdown of

nuclear waste storage materials with time, and the problems

associated with cleanup of the Maralinga nuclear test site.

Dr Ian Farnan, University of Cambridge, talks to Charles Willock about

possibly significant errors in estimates of nuclear waste storage times.

Alan Parkinson, nuclear engineer, talks with Charles Willock about

the mishandling of nuclear waste at Maralinga.

Presented by: Emily Fearn

Panelled by: Celine Steinfeld

Produced by Charles Willock and Ian Woolf

assisted by Patrick Rubie


"The Elements" Tom Lehrer/Sir Arthur Sullivan

"It's a scientific fact" Tom Glazer and Dottie Evans

(by Hy Zaret and Lou Singer)

Posted by iwoolf

Nuclear waste storage

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

This program was first broadcast in 2007, but the science is still valid, and the technology hasn't improved.
A Diffusion Science Nuclear Special. We look at the breakdown of

nuclear waste storage materials with time, and the problems

associated with cleanup of the Maralinga nuclear test site.

Dr Ian Farnan, University of Cambridge, talks to Charles Willock about

possibly significant errors in estimates of nuclear waste storage times.

Alan Parkinson, nuclear engineer, talks with Charles Willock about

the mishandling of nuclear waste at Maralinga.

Presented by: Emily Fearn

Panelled by: Celine Steinfeld

Produced by Charles Willock and Ian Woolf

assisted by Patrick Rubie


"The Elements" Tom Lehrer/Sir Arthur Sullivan

"It's a scientific fact" Tom Glazer and Dottie Evans

(by Hy Zaret and Lou Singer)

Posted by iwoolf

Nuclear windmill synaesthesia - in memory of Charles Willock

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

In memory of my dear friend and long time Diffusioneer
Charles Willock:

Nuclear waste physics by Charles Willock,
Scientists in Politics by Charles Willock, Patrick Rubie and Ian Woolf,
Tilting at Windmills by Charles Willock,
Fire-eating at the Sydney Olympics by Charles Willock, Patrick Rubie and Ian Woolf,
Synaesthesia and websites by Charles Willock,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Nuclear waste - safe for 240 000 years?
Robot Love, Nuclear power safe?
Science, politics and the nuclear meltdown
Tilting at Windmills, Natural selection
Fly me to the Moon with love and fireworks
Hearing colours, pasteur, Zapping food

Posted by iwoolf

The Physics Behind The Internet

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Nuclear diamond batteries by Ian Woolf,
Ben Eggleton explains the science behind the internet.
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

CUDOS Director Professor Benjamin Eggleton - Photo Credit CUDOS

Laser light in an optical fibre - Photo Credit CUDOS
Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems - CUDOS

‘Diamond-age’ of power generation as nuclear batteries developed

Radioactive Diamond Batteries: Making Good Use Of Nuclear Waste

Posted by iwoolf

New year new behaviour

MP3 download

From the Singularity University Summit 2019:
Shelley Laslett talks about the neuroscience of changing your behaviour,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

portrait o Shelly Laslett
Shelley Laslett
Singularity University Australia Summit 2019

Posted by iwoolf

Plagued - part 2 revisited

MP3 download

Ingenuity flies on Mars by Ian Woolf,
Dr John Froude talks about how plagues have shaped human evolution.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Dr John Froude wearing a mask that has been pulled down to his chin
Dr John Froude

NASA's Mars helicopter succeeds in historic first flight
Ingenuity deployment
NASA Ingenuity landing press kit
NASA Ingenuity helicopter makes historic first flight on Mars
Orbital Index Ingenuity

Posted by iwoolf

Plagued - part 1 revisited

MP3 download

From 2021-04-12:
Dr John Froude talks about plagues past, present and future - part 1,
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr John Froude with his arm around a gold statute of a chimpanzee
Dr John Froude

Posted by iwoolf

Ig Nobel Prizes 2021

MP3 download

A specially edited version of the Ig Nobel Award ceremony, for science that first makes you laugh and then makes you think, hosted by Marc Abrams.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Ig Nobel Prize winners 2021

Posted by iwoolf

Sarcastic Multi-dimensional Octopus

MP3 download

Sarcasm detector invented,
Touchable 3-D audio-visual display by Ian Woolf,
From 2008:
Patrick Rubie looks at the nice and the nasty side of mistletoe.
Victoria Bond and Jaime Leclerc quiz you on infectious diseases.
Ian Woolf tells a tale of eight-tentacled fury at the Sea Star Aquarium in Coburg, Germany.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Interpretable Multi-Head Self-Attention Architecture for Sarcasm Detection in Social Media

UCF Team Develops Artificial Intelligence that Can Detect Sarcasm in Social Media

A volumetric display for visual, tactile and audio presentation using acoustic trapping

Posted by iwoolf

Gut bugs!

MP3 download

Gut bugs reverse aging - in mice,
Gut bacteria make larks and owls,
Grapes help your guts,
CRISPR kills bacteria by Ian Woolf,
Professor Michael Archer explains horizontal gene transfer - little naughties in the dark - to Marion Curruthers and Ian Woolf,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Diffusion logo with oval window looking into magnified gut bacteria in purple

Microbiota from young mice counteracts selective age-associated behavioral deficits
Gut bacteria rewind ageing brain in mice
Microbes turn back the clock as UCC research discovers their potential to reverse aging in the brain
The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis
Scientists discover a “mind-blowing” link between gut health and age reversal

Metagenomic analysis reveals the signature of gut microbiota associated with human chronotypes

Effect of Standardized Grape Powder Consumption on the Gut Microbiome of Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study

High-efficiency delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 by engineered probiotics enables precise microbiome editing CRISPR-based 'antibiotic' eliminates dangerous bacterium from the gut

Posted by iwoolf

Transhuman and Transhumanitarian

MP3 download

From 2011: A history of Transhumanism,
From 2013: My Transhumanitarian vision by Ian Woolf
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Ian Woolf sitting at a desk in front of a microphone and laptop, wearing a hat, pointing to the camera
Humanity +
Transhumanism Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Vaccination explanation

MP3 download

Vaccines against aging,
Vaccines against asthma by Ian Woolf
from 2009:
Dr Victoria Bond explains how vaccines work and how they are made to Marc West and Ian Woolf,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Julie-anne Popple, Marc West, Victoria Bond, and Ian Woolf - posed with silly expressions in front of a 1970's wallpaper
Julie-Anne Popple, Marc West, Dr Victoria Bond, and Ian Woolf

Researchers design antibodies that destroy old cells, slowing down aging
Targeted clearance of senescent cells using an antibody-drug conjugate against a specific membrane marker
A team of researchers has designed antibodies that destroy old cells, slowing down ageing

An Asthma Vaccine Effective in Mice
Dual vaccination against IL-4 and IL-13 protects against chronic allergic asthma in mice

Posted by iwoolf

Guitar engineering

MP3 download

From 2009, Lachlan Whatmore pays tribute to guitar pioneer Les Paul, ,
from 2018, Luke Coffey builds a robotic guitar!
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

A grid of six strings with robot actuators playing them - a robotic guitar

Robotic Guitar

Luke Coffey

Posted by iwoolf

Talking ducks and extra limbs

MP3 download

Australian Musk ducks can talk,
Third thumb prostheses by Ian Woolf
Stelarc talks about his transhuman performance art at the Singularity Summit Australia in 2011,
Stelarc's performances since 2011.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Stelarc writing the word

Vocal imitations and production learning by Australian musk ducks (Biziura lobata)
Even a duck can parrot
Robotic hand augmentation drives changes in neural body representation
Robotic ‘Third Thumb’ use can alter brain representation of the hand

Posted by iwoolf

The Five Forces That Change Everything - part 3

MP3 download

2021 Nobel Prize for Physics for complexity and climate modelling by Ian Woolf,
Steven Hoffman, author of The Five Forces That Change Everything talks about automating farming and everything else, preserving the Earth, and self-aware robots - part 3
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Steven Hoffman giving a big thumbs up to the camera
Steven Hoffman - FoundersSpace

2021 Nobel Prize in Physics

Posted by iwoolf

The Five Forces That Change Everything - part 2

MP3 download

2021 Nobel Prize in Medicine for touch and heat receptors by Ian Woolf,
Steven Hoffman, author of The Five Forces That Change Everything talks about irresistibly intelligent assistants, biohackers and new species of humans - part 2
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Steven Hoffman standing with his hands framing his vision as he looks to the future

2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Posted by iwoolf

The Five Forces That Change Everything - part 1

MP3 download

Mini dentists by Ian Woolf,
Steven Hoffman, author of The Five Forces That Change Everything talks about reading and writing thoughts, and networked unconscious collaboration - part 1
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Split Zoom screen with Steven Hoffman on the left hands gesticulating with a big smile, and Ian Woolf on the right listening with pursed lips in a starry shirt.


An army of microrobots can wipe out dental plaque
Catalytic antimicrobial robots for biofilm eradication

Posted by iwoolf

Virtual Augmented Extended Reality

MP3 download

Brendan Clarke explains what's happening in the worlds of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Extended Reality.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Brendan Clarke in a Zoom window on the left, wearing a VR headset with a VR background, and Ian Woolf in the Zoom window on the right, wearing a VR headset in his lounge room
Brendan Clarke (on the left)
Transhumanism Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Pick-up lines radio reward

MP3 download

Pick-up lines by Victoria Bond and Patrick Rubie,
118118 Information hotline challenge by Marc West,
The brain's reward by Amy Bullen,
News by Victoria Bond and Patrick Rubie,
- obesity and pleasure
- internet surfing keeps your brain young
Presented by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

Julianne Popple, Marc West, Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf, looking thoughtful in front of 1970's style wallpaper
Posted by iwoolf

20 years of Bug-bots

MP3 download

Mice made friendly,
Cyborg venus flytraps,
20 years of Robo-roaches, 2001-2021 by Ian Woolf
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

montage of remote controlled cockroaches

Wireless multilateral devices for optogenetic studies of individual and social behaviors
Implanted wireless device triggers mice to form instant bond
Brain implant enables remote control of social interactions between mice

An on-demand plant-based actuator created using conformable electrodes
A way to ‘communicate’ with plants using electrical signals

Insect-Computer Hybrid System for Autonomous Search and Rescue Mission (blog)
Insect-Computer Hybrid System for Autonomous Search and Rescue Mission (pre-print) 2021

Japan's latest innovation: a remote-control roach 2001
Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot:
Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine 2008

Remote Control Cyborg Roaches to Invade Classrooms 2011
Remote-Controlled Roaches to the Rescue? Nature 2012

Odour-tracking capability of a silkmoth driving a mobile robot with turning bias and time delay 2013
Locomotion control of hybrid cockroach robots 2015
Cockroach robots? Not nightmare fantasy but science lab reality 2015
A Swarm of Cyborg Cockroaches That Lives in Your House 2020
Cyborg cockroach with camera ‘backpack’ can be steered remotely
Remote Control Cockroach

Posted by iwoolf

Fanny Macleay and Flying Saucers

MP3 download

Electric flying saucers,
Personal networks sewn into clothes,
Fake urine used by miners by Patrick Rubie
Nineteenth Century naturalist Fanny Macleay by Lachlan Whatmore,
Discussion of news, staying young by staying with the young, and the portable hug with Ian Woolf and Patrick Rubie,
Can Dolphins Talk? by Ian Woolf,
Produced and Presented by Ian Woolf

Water colour painting of  Sydney when St Mary's was building, ca. 1830 / Fanny Macleay
Sydney when St Mary's was building, ca. 1830 / Fanny Macleay via the collections of the State Library of New South Wales.

Invention: Plasma-powered flying saucer
Ionised air to power flying saucers

Posted by iwoolf

Deception and Proteomics

MP3 download

Our closest relatives are all of us,
You can learn to change the way genes are expressed in your body,
Ben Herbert explains proteomics,
Melinda Hall King explains childhood deception,
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

Ben Herbert
Ben Herbert

Posted by iwoolf

Spread by aerosol - part 2

MP3 download

Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez explains how COVID19 is air-borne, and how that changes what we need to do - part 2
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez standing in front of a slatted timber wall
Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez

Posted by iwoolf

Spread by aerosol - part 1

MP3 download

Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez explains how COVID19 is air-borne, and how that changes what we need to do - part 1
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez in his office with a wall of books behind him, and a music keyboard on the shelf
Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez

The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill

Posted by iwoolf

Contraceptives and cocktails

MP3 download

From 2009: The Pill vs condoms, which is greener? by Sarah Wood and Jacqui Hayes,
The science of cocktails - Marc West interviews Manuel Tarron,
1962 Bell Labs Peek in the Future,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

Retro Robot love

MP3 download

Tobacco finds land mines, Treeman, Cows align Northwards, and cognitive magic by Jacqui Hayes,
Testosterone bargaining by Jacqui Pfeffer
Women's vertebrae by Ian Woolf,
Jaqui Pfeffer speaks with Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte and Jaroon Descartes about relationships with robots.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

sculpture of a robot with open arms, made from old electrical parts

Posted by iwoolf

Plagued - part 2

MP3 download

Ingenuity flies on Mars by Ian Woolf,
Dr John Froude talks about how plagues have shaped human evolution.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Dr John Froude wearing a mask that has been pulled down to his chin
Dr John Froude

NASA's Mars helicopter succeeds in historic first flight
Ingenuity deployment
NASA Ingenuity landing press kit
NASA Ingenuity helicopter makes historic first flight on Mars
Orbital Index Ingenuity

Posted by iwoolf

Plagued - part 1

MP3 download

Dr John Froude talks about plagues past, present and future - part 1,
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr John Froude with his arm around a gold statute of a chimpanzee
Dr John Froude

Posted by iwoolf

Life and Toydeath

MP3 download

Narwhal cheese crowd-funded by Ian Woolf
Orsola De Marco talks about Astronomy, life off Earth, and why Pluto isn't a planet,
Nick Wishart talks about Toydeath at the Sydney Mini Maker Faire,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

2014-08-20 17.47.15
Orsola De Marco

Einstein Lecture at the Ultimo Science Festival

2014-08-16 14.37.54
Nick Wishart

2014-08-16 16.16.05
2014-08-16 16.15.56
2014-08-16 12.38.55

Real Vegan Cheese
Real Vegan Cheese - Synthetic Biology Inidiegogo crowd-funding campaign

Posted by iwoolf

Molecular machines magnified

MP3 download

Professor Antoine van Oijen builds microscopes to watch DNA replicate.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

microscope image of DNA replicating

Professor Antoine van Oijen portrait

Professor Antoine van Oijen
Molecular Horizons
Wollongong Antimicrobial Resistance Research Alliance
Bachelor of Bionanotechnology (Honours)

Posted by iwoolf

Dr Rachie vs the antivaxxers

MP3 download

From 15 February 2010:
Dr Rachael Dunlop tells Ian Woolf about her battle with the Australian Vaccination Network.
Victoria Bond explains the new DSM descriptions of mental illness.
News by Victoria Bond
- Coma patients may be conscious and communicate by brain scan,
- Boredom kills,
- Beetles music saves trees,
- stuttering is linked to genetic mutation.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Rachel Dunlop in the lab looking into a microscope
Dr Rachel Dunlop

Posted by iwoolf

The Polymer Age

MP3 download

Dr Markus Muellner talks about the Polymer Age and new nano-designed technologies.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Markus Muellner
Dr Markus Muellner
Polymer Nanostructures Group
Dr Muellner will be speaking at the Frontiers of Science Forum on 12th March 2021 at the Concord Golf Club

Posted by iwoolf

Random Lasers

MP3 download

Professor Judith Dawes talks with Ian Woolf about creating random lasers to sense molecules,
Kachina Allen explains the dangers of Power Dressing,
Kachina Allen with the science of Blue eyes,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Professor Judith Dawes wearing a blue jumper with a scarf
Professor Judith Dawes
MQ Photonics Research Centre

Frontiers of Science Forum 2021 (PDF)

Posted by iwoolf

The Pais Effect

MP3 download

Frontiers of Science Forum,
Two spacecraft arrive at Mars this week, a third next week by Ian Woolf,
The Pais Effect - shake as you spin as you charge - a second deep dive into weird science and the military by Ian Woolf.
Hosted and Produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Salvadore Pais standing on a stage with model air craft under each hand

Mars madness! China, UAE to reach the Red Planet this week ahead of epic NASA rover landing
NASA's Mars rover Perseverance is in the home stretch of its journey to Red Planet
Frontiers of Science Forum 2021 (PDF)

Here's Why The USAF Is Suddenly Talking Cargo Drops From Space And Spying On Other Galaxies
Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing
The Daleth Effect

Congressman Has Written An Official Letter To The Navy Demanding Answers On UFOs
Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances
Emails Show Navy's 'UFO' Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review, Resulted In A Demo
The Secretive Inventor Of The Navy's Bizarre 'UFO Patents' Finally Talks
Scientist Behind The Navy's "UFO Patents" Has Now Filed One For A Compact Fusion Reactor
What The Hell Is Going On With UFOs And The Department Of Defense?
The Navy Finally Speaks Up About Its Bizarre "UFO Patent" Experiments
Recent UFO Encounters With Navy Pilots Occurred Constantly Across Multiple Squadrons
Navy's Advanced Aerospace Tech Boss Claims Key 'UFO' Patent Is Operable
The Truth Is The Military Has Been Researching "Anti-Gravity" For Nearly 70 Years
Detailed Official Report On Harrowing Encounter Between F/A-18s and UFO Surfaces
Emails Show Navy's 'UFO' Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review, Resulted In A Demo

Pushing the envelope with fusion magnets
First room-temperature superconductor could spark energy revolution

Posted by iwoolf

Cancer dust super-tasting

MP3 download

This show was originally broadcast on January 26th 2009:
John August explains the causes of cancer,
Amy Bullen explores dust,
Jaqui Hayes, Monica Sharma, Derek Muller and Ian Woolf discuss super-tasters.
News by Ian Woolf
- generate power from water flowing in buildings
- the cloak of invisibility is now tunable
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Julie-Anne examines Marc's hair while Ian and Victoria study a tablet

Posted by iwoolf

Dave Sings Sight Scan Science

MP3 download

This show was first broadcast on January 5th 2009:
Ian Woolf looks inside the minds eye to see what you see - with a scanner, commentary by Charles Willock,
Patrick Rubie zaps cheap wine into the good stuff,
Kalvin Ng shows the world was warmer than you thought, Dave the Happy Singer reviews the news in impromptu song,
Dave Sings Monty Python's Universe song,
Presented by Marc West, Produced by Ian Woolf

Dave The Happy Singer sitting in the studio in front of a microphone using Twitter on his phone

How to make cheap wine taste like a fine vintage
Researchers watch video images people are seeing, decoded from their fMRI brain scans in near-real-time

Posted by iwoolf

To the Moon with fireworks and geckos

MP3 download

From 2007:
Mining the Moon by Ian Woolf,
Fireworks frenzy by Patrick Rubie
Fireworks discussion by Charles Willock, Ian Woolf, Joanne Chang, Lara Davis and Patrick Rubie
Gecko-inspired cleaning cloths by Celine Steinfeld
hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

fireworks on the Sydney Harbour Bridge

9/glxp-update-16/>Google Lunar X Prize Down to the Sweet 16
The demise of the Google Lunar X Prize
Meet the Man Who Owns the Moon
Russia's umnanned missions to the Moon

Posted by iwoolf

2020 Ig Nobel Prize Awards

MP3 download

A specially edited version of the Ig Nobel Award ceremony, for science that first makes you laugh and then makes you think, hosted by Marc Abrams.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Ig Nobel Prize Winners 2020

Posted by iwoolf

SETI giant spiders

MP3 download

Astronomer Jill Tartar talks with Chris Stewart about SETI and Contact,
Hair Science with Lindsey Gray,
Giant spiders by Ian Woolf,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Parkes Radio Telescope photo by Catherine Currie, with added giant spider crawling on top
Parkes Radio Telescope photo by Catherine Currie

Jill Tartar
Lindsey Gray

Night Terrors in an Adult
Precipitated by Sleep Apnea

Posted by iwoolf

Eugenic multiverses

MP3 download

Radio astronomer Maria Cunningham talks about genetic selection and multiple universes - part 3,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Maria Cunningham sanding in the desert, she is followed by another Maria, and in front of her is another Maria facing her

Dr Maria Cunningham

Sign the petition to free Julian Assange

Posted by iwoolf

First Contact Time Travel

MP3 download

Superconductors warm up by Ian Woolf,
Radio astronomer Maria Cunningham makes First Contact and Travels through Time - part 2,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Maria Cunningham standing in the desert looking into the distance, with a Tardis behind her, and a green inflatable alien in front of her
Dr Maria Cunningham

Room-temperature superconductivity in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride
First room-temperature superconductor excites — and baffles — scientists
First room-temperature superconductor could spark energy revolution

Posted by iwoolf

Little Green Molecules

MP3 download

The Moon is a bit wet by Ian Woolf,
Radio astronomer Maria Cunningham searches for life off Earth - part 1,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Maria Cunningham standing in the desert looking into the distance
Dr Maria Cunningham

NASA’s SOFIA Discovers Water on Sunlit Surface of Moon
Molecular water detected on the sunlit Moon by SOFIA

Posted by iwoolf

Butt slings for beetles

MP3 download

Shasta Henry shares her passion for the world of beetles, giraffe beetles and parasitising wasps part 2,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Shasta Henry holding a beetle in a dish, with a magnified beetle on the computer screen behind her
Shasta Henry at Young Tassie Scientists

Shasta Henry holding a clown beetles  kounted in a glass jar
Shasta Henry in front of a computer with many displays of insects in a lab

Posted by iwoolf

Plant genetics and vampires

MP3 download

Vampires or leukemia by Ian Woolf,
Kelsey Picard on moving her career from chocolate to plant genetics and science communication,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Kelsey Picard in her greenhouse with flowering plants
Kelsey Picard - Young Tassie Scientists
That's What I Call Science Podcast

Malignant but not maleficent: acute leukaemia as a possible explanation of disease and death in vampire victims

Posted by iwoolf

Developing brains

MP3 download

What is your brain made of?
A day in the life of a neuroscientist by Silvia Vicenzi
Silvia Vicenzi talks with Ian Woolf about National Science Week, studying neurobiology, and how the brain develops.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Silvia Vicenzi
Young Tassie Scientists - Silvia Vicenzi

Posted by iwoolf

Face Mask Physics

MP3 download

Ian Bryce applies physics to face masks.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Ian Bryce holding a disposable mask with the words outside showing in one hand and a mask with a valve in the other hand

Posted by iwoolf

Solar explosions and insect minds

MP3 download

From the 2001 archives:

Falling penguins, shifting Earth, neurological optimism,
by Deanna Coleman,
Tim Baynes talks about explosions on the Sun,
Nick Perkins speaks with Professor Srinivasan about insect minds,
Ecstasy may damage your sex life,
Protests threatened by bees,
104 year old grows new teeth
by Deanna Coleman,
The God Helmet, and stomach brains by Ian Woolf,
Hosted by Nick Perkins and Ian Woolf
Technical Support by Gina Sartore,
Produced by Christine Brown and Ian Woolf

NASA photo of the Sun showing a long tendril of flame being ejected

Coronal Mass Ejections
The solar storm of 2012 that almost sent us back to a post-apocalyptic Stone Age

Posted by iwoolf

Breath from salt

MP3 download

Bijal Trivedi talks about Cystic fibrosis part 1,
Valeria Senigaglia with Dolphin Facebook,
Dr Laura McCaughey on tackling the antibiotic resistance crisis.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Bijal Trivedi professional headshot
Bijal Trivedi

FameLab British Council
Famelab Foundation for Western Australian Museum

Posted by iwoolf

FameLab Australia 2020

MP3 download

Cody Frear - ‘Out with the old, in with the Noo-Noo’
Madelaine Ferarri - Self-compassion and Perfectionism
Nisharnthi Duggan - A surprising treatment for stroke
Samuel Hinton - Can you hear the Big Bang?
Emily Brogan - Lost for words?
Dr Darja Kragt - No more bad leaders!
Lynn Nazereth - Discovering ways to protect your brain
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
FameLab Australia 2020 logo

FameLab Australia 2020 - Foundation for Western Australian Museum

Posted by iwoolf

COVIDFree without COVIDSafe

MP3 download

New Zealand Covid-free,
Police immune to Covid-19?
Supermarket face surveillance by Ian Woolf
Mark Andrejevic talks about COVIDSafe and facial recognition surveillance part 4
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Mark Andrejevic
Facial recognition technology and the end of privacy for good
PM says the COVIDSafe app is "like putting on sunscreen"
“In the absence of a medical vaccine, you could think about contact tracing as a digital vaccine, with our contact data being the virtual antibodies,”

No active cases of COVID-19
Asymptomatic COVID-19 rate could be ‘much higher’ than previously thought
Asymptomatic Carriers May Still Transmit Coronavirus, Says New Research
Comparison of Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Asymptomatic vs Symptomatic Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China
COVID-19: in the footsteps of Ernest Shackleton published in the journal Thorax
Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19
Epidemiology of Covid-19 in a Long-Term Care Facility in King County, Washington
Iceland lab's testing suggests 50% of coronavirus cases have no symptoms
New Zealand hits zero active coronavirus cases. Here are 5 measures to keep it that way
Could You Be an Asymptomatic COVID-19 Carrier? Here's What You Need to Know
COVID-19: What proportion are asymptomatic?

Police defend use of pepper spray on Black Lives Matter protesters in ugly scenes at Central
Can we do dinner? If you protested, the answer is probably no

Woolworths testing new CCTV feature at self-serve checkouts
Woolies Is Quietly Testing A New CCTV System That Films You At The Self-Service Checkout
Woolworths trialling video surveillance at self-service check-outs

Posted by iwoolf

Face recognition antagonism

MP3 download

Foreign interference in Australia,
Masks and face recognition antagonism by Ian Woolf
Mark Andrejevic talks about facial recognition surveillance in the pandemic part 2
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Mark Andrejevic through reflections on a window
Facial recognition technology and the end of privacy for good

Coronavirus 'dossier' was a basic timeline of facts handed out by US State Department with no new evidence
Australian intelligence knocks back US government's Wuhan lab virus claim
No credible evidence supporting claims of the laboratory engineering of SARS-CoV-2
Top vaccine scientist says it could only have come from an animal through a 'freak of nature'
Did coronavirus come from a lab?

Face ID Masks
How well can algorithms recognize your masked face?
Your face mask selfies could be training the next facial recognition tool
COVID19 Mask Image Dataset
Facial recognition firms are scrambling to see around face masks
Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) Ongoing
These glasses trick facial recognition software into thinking you're someone else
Accessorize to a Crime: Real and Stealthy Attacks on State-of-the-Art Face Recognition
Fooling Facial Detection with Fashion

Anti-surveillance clothing aims to hide wearers from facial recognition

Prototype 'adversarial' t-shirt makes its wearer invisible to facial recognition software: Researchers create design to confuse AI used to identify individuals in public
Real-world attack on MTCNN face detection system
This colorful printed patch makes you pretty much invisible to AI
Fooling automated surveillance cameras: adversarial patches to attack person detection

Posted by iwoolf

C02 Concrete and fun fungi

MP3 download

Professor Vivian Tan invented C02 Concrete,
Tim Baynes speaks with Virginia Shepherd about the fun of fungi!
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Professor Vivian Tan

Dr Tim Baynes

Posted by iwoolf

Pasteurised waste water power

MP3 download

Stories copy brain states by Ian Woolf,
Qilin Wang generates power from waste water,
Lachlan Whatmore tells the tale of Louis Pasteur,
"A Little Bit" by MJ Hibbert and the Validators.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Dr Qilin Wang
Dr Qilin Wang
Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater

How Stories Connect And Persuade Us: Unleashing The Brain Power Of Narrative
Speaker–listener neural coupling underlies successful communication

Posted by iwoolf

The science of podcasts

MP3 download

This show was first broadcast in March 2019:

Navy FTL space drive patent by Ian Woolf,
Ben Kiernan's science of science podcasts and the Non-peer reviewed podcast,
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Ben Kiernan with headphones
Ben Kiernan
Non-peer reviewed podcast

Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device
Conditional possibility of spacecraft propulsion at superluminal speeds
Analysis of the Demonstration of the Gertsenshtein Effect

Posted by iwoolf

Nano-tech train sets

MP3 download

This show first broadcast in February 2019:

Cyber attack on Australia,
Weird technology from the US Navy, by Ian Woolf,
Nano-engineering molecular motors by Dr Shelley Wickham,
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Shelley Wickham

A DNA-based molecular motor that can navigate a network of tracks
Scientists Build DNA Rail System For Nanomotors, Complete With Tracks & Switches
Instructables - Design, Assembly, and Verification of a 2D DNA Origami Nanostructure

DNAliens BioMOd team

Australian political parties hit by 'state actor' hack, PM says
Hackers gain entry to Federal Parliament network
Infosec pro questions PM's claims about 'sophisticated' attack
Parliament attackers appear to have used Web shells
Iran or China? Competing claims about actor behind Parliament hack
Explained: The Liberal Party's Parakeelia rort
Parakeelia rented Liberal Party's 2013 election campaign headquarters
Taxpayer-funded surveillance: The Liberal Party database and i360 combine
XKCD: Voting Machines
Web shells
‘State actor’ makes cyber attack on Australian political parties
Liberal Party harnesses i360 big data in time for 2019 Federal Election
The Liberal Party’s Parakeelia laundering scheme
Parakeelia generates a record $900,000 for the Liberal Party
Parakeelia: The (almost) perfect Liberal Party Scam
Revealed: How the ALP keeps secret files on voters
Labor's voter tracking practices exposed by a simple Google search
Political Databases: where privacy goes to die
Voting within Australia

If These US Navy Patents are Made Then We Are in a Star Trek Technology World
Navy files for patent on room-temperature superconductor
Patent: Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor
Navy scientists develop room-temperature superconductor based on Al or PZT coating
Big If Real: Navy Files Patent on Room-Temperature Superconductor

Posted by iwoolf

Birds and the bees and the bots

MP3 download

This show first broadcast in February 2019:
Professor Srinivasan talks about how flying animals navigate, and applying their methods to aircraft.
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Professor Srinivasan

The Poladian Project
Neuroscience of vision and aerial robotics
Youtube channel of the biorobotics lab at the Queensland Brain Institute in Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Emerging technology and gender

MP3 download

Soap kills coronavirus by Ian Woolf,
Associate Professor Yolande Strengers talks about emerging technology and gender equity.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Yolande Strengers at her desk
Associate Professor Yolande Strengers LinkedIn Twitter
The Smart Wife: Why Siri, Alexa, and Other Smart Home Devices Need a Feminist Reboot

Posted by iwoolf

Editing genetic disease and sports injuries

MP3 download

Nuclear corrections and Assange update by Ian Woolf,
Adam Culvenor from La Trobe University how surgery doesn't help sports knee injuries,
Laurence Wilson from CSIRO,uses CRISPR to edit genetic diseases.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Adam Culvenor from La Trobe University
Adam Culvenor from La Trobe University
Adam Culvenor from La Trobe University
Adam Culvenor from La Trobe University
Adam Culvenor from La Trobe University

Laurence Wilson from CSIRO
Laurence Wilson from CSIRO
Laurence Wilson from CSIRO
Laurence Wilson from CSIRO
Laurence Wilson from CSIRO

Sara Brooker from Science In Public
Sarah Brooker

Radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management in Australia (Report tabled in Parliament)

Finland to bury nuclear waste for 100,000 years in world's costliest tomb

Andrew Wilkie and George Christensen in London to visit Julian Assange, as Jeremy Corbyn says UK view on extradition is shifting
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is moved out of solitary confinement at Belmarsh prison
Arbuthnot Out as Assange’s Judge, Says WikiLeaks Lawyer Jen Robinson
The son of Julian Assange’s senior judge is linked to an anti-data leak company created by the UK intelligence establishment and staffed by officials recruited from US intelligence agencies behind that country’s prosecution of the WikiLeaks founder.
Free Julian Assange, before it's too late. Sign to STOP the USA Extradition
AFP raid targeted suspected source for Annika Smethurst story, court documents confirm
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded Dignity Prize from Catalans
Julian Assange Wins 2020 Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award
Assange would not get a fair trial in the US: CIA whistleblower
Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden nominated for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize (with list of current awards)
AFP raid on ABC reveals investigative journalism being put in same category as criminality
AFP warrants used to raid ABC valid, Federal Court rules
Human rights report to oppose extradition of Julian Assange to US
The stakes are high for Julian Assange, but his case could set a larger precedent
WikiLeaks Editor: US Is Saying First Amendment Doesn’t Apply To Foreigners In Assange Case

Posted by iwoolf

Electric cars, TB, and mutated whooping cough

MP3 download

David Sinclair cures blind mice and makes them young again,
Seyedfoad Taghizadeh from Maquarie University designed a intelligent car charger,
Elinor Hortle from the Centenary Institute fights Tuberculosis with aspirin,
Laurence Luu from University of New South Wales, how Whooping cough has mutated,
Natalie Twine from CSIRO how discovering hidden relatives helps discover new disease genes,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Seyedfoad Taghizadeh
Seyedfoad Taghizadeh from Macquarie University

Elinor Hortle
Elinor Hortle from the Centenary Institute

Lawrence Luu with microphone and sparkler
Lawrence Luu from the University of New South Wales

Natalie Twine
Natalie Twine from CSIRO

hostess Sarah Brooker
Sarah Brooker from Science In Public
Fresh Science NSW

Turning somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells
An interview with Dr David Sinclair
Erosion of the Epigenetic Landscape and Loss of Cellular Identity as a Cause of Aging in Mammals
Reversal of ageing- and injury-induced vision loss by Tet-dependent epigenetic reprogramming

Racing mice

Optic nerve repair

Posted by iwoolf

Trauma, pain, and fish

MP3 download

Dump deception - nuclear waste dump sneakiness by Ian Woolf,
Joel Hoffman reduces trauma for refugees,
Lindsay Parker measures chronic pain,
Laura Michie sees dams making fish too cold.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Joel Hoffman
Joel Hoffman

Lindsay Parker
Lindsay Parker

Laura Michie
Laura Michie

Sarah Brooker
Sarah Brooker
Fresh Science NSW

Radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management in Australia (Parliament)
The National Radioactive Waste Management Facility (proposed)(ARPANSA)
Managing radioactive waste (Department of Industry)
Radioactive waste safety in Australia (ARPANSA)
National Radioactive Waste Management Facility - Our role
Code for Disposal of Solid Radioactive Waste (RPS C-3)(ARPANSA)
What is radioactive waste? (ARPANSA)
Federal Government chooses Kimba farm Napandee on the Eyre Peninsula for nuclear dump
Who'd want to dump Australia's nuclear waste here? Well, this guy
Court rejects indigenous action over dump
Finland to bury nuclear waste for 100,000 years in world's costliest tomb
South Australian farming property to become a nuclear waste dump
Nuclear waste: residents near proposed dump told to sign draconian code of conduct
ARPANSA updates Regulations to support nuclear safety
The farce of Australian govt choosing Kimba as nuclear waste dump
No radioactive waste dump in Kimba or Flinders Ranges
Disposal of Radioactive Waste (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Managing waste (Australia Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
South Australia EPA Radiation waste

Posted by iwoolf

Electronic Nose Math Superhero

MP3 download

John Teague builds an electro-mechanical board game,
Wentian Zhang built an electronic nose,
Anne Griebel protects tea tree forests,
David Arnold predicts and prevents forest crimes with mathematics.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

John Teague with his board game
John Teague

Wentian Zhang with his electronic nose
Wentian Zhang

close up of Anne Griebel
Anne Griebel

David Arnold close-up
David Arnold

Fresh Science NSW

Posted by iwoolf

Neuromorphic social impact

MP3 download

Face recognition through stealing photos used by police, by Ian Woolf,
Yesh Bethi demonstrates neuromorphic cameras on foosball tables,
Nic Ralph uses neuromorphic cameras on satellites,
Hervé Harvard and Sophie Ritchie bridge academic engineering to real world problems at Rapido, UTS.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Yesh Bethi with a Foosball table and neuromorphic camera
Yesh Bethi from the International Institute for Neuromorphic Systems

Nick Ralph with his laptop at CEBIT
Nick Ralph from the International Institute for Neuromorphic Systems

Hervé Harvard and Sophie Ritchie from Rapido
Director Hervé Harvard and Social Impact Manager Sophie Ritchie from Rapido

The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It
Clearview AI is also being used by Australian police
Hundreds of US police departments using 'dystopian' face recognition app — report
Australian police using face recognition software as privacy experts issue warning
Police using facial recognition cameras at Victoria's busiest stations
Federal study of top facial recognition algorithms finds ‘empirical evidence’ of bias
Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) Ongoing
Clearview app lets strangers find your name, info with snap of a photo, report says
Law enforcement is using a facial recognition app with huge privacy issues
Records on Clearview AI reveal new info on police use
Hundreds of law enforcement agencies are using a new facial recognition app that can reveal names and addresses of unknown individuals by comparing them to THREE BILLION images scraped from the internet
Letter offering Clearview service to Republican politician Paul Nehlen

Posted by iwoolf

Solar Race Suicide Model Virtual Pain

MP3 download

Over a billion animals dead in fires by Ian Woolf,
Georgi Georgieff talks about the solar car race,
Mark Heffernan talks about preventing suicide with modelling,
Anton Bogdanovych uses virtual reality to train people in chronic pain management.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Western Sydney Solar Team in front of their solar car
Western Sydney Solar Team

Mark Heffernan at CeBIT
Mark Heffernan Preventing Suicide using Analysis and Modelling
Modelling tool gives new insights into suicide prevention

Anton Bogdanovych and student in front of their virtual pain management training system
Anton Bogdanovych and student in front of their virtual pain management training system.

More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires
‘Deathly silent’: Ecologist describes Australian wildfires’ devastating aftermath
Massive food drop to help save endangered wallabies in fire-affected areas
How Many Dead Animals Is 1 Billion Dead Animals?

Posted by iwoolf

Future of Human Needs past

MP3 download

This show was originally broadcast 2019-02-04:
3D printed steaks,
One cheap pill to treat most of aging by Ian Woolf,
Nathan Waters examines Human Needs, now and into the future - part 1,
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Nova Meat
Barcelona researcher develops 3D printer that makes ‘steaks’
A researcher has developed a plant-based meat substitute that's made with a 3D printer
Vivera Vegan Steak: Does It Taste Like The Real Thing?
Sampling Vegan Steaks
Vivera vegan steak: a review

(2006) Long-term angiotensin II AT1 receptor inhibition produces adipose tissue hypotrophy accompanied by increased expression of adiponectin and PPARγ
(2008) Angiotensin receptor blockers are lower incidence, progression of Alzheimer's disease
(2009) Disruption of the Ang II type 1 receptor promotes longevity in mice
(2009)Disruption of the Ang II type 1 receptor promotes longevity in mice (researchgate)
(2010) Angiotensin receptors as determinants of life span
(2012) Less Alzheimer's pathology with angiotensin receptor blocker use
(2012) New insights into angiotensin receptor actions: from blood pressure to aging
(2014) Brain renin-angiotensin system and dopaminergic cell vulnerability
(2016) Changes in Angiotensin Receptor Distribution and in Aortic Morphology Are Associated with Blood Pressure Control in Aged Metabolic Syndrome Rats
NMN Nicotinamide mononucleotide 125mg 30 caps

Posted by iwoolf

Ig Nobel Prizes Awards 2019

MP3 download

A special 24 minute edit of the 86 minute Ig Nobel Award ceremonies for science that first makes you laugh and then makes you think, hosted by Marc Abrams.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

The Annals of Improbable Research

Posted by iwoolf

Social effects of Algorithmic bias

MP3 download

The News of 2019 in review by Ian Woolf,
From Singularity Australia Summit 2019:
Alix Rübsaam talks about algorithmic bias,
Simon friend describes Soul machines digital brain.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Simon Friend in front of a large screen showing an animated woman's face
Simon Friend of Soul Machines

Singularity University Australia

Alix Rübsaam

Posted by iwoolf

Tesla suit field brain scanner

MP3 download

Invisible man from Canada by Ian Woolf
From Singularity Australia Summit 2019:
Dimitri Mikhalchuk fits me for a Tesla Suit,
Professor Chris Levi develops a field brain scanner for strokes.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Ian wearing a TeslaSuit
Ian wearing a virtual reality TeslaSuit

Dimitri Mikhalchuk with the TeslaSuit worn by a dummy
Dimitri Mikhalchuk with the TeslaSuit

Chris Levi with brain scan equipment and images
Professor Chris Levi at the Hunter Medical Research Institute
Microwave helmet yields fast and safe evaluation of head injuries
What is a stroke?

Hyperstealth Corporation
How Guy Cramer Invented “Invisibility” with Quantum Stealth--and His Advice for Inventors
A new take on creating an invisibility shield borrows from classical physics

Posted by iwoolf

Bop Seabin Mycoreality

MP3 download

From Singularity Australia Summit 2019:
Nonto Nkiwane talks about Bop Industries next generation entrepreneurs,
Alexandra Ridout explains how the Seabin Project cleans up plastic,
Alicia Dudek from Mycoreality explains how fungi will save us all.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Alexandra Ridout with the Seabin Project

The Seabin Project billboard

The Seabin Project

Alicia Dudek from Mycoreality
Soilquest poster
LifeCykel poster with Alicia Dudek
Mycoreality on Facebook

Bop Industries

Singularity University Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Hacking sex and citizen space

MP3 download

From Singularity University Australia Summit 2019:
Kim Hulett talks about hacking sex and playing God,
From CEBIT Sydney 2019:
Steven Brinks talks about the Citizen's Space Agency.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Kim Hulett on stage with a slide saying babies can now be made in the lab
Kim Hulett (Singularity University South Africa)
Next Biosciences

Stephen Brinks and Venith Raj at the CeBIT Sydney
Citizen Space

Posted by iwoolf

Exponential Energy

MP3 download

Cooling without power by Ian Woolf,
First and Second Law by Flanders and Swan,
Ramez Naam talks about exponential energy.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Ramez Naam on stage
Ramez Naam
Singularity University Australia Summit 2019

Heat flowing from cold to hot without external intervention by using a “thermal inductor”
Thermodynamic Magic Enables Cooling without Energy Consumption

Posted by iwoolf

Changing behaviour

MP3 download

From the Singularity University Summit 2019:
Shelley Laslett talks about the neuroscience of changing your behaviour,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

portrait o Shelly Laslett
Shelley Laslett
Singularity University Australia Summit 2019

Posted by iwoolf

Future Low Energy Electronic Technology

MP3 download

The 2019 Nobel Prizes for Chemistry and Physics by Ian Woolf,
Samuel Bladwell explains Future Low Energy Electronic Technologies,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Sam Bladwell standing in front of the ocean with a cruise ship in the background><br />
Samuel Bladwell<br />
<a href=>FLEET</a></p>

<p><a href=>The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019</a><br />
<a href=>The Nobel Prize in Physics 2019</a><br />
<a href= 2019>The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019</a><br />
<a href=>Statistically speaking, 2019 Nobel Prize lineup of 11 men and one woman was bound to happen</a><br />
<a href=>Why don’t more women win science Nobels?</a></p>

<div class= Posted by iwoolf

Junk DNA extreme weather aphasia

MP3 download

Baby teeth worth more by Chris Stewart,
Baby teeth update by Ian Woolf,
Amanda Hamilton spoke with Professor Malcom Simons about his patent of the "junk" DNA that makes up ninety-five percent of our genetic inheritence,
The impact of extreme weather on human history by Tim Baynes,
Aphasia by Ian Woolf,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Stem Cells in Dental Pulp of Deciduous Teeth 2011
Deciduous autologous tooth stem cells regenerate dental pulp after implantation into injured teeth 2018
Regrowing dental tissue with stem cells from baby teeth (press release)
Regrowing dental tissue with stem cells from baby teeth - Science Daily
Scientists Have Found a Drug That Regenerates Teeth, And It Could Reduce The Need For Fillings

Posted by iwoolf

Baby thoughts, forget to learn

MP3 download

Brain slices, green rain, weird dentistry, 9000 year old city, dried plum preserves, kids need to know, and purr therapy by Ian Woolf,
Artificial noses by Gina Sartore,
DIY GMO, potato bandages, and duct tape therapy by Ian Woolf,
Baby thoughts by Gina Sartore,
Forget to learn by Gina Sartore,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi beach, featuring a giant inflated sculpture of a man's head wearing a dive mask that is half-filled with water.

Posted by iwoolf

Plight of the platypus

MP3 download

Thomas Grant talks about preserving platypuses,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

opera-house yabbie trap with dead platypus
Australian Platypus Conservacy
Thomas Grant in his study
Thomas Grant

Posted by iwoolf

AI - replace, destroy or enhance

MP3 download

Andrew Despi talks about his vision of an artificial intelligence future,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Andrew Despi wearing a t-shirt that reads Ancient astronaut theorist
Andrew Despi

Posted by iwoolf

Coral reefs in NSW

MP3 download

Tracey Ainsworth and Steph Gardner from UNSW talk about NSW coral reefs
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Associate Professor Tracey AinsworthDr Stephanie Gardner

From Reef to Harbour: The Hidden Wonder of NSW Corals
Climate change: Marine heatwaves kill coral instantly

Posted by iwoolf

Ignoble Artilect War

This episode was first broadcast on 2010-10-11:

MP3 download

Ian Woolf reports the 2010 Ig Nobel prizes,
Ian Woolf concludes his interview with Hugo De Garis about his vision of the impending war between those who would build massively intelligent machines and those who would stop them at all costs, at the Singularity Summit Australia, in Melbourne.
Artilect Discussion with Marc West.
Hosted by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

Hugo de Garis, arms raised,  with text projected on his face as he speaks
Hugo de Garis at the Singularitry Summit in Melbourne

Annals of Improbable Research

Posted by iwoolf

Artilect war and plankton

MP3 download

This show was originally broadcast in 2010-10-04:
Ian Woolf spoke to Hugo De Garis about the implications of being able to build god-like massively super-intelligent machines at the Singularity Summit Australia in Melbourne.
Lachlan Whatmore explains the phytoplankton crisis.
Presented and Produced by Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

Superlative hydrogen

MP3 download

Hydrogen hijinks, by Ian Woolf,
Matthew Laplante talks about his book Superlative: The biology of extremes, Part 2
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Matthew Laplante in a forest
Matthew Laplante

CSIRO Hydrogen Roadmap
Hydrogen gas trial in western Sydney could unlock $1.7bn in renewable exports
Project H2GO
The Hydrogen Hoax

16 renewable hydrogen projects backed by ARENA grants

CSIRO tech accelerates hydrogen vehicle future
AGL part of world-first hydrogen energy supply chain project
Scott Morrison brings coal to question time: what fresh idiocy is this?

If the CSIRO won't do research for the public good, who will?
Move to sack leading CSIRO scientist shocks scientific world
CSIRO spends almost $3m on climate science redundancies
What's going on inside the CSIRO and is Larry Marshall to blame?
Job cuts set to rock CSIRO Minerals and Data research
CSIRO cuts were about taking focus off 'public-good research', emails show
Science Minister Greg Hunt tells CSIRO to maintain 'pure public good' science
The crazy saga of the great CSIRO sell-off
CSIRO research vessel chartered by BP and Chevron
Save CSIRO: the value of public good research
Science Minister Hunt's Statement of Expectations to CSIRO (pdf)
CSIRO Research Vessel Investigator
CSIRO cuts: Without climate modelling, we won't be able to adapt
CSIRO's global reputation 'trashed' and new science body needed, Senate told
Global sea-level expert John Church made to walk the plank
CSIRO head Larry Marshal sued over technology firm collapse
Larry Marshall's reappointment agreed by Turnbull government but not made public
Science and Industry Research Act 1949

Posted by iwoolf

Scientific journalism and extreme biology

MP3 download

Journalism is not a crime, by Ian Woolf,
Matthew Laplante talks about his book Superlative: The biology of extremes, Part 1
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Matthew Laplante standing in a temperate forest
Matthew Laplante

The Psychology of Getting Julian Assange - part 1 What's torture got to do with it?
Demasking The Torture of Julian Assange
Julian Assange's clear and present danger
The British-American coup that ended Australian independence
Arbib revealed as secret US source
With Ecuador’s Cooperation Bought by IMF Loans, Washington Waxes Optimistic on Assange Extradition
Australia's national security laws should protect the country, not its politicians in power
In Defense Of WikiLeaks: Looking At Cables On Pharmaceutical Drugs And Trade Pressures
Facts and myths in the WikiLeaks/Guardian saga
Leak at WikiLeaks A Dispatch Disaster in Six Acts

Bradley Manning leak did not result in deaths by enemy forces, court hears

UN expert criticizes States for ‘ganging up’ on Wikileaks’ Assange; warns against extradition, fearing ‘serious’ rights violations
Assange Case: Agreed statement of facts and issues
Swedish allegations and closure of the case
Yank in the ranks
Gillard red-faced after calling WikiLeaks 'illegal'
Julian Assange’s Beard
UN Special Rapporteur On Torture Exposes Anti-Assange Smear Campaign
Debunking All The Assange Smears
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange suffers from 'psychological torture:' UN expert
Senate Intel slips sentence into bill that could lead to spying on US citizens
May Curious Eyes Never Run Dry, by Felicity Ruby and Scott Ludlam

Posted by iwoolf

Nanoparticles and twitter peer review

MP3 download

Twitter peer review by Ian Woolf,
Debora Monego talks about nanoparticles.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Deboar Monego at her desk
Debora Monego

CCR5-∆32 is deleterious in the homozygous state in humans

Posted by iwoolf

Water, Survival and ME/CFS 1999

MP3 download

This show was originally broadcast on 9th March 1999:

Castrate-mobile in Rio,
Prayer doesn't heal,
Bee venom for cancer treatment by Deborah Lum

Ruby Archis talks with Norm Carruthers of ACA about the safety of our drinking water,

David Blank reports on surviving the Third Millenium,

Ian Woolf reports on the Alison Hunter Memorial ME/CFS Conference 1999,

Hosted by Carol Oliver,
Produced by Lachlan Whatmore,
with technical support by Gina Satore,
Edited by Ian Woolf

Ian Woolf 20 years ago in front of old computer

Posted by iwoolf

Robots Recycle Rags

MP3 download

Pitanga extends life in worms,
Smart dust has shrunk by Ian Woolf,
David Hinwood designs robots to recycle old clothing.
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

David Hinwood
David Hinwood

Purple pitanga fruit (Eugenia uniflora L.) protects against oxidative stress and increase the lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans via the DAF-16/FOXO pathway
Summary of "Purple pitanga fruit (Eugenia uniflora L.) protects against oxidative stress and increase the lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans via the DAF-16/FOXO pathway."

The Microbots Are on Their Way
New cell-sized micro robots might make incredible journeys

NMN Nicotinamide mononucleotide 125mg 30 caps
Sleep, lasers and sauce revisited
The science of sleep, lasers and sauce

Posted by iwoolf

Bio-engineering Innovation Challenge 2019

MP3 download

The Bioengineering Innovation Outreach Challenge 2019 prize winners by Ian Woolf,
Professor Hala Zreiqat talks about the ARC Bioengineering Innovation Centre,
Dr Gavinda Singh talks about his research in cancer cures and his mentorship,
Team Team from Sydney Girls High School talk about their Epilepsy brainwave monitoring solution,
Team Biochis from Mount Carmel Catholic School talk about their nutritional deficiency detecting watch,
Team Discovery Channel from Fort St High School talk about implanting an epinephrine dispensor for allergic shock,
PhD students Mathilde Longfield and Ben Ferguson talk about mentoring the high school students,
Team Exothermics from Sydney Girls High School talk about making scorpion antivenom cheaper and easier to access,
Team Tissue Box from Sydney Girls High School talks about their water-proof hearing aid
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Professor Hala Zreiqat

Team team from Sydney Girls High School

Team Biochis from Mount Carmel Catholic High School:
Maria Tuyor, Alisa Thephavong, Maria-Louise Baccay, Elisha Sailago and Anora Sitthirajvongsa

Team Biochis sensor watch

Team Discovery Channel from Fort St High School

Team Exothermics from Sydney Girls High School

Team Tissue Box from Sydney Girls High School

Posted by iwoolf

Home synthetic biology lab

MP3 download

Electric cars are the new NBN by Ian Woolf,
JJ Hastings talks about creating art and science and her new authorised synthetic biology home lab
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

JJ Hastings
JJ Hastings

JJ Hasting's garage synthetic biology lab

J.J. Hastings’ research explores self-experimentation, genome editing, machine learning and the future intersections between tech and the human body. She has long-standing roots as a biohacker (2009)—having co-founded two community labs, London Biohackspace and Melbourne’s BioQuisitive—and now has the first garage lab start-up in Australia to be approved by the OGTR to work with genetically modified organisms.

J.J.’s artwork has been exhibited at venues across Europe, India, Asia, North America, and Australia. J.J.’s career in scientific research spans over 15 years. She is alumna of New York University, Harvard University, the University of Oxford, and Central Saint Martins with advanced degrees in Biology, Bioinformatics, and Fine Art. Her research fuses and folds together the fields of machine learning, bioengineering, space exploration, new media art, and ethics.

Stand by, Australia, for the electric car revolution
ABB Launches 8-minute Charger for Electric Vehicles (2018)
ScoMo Apparently Forgot His Government Already Funds Electric Car Fast-Chargers
Coalition hits bottom of barrel with fake news campaign against electric cars
Bill Shorten says it takes 8-10 minutes to charge an electric car
'Australia's waking up': take-up of electric car charging points to market shift
Tritium ultra fast car chargers made in Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Fat viruses and CRISPR kits

The virus that makes you fat but healthy - by Ian Woolf,
Alex Kelly talks about a new model for the Biofoundry, and CRISPR kits in development.
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Alex Kelly at the Australian Innovation Centre

Biohacker Alex Kelly at the Australian Innovation Centre


Adenovirus 36 and Obesity: An Overview
Reduction of adenovirus 36-induced obesity and inflammation by mulberry extract
The Human Obesity Virus & How It Affects You
Posted by iwoolf

Investing in the Future

MP3 download

Alex Kelly talks about economics, automation, investment, and how to change things for a better society.
Excerpt from "Machine: Master or Slave"
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Alex Kelly
Alex Kelly at the Australian Innovation Centre

The Biofoundry

Posted by iwoolf

Gravitational wave generators

MP3 download

High Frequency Gravitational Wave generator by Ian Woolf,
Alcubierre warp drive, EM inertia-less drive and anti-gravity with Professor Geraint Lewis,
The strange case of the disappearing anti-gravity researchers by Dr Tim Baynes,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Geraint Lewis
Professor Geraint Lewis
Sydney Institute for Astronmy

High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator patent
Analysis of the Demonstration of the Gertsenshtein Effect
GravWave company
Aerospace applications of HFGW
The high energy electromagnetic field generator
Update on Podkletnov gravity modification work

Posted by iwoolf

Science podcast science and FTL patents

MP3 download

Navy FTL space drive patent by Ian Woolf,
Ben Kiernan's science of science podcasts and the Non-peer reviewed podcast,
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Ben Kiernan with headphones
Ben Kiernan
Non-peer reviewed podcast

Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device
Conditional possibility of spacecraft propulsion at superluminal speeds
Analysis of the Demonstration of the Gertsenshtein Effect

Posted by iwoolf

Nano Molecular train sets

MP3 download

Cyber attack on Australia,
Weird technology from the US Navy, by Ian Woolf,
Nano-engineering molecular motors by Dr Shelley Wickham,
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf

Dr Shelley Wickham

A DNA-based molecular motor that can navigate a network of tracks
Scientists Build DNA Rail System For Nanomotors, Complete With Tracks & Switches
Instructables - Design, Assembly, and Verification of a 2D DNA Origami Nanostructure

DNAliens BioMOd team

Australian political parties hit by 'state actor' hack, PM says
Hackers gain entry to Federal Parliament network
Infosec pro questions PM's claims about 'sophisticated' attack
Parliament attackers appear to have used Web shells
Iran or China? Competing claims about actor behind Parliament hack
Explained: The Liberal Party's Parakeelia rort
Parakeelia rented Liberal Party's 2013 election campaign headquarters
Taxpayer-funded surveillance: The Liberal Party database and i360 combine
XKCD: Voting Machines
Web shells
‘State actor’ makes cyber attack on Australian political parties
Liberal Party harnesses i360 big data in time for 2019 Federal Election
The Liberal Party’s Parakeelia laundering scheme
Parakeelia generates a record $900,000 for the Liberal Party
Parakeelia: The (almost) perfect Liberal Party Scam
Revealed: How the ALP keeps secret files on voters
Labor's voter tracking practices exposed by a simple Google search
Political Databases: where privacy goes to die
Voting within Australia

If These US Navy Patents are Made Then We Are in a Star Trek Technology World
Navy files for patent on room-temperature superconductor
Patent: Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor
Navy scientists develop room-temperature superconductor based on Al or PZT coating
Big If Real: Navy Files Patent on Room-Temperature Superconductor

Posted by iwoolf

Birds, bees and bots

MP3 download

Professor Srinivasan talks about how flying animals navigate, and applying their methods to aircraft.
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Professor Srinivasan

The Poladian Project
Neuroscience of vision and aerial robotics
Youtube channel of the biorobotics lab at the Queensland Brain Institute in Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Discovery - Women, MindSwitch and Quantum computers

MP3 download

From 16th November 1999:
News of Martian probes and exoplanets by David Blank,
Matt Whitfort asks Dr Michelle Smyth about the issues facing women in science.
Ian Woolf interviews Professor Ashley Craig about his research into the UTS Mindswitch.
Ian Woolf talks with Dr Andrew Djurak about Quantum Computers.
Presented by Carol Oliver.
Produced by Ian Woolf,
with technical support by Lucas Koellen.
Sound check by Charles Willock,
re-edited by Ian Woolf.


Posted by iwoolf

Axiomatic - Never was a cornflake guy

MP3 download

From 18th January 2000:
The strange connection between corn flakes and masturbation by Ian Woolf,
- discusssion with Sophie Kalvalides, Lachlan Whatmore and Ian Woolf.
The Life of Jacob Bronowski concluded by Lachlan Whatmore.
Hosted by Lachlan Whatmore and Ian Woolf,
Technical support by Gina Sartore,
Re-edited by Ian Woolf,
Sound check by Charles Willock

Ian, Gina, and Lach

Posted by iwoolf

Axiomatic weird food and Bronowski

MP3 download

From 11th January 2000:
Antidepressant orgasms by Ian Woolf,
US AIDS AID by Lachlan Whatmore,
Fun with grapes by Ian Woolf
Light emitting vegetable diodes by Ian Woolf,
The Life of Jacob Bronowski part 1 by Lachlan Whatmore,
Stimulating chocolate by Ian Woolf,
ET hates soap by Lachlan Whatmore,
Aids win in Uganda by Lachlan Whatmore,
Hosted by Lachlan Whatmore and Ian Woolf,
Technical support by Gina Sartore,
Re-edited by Ian Woolf,
Sound check by Charles Willock

Ian, Gina, and Lach

Posted by iwoolf

2018 Ig Nobel Prizes

MP3 download

Marc Abrahams hosts the Annals of Improbable Research's Ig Nobel Prize award ceremony.
2 hour ceremony cut down to 24 minutes by Ian Woolf.
Sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Marc Abrahams

Annals of Improbable Research

Posted by iwoolf

Twenty years and Biblical genes

MP3 download

Teen boy puts religion in his genes by Ian Woolf,
Twenty years of Diffusion, a walk down memory lane by Ian Woolf
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Diffusion team

Lock's test smile
Diffusion won!

The first injection in a human being of macromolecules whose primary structure was developed from a religious text
Les Troisièmes (Mini-série)
Adrien Locatelli's Youtube channel

Posted by iwoolf

Full automation and Elvis on the Moon

MP3 download

Germs deep underground,
Germs from hand drying by Ian Woolf,
Lucas Koellen lifts the lid on toilet hazards, and Elvis on the Moon,
Elyse Sue talks about ffull unemployment at Tranhumanism Australia.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Elyse Sue - Full unemployment

Dyson Airblades 'spread germs 1,300 times more than paper towels'
Evaluation of the potential for virus dispersal during hand drying: a comparison of three methods
Reality check: Are hand dryers in public bathrooms full of bacteria and fungi?

Life in Deep Earth Totals 15 to 23 Billion Tonnes of Carbon—Hundreds of Times More than Humans
Scientists identify vast underground ecosystem containing billions of micro-organisms

Posted by iwoolf

Transhumanism engineering Cat-girls

MP3 download

CRISPR babies update by Ian Woolf,
Transhumanism and emerging technologies by Peter Xing,
Engineering Cat-girls by Meow Ludo Meow Meow.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

The Current Technological Feasibility of Creating Cat-girls
Meow with a Cat-girl slide

The researcher who created CRISPR twins defends his work but fails to quell controversy
The Scientist Who Gene-Edited Babies Is Missing

Posted by iwoolf

Planetary Defense and symbiotic drones

MP3 download

Symbiotic drones by Ian Woolf,
Nikola Schmidt and Petr Bohacek talk about Planetary Defense - part 1.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Nikola Schmidt and Petr Bohacek

Nikola Schmidt and Petr Bohacek
ESA Planetary Defense
NASA Planetary Defense
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

FlyJacket Lets You Control a Drone With Your Body
FlyJacket: An Upper Body Soft Exoskeleton for Immersive Drone Control

Posted by iwoolf

Fizzy ice cream and musical planes

MP3 download

Chimpazee fossils,
Chimpanzee genome,
Lunar penguin robot to jump around the Moon,
by Adam Richardson, Peter Robins, Michael Sun, Jacqui Pfeffer and Chris Stewart
Fizzy Ice cream by Matt Clarke,
Ian Salmon's Music to keep planes flying, by Chris Stewart and Adam Richardson,
Hosted by Jacqui Pfeffer,
Produced by Chris Stewart,
re-edited by Ian Woolf
This show was originally broadcast in September 2005


Wings that Sing
Vibrating plane wings may delay stalling

MIT crew churns out ice cream with sizzle

Posted by iwoolf

Absinthe chemistry and Beer froth maths

MP3 download

DIY genetic engineering,
Potatoes stop bleeding,
Gaffa tape stops warts,
and Venusian bacteria by Ian Woolf

2002 Chemistry Nobel Prize - identifying biological macro-molecules by Chris Stewart,

Absinthe science by Adam Mark,

2002 IgNobel Prizes - Scrotal asymmetry in man and ancient sculpture, beer froth obeys law of exponential decay, washing machine for cats and dogs, belly button lint by Chris Stewart

Hosted by Adam Mark,
Produced by Chris Stewart,
Technical support by Gina Satore,
re-edited by Ian Woolf.

lDiffusion team 2002
Chris Stewart, Gina Satore, Lachlan Whatmore, Adam Mark, Tim Baynes, Angelique Hutchinson

Nobel prize in Chemistry 2002
IgNobel prize winners 2002

‘DIY gene modification’ of animals revealed
Potato Powder Stops Bleeding

Can Duct Tape Get Rid of Warts?
Venus may have bugs, say scientists
Researchers Say Venus' Atmosphere Could Support Extraterrestrial Life

Posted by iwoolf

Coeliac genes and zombies

MP3 download

Nepenthes lure insects with carbon dioxide by Ian Woolf,
Richard Charlesworth examines gene expression to diagnose Coeliac disease spectrum,
The secrets of real zombies by Ian Woolf,
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.


Nepenthes pitchers are CO2-enriched cavities, emit CO2 to attract prey
How Plants Use Carbon Dioxide to Capture Bugs
Carnivorous Nutrition in Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes spp.) via an Unusual Complement of Endogenous Enzymes
Enzymes from carnivorous plant could help people digest gluten

Posted by iwoolf

Meow on Mars

MP3 download

Reprogrammed cells heal wounds by Ian Woolf,
Meow Ludo Meow Meow in conversation about the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence, realistic robots, growing plants in space, astrobiology, colonising Mars and Australia's Space Agency.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Meow on the surface of Mars

In vivo reprogramming of wound-resident cells generates skin epithelial tissue
New technique heals wounds with reprogrammed skin cells

Posted by iwoolf

Tickets and power in NSW

MP3 download

When is a ticket not a ticket? by Ian Woolf
Meow Ludo Meow Meow explains the legalities of travelling with an implanted ticket,
Sander Fransen concludes When the stars will align for Zero Carbon energy in NSW
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Meow Ludo Meow Meow


Opal contactless payments
Opal contactless payments trial FAQ
NSW Transit officers can't check credit card tap ons
Guy Leech backs waterproof multi-function wearable CURL by Inamo
Investible just led a $1.5 million investment round for Sydney wearable fintech Inamo
Transport for NSW extends the successful Contactless Payments Trial

Posted by iwoolf

Lightbulb terrariums and biobiz

MP3 download

Gartner's Hype Report predicts 5 trends for the next 5 years by Ian Woolf,
Meow Ludo Meow Meow in conversation about lightbulb terrariums, biodomes, space stations and bio-businesses.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Meow holding lightbulb terrarium
Lightbulb Terrarium

Meow Ludo Meow Meow

Gartner Hype Report 2018

How to build a lightbulb terrarium


Posted by iwoolf

Hearts, strawberries and water

MP3 download

Strawberries help Inflammatory Bowel Disease symptoms,
Nano-fibre nets catch water from the air by Ian Woolf,
Muthu Vellayappan mends hearts with groovy patches.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Muthu Vellayappan

Strawberries Could Help Reduce Harmful Inflammation in the Colon
Strawberries may reduce gut inflammation
IBD Australia
Can strawberries help cure intestinal inflammation?

Portable freshwater harvester could draw up to 10 gallons per hour from the air
Nanofibre net draws drinking water from the air for drought-hit people

Posted by iwoolf

Seaweed science week and memory

MP3 download

Lana Kajlich reports on her seaweed Science Week activities,
Dana Leidl talks about memory and amnesia,
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Restoring crayweed Phyllospora comosa to South Bondi
Restoring crayweed Phyllospora comosa to South Bondi photo credit by John Turnbull

Dana Leidl
Dana Leidl

Posted by iwoolf

Operation Crayweed

MP3 download

Rotten egg gas rejuvenates cells by Ian Woolf,
Lana Kajlich talks about Operation Crayweed and restoring seaweed forests.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Lana Kajlich
Lana Kajlich
Operation Crayweed

Mitochondria-targeted hydrogen sulfide attenuates endothelial senescence by selective induction of splicing factors HNRNPD and SRSF2
Ageing in human cells successfully reversed in the lab

NMN Nicotinamide mononucleotide 125mg 30 caps

Posted by iwoolf

Sick supplements and secret gardens

MP3 download

Commercial astronauts at NASA by Ian Woolf,
Kate Samardzic talks about biotoxins in supplements,
Christina McGhee talks about Secret Science events for Science Week, at the Royal Botanic Gardens.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

2018-07-26 15.25.32
Kate Samardzic
Kate Samardzic on twitter

Christina McGhee

Royal Botanic Garden Science Week events

NASA Commercial Crew
NASA assigns first crew to fly commercial spacecraft
These are the astronauts NASA assigned for SpaceX and Boeing to launch the first crews from the US since 2011

Posted by iwoolf

Funding ME and CFS research

MP3 download

Senate Estimates prompts NHMRC to start an ME/CFS panel to target research funding,
Stephen Graves describes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 2008,
Part 2 of Brett Lidbury talking about ME/CFS.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

LIDBURY Brett 14July2011

Australian Department of Health pins its hopes on NIH research
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information for Healthcare Providers

'Potentially harmful and old-fashioned' chronic fatigue treatments under review
Brain injury may cause chronic fatigue
Hit-and-run injury to the brain
Study finds Chronic Fatigue caused by brain injury
Prolonged Illness after Infectious Mononucleosis
Is Associated with Altered Immunity but Not with Increased Viral Load

Post-Exertional Malaise, Exercise And ME/CFS
Graded Exercise Therapy for CFS /ME & FMS;
Friend or Foe?

ME isn’t just ‘exercise phobia’: it’s a physical illness
#estimates - diagnosis and treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome
February 2016 Estimates QoN ME and CFS
Slippery ice, Misdirected science
Invisible illness and Exploding spacecraft
Australian government seeking expert advice on ME and CFS research grants
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients' reports of symptom changes following cognitive behavioural therapy, graded exercise therapy and pacing treatments: Analysis of a primary survey compared with secondary surveys.
NDIS must recognise Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or suicide will follow

Posted by iwoolf

Grinding your face

MP3 download

Face tracking tested on poor people by Ian Woolf,
Tim Cannon talks about implanting devices for fun and profit.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Tim Cannon
Tim Cannon
Livestock Labs
Grindhouse Wetware

How to Opt OUT of MyHealth Records
My Health Record systems collapse under more opt-outs than expected
The latest health data breach is one reason why I’ll be opting out of MyHealthRecord
Centrelink automation hurting Australia's most vulnerable - Anglicare
A single identity to engage with government agencies
Face-Gov: selfie nation a step closer
Biometric Identification and Identity Theft
The questions Australia should really ask about face recognition
Centrelink to use face scanning technology for pension claimants
Centrelink vows to FACE-SCAN welfare recipients and introduce a ‘demerit points’ to crackdown on benefits fraud
Centrelink to face-scan welfare recipients in drastic new crackdown on benefits fraud
Centrelink recipient's data released by department to counter public criticism
Face Recognition CEO Says Use Of This Tech By Police Is 'Irresponsible And Dangerous'
Australian Government’s national facial recognition regime needs a serious rethink
Centrelink 'tightens security' as identity theft crimes to access welfare payments grow
NSW government commits AU$52.6m to national biometric initiative
Airport security card company reveals data hack as AFP investigates
A real Mediscare: Data breach raises new concerns about security of health records

Posted by iwoolf

Quantum teleportation sexy hello

MP3 download

From October 2008:

News by Ian Woolf,
- Medical Chocolate from Mars,
- Fertile greetings from females

Ian Woolf interviews Samuel Braunstein about quantum teleportation, how to get yourself faxed from A to B, without travelling in the space in-between,

Patrick Rubie explains part 1 of his Science and History of Radio,

Presented and Produced by Ian Woolf
Re-edited by Ian Woolf


Posted by iwoolf

Science Week special again

MP3 download

Marc, Victoria and Ian tackle the questions you have asked us in 2010
Why do I sneeze at the Sun?
What would something look like if it was travelling at the speed of light?
Why do sportsmen train at altitude?
Why do previously overweight people have trouble keeping the weight off?
We ask the experts to get the real answers to these questions and more
Questions answered by Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf
Produced and hosted by Marc West
Re-edited by Ian Woolf

Diffususion team 2010

Posted by iwoolf

Nobels and Ig nobels

MP3 download

from October 2005:
News by Jacqui Pfeffer,
Rubber from fruit flies,
Ultra-violet spiders,
Dumped by SMS,
the Nobel Prize winners with Adam Richardson,
the IgNoble Prize winners with Ian Woolf,
Presented by Matthew Francis
Produced by Chris Stewart
Re-edited by Ian Woolf

Marc Abrams introducing Miss SweetiePoo

Posted by iwoolf

Wound honey and rhythmotron

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Walk fast if you want to live by Ian Woolf,
Daniel Bouzho talks about Manuka honey and bacteria,
Raelene Sommer describes the Rhythmotron and Penrith Observatory.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Daniel Bouzho
Daniel Bouzho

Raelene Sommer
Raelene Sommer with the Rhythomtron and Xronomorph

XronoMorph | A free new app that helps musicians develop new rhythms

Self-rated walking pace and all-cause, cardiovascular
disease and cancer mortality: individual participant
pooled analysis of 50 225 walkers from 11 population
British cohorts

Walking faster could make you live longer: research

Posted by iwoolf

Bacterial love cleavage virtual observatories

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Hangover cure by Ian Woolf,
Michael Widjaja talks about bacteria using cleavage,
Kate Wilson talks about building the virtual Penrith Observatory.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Michael Widjaja
Michael Widjaja
Cleaving to survive: the complex life of pathogenic bacteria

Kate Wilson
Kate Wilson

A Hepatocyte‐Mimicking Antidote for Alcohol Intoxication
A hangover pill? Tests on drunk mice show promise

Posted by iwoolf

Parasite hacks and computer vision

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Akane Tanaka finds new treatments for auto-immune disorders by studying how parasites hack our immune system,
Quian Wu uses computer vision and machine learning to find your clothing size, and also to track livestock,
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Akane Tanaka
Akane Tanaka

Quian Wu
Quian Wu

CeBIT Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Poked plant physics Ant venom

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Live bodiless brains by Ian Woolf,
Toby Hendy talks about the physics of poked plants,
Samira Aili talks about using ant venom to save the world,
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Toby Hendy at Famelab
Toby Hendy at Famelab
Tibees - Toby Hendy on YouTube
Toby Hendy on Twitter

Samira Aili with mass spectrometer
Samira Aili in the lab with a mass spectrometer
Samira Aili on Twitter
Spider Man and Ant Woman

Researchers are keeping pig brains alive outside the body
The ethics of experimenting with human brain tissue

Posted by iwoolf

Why You're Not Dead Yet

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Powerless cameras by Ian Woolf,
Dr David Farmer and comedian Jackson Vaarhoor explain Why You're Not Dead Yet,
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.


Towards Battery-Free HD Video Streaming
Researchers achieve HD video streaming at 10,000 times lower power
Smart glasses could stream video without killing your battery

Posted by iwoolf

March for Science and Prawn plastic

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Computers listen to your imagination by Ian Woolf,
Andrea Leong talks about the March for Science,
At the Biofoundry, Jared Wood talks about plastic for plants from prawns,
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Andrea Leong
Andrea Leong
March for Science Australia
Science Party NSW

Jared Wood
Jared Wood
Jared Wood PhD
Inspired magazine

Neural Encoding of Auditory Features during Music Perception and Imagery
Neural Encoding of Auditory Features during Music Perception and Imagery (PDF preprint)
Tune in your head? Mind-reading tech can guess how it sounds

Posted by iwoolf

Milking spiders and interfacing brains

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')

Headset that listens to your internal voice,
Alex Kelly tells us about the latest Biofoundry projects, and about brain-computer interfaces.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Alex Kelly and the Sydney biohackers


AlterEgo: A Personalized Wearable Silent Speech Interface
Computer system transcribes words users “speak silently”
Researchers develop device that can 'hear' your internal voice

Posted by iwoolf

Science communication and Quantum transistors


News of bacteria engineered with an electronic switch,
Naomi Koh Belic and Noushin Nasiri talk about science communication,
Michelle Simmonds explores how transistors work at the quantum level in 2002,
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf


Electronic control of gene expression and cell behaviour in Escherichia coli through redox signalling

New Research Points to a Genetic Switch That Can Let Our Bodies Talk to Electronics



Noushin Nasiri

Naomi Koh Belic

Famelab Australia

Michelle Simmonds, Centre for Quantum Computing
Award to Michelle Simmons reflects strategic importance of quantum physics for Australia

Posted by iwoolf

Nanotech sensors and Autistic expression


Neurotypical people shun autistic people by Ian Woolf,
Noushin Nasiri talks about detecting diabetes in your breath with nanotech sensors.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Noushin Nasiri
Noushin Nasiri

FameLab 2016 - Noushin Nasiri from British Council Australia on Vimeo.

Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism based on Thin Slice Judgments
Autism and the Burden of Social Reciprocity

Posted by iwoolf

Nanotech sensors and Autistic expression


Neurotypical people shun autistic people by Ian Woolf,
Noushin Nasiri talks about detecting diabetes in your breath with nanotech sensors.
Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

Noushin Nasiri
Noushin Nasiri

FameLab 2016 - Noushin Nasiri from British Council Australia on Vimeo.

Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism based on Thin Slice Judgments
Autism and the Burden of Social Reciprocity

Posted by iwoolf

Autonomous artificial intelligence algorithms


Professor Toby Walsh talks about artificial intelligence with Ian Woolf.
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

07 Toby Walsh with Baxter the robot
Toby Walsh

Posted by iwoolf

The Forgetting Machine - part 1


Slow ice cream, drone rescue and shocking work conditions by Ian Woolf,
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga talks about our brain as The Forgetting Machine - part 1
Professor Aleksandra Przegalinska's 24/7 lecture on the topic: Bots.
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Professor Rodrigo Quian Quiroga

book: The Forgetting Machine: Memory, Perception, and the ''Jennifer Aniston Neuron''

Strawberry extract is secret of popsicles that do not melt
Biotherapy Development Research Centre
Kanazawa Ice
Japan’s ‘Non-Melting’ Soft Serve Stays Solid In The Sun, Can Even Be Lit By Fire
Natural strawberry extract creates non-melting, healthier ice cream Japan has engineered a popsicle that “doesn’t melt”
Polyphenols - What They Are, and Why You Need Them
The Healthy Effects of Strawberry Polyphenols: Which Strategy behind Antioxidant Capacity?
Strawberry polyphenols are equally cytotoxic to tumourigenic and normal human breast and prostate
cell lines.

all polyphenols found in Strawberry, raw
Strawberry Polyphenols Attenuate Ethanol-Induced Gastric Lesions in Rats
by Activation of Antioxidant Enzymes and Attenuation of MDA Increase

Strawberry Polyphenols Improve Insulin Sensitivity in Overweight and
Obese Adults

Strawberry and cranberry polyphenols improve insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant, non-diabetic adults: a parallel, double-blind, controlled and randomised clinical trial

A Drone Saves Two Swimmers in Australia

NSW Roads Minister Accused Of Floating Electric Shocks For Tired Drivers
Shock remarks from Minister spark debate

Gearbest DIY Building block mini drone kit
$15 DIY Building block mini drone kit

Posted by iwoolf

Telegony and guitars


Dr Angela Crean explains environmental effects on fathers, and non-genetic inheritance.
Luke Coffey builds a robotic guitar.
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

2017-11-16 11.38.54
Dr Angela Crean
Sex, flies and sperm count: young scientist's research on male fertility wins award
Flies give another twist in the evolving story of heredity
Equus quagga and Lord Morton's mare

Luke Coffey

Posted by iwoolf

Bright Sparks 2017 - part 3 poetry


Meltdown, Spectre and Nuclear detonation news by Ian Woolf,
For the final Bright Sparks challenge, the Fresh scientists perform their haiku and limericks, and share the insights they've gained:
Mohamed Tashani on vaccines from The University of Sydney,
Xufeng Lin on digital photo forensics from Charles Sturt University,
Juliano Morimoto on flies, gut bacteria and sex from Macquarie University,
Rebecca Poulos with slip slop slap and slide from the University of New South Wales,
Michael Widjaja with cleavage distration from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Master of Ceremonies Nial Byrne,
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Hackers will try to exploit Spectre and Meltdown bugs. What you need to know
Linus Torvalds is not happy about Intel's Meltdown and Spectre mess
Microsoft reinstates Meltdown/Spectre patches for some AMD processors — but which ones?
Apple says all Mac and iOS devices affected by Meltdown and Spectre bugs
Spectre patch in iOS 11.2.2 is slowing down iPhones
Meltdown Hack and Spectre Bug: How it affects Android & Chrome Users
Why Raspberry Pi isn’t vulnerable to Spectre or Meltdown

CDC Radiological and Nuclear Disaster Preparedness (2010)
CDC plans session on ‘preparing for the unthinkable’: a nuclear detonation
The CDC wants to gently prepare people for (an unlikely) nuclear war
Public Health Radiological/Nuclear Preparedness Webinar - August 2017
Public Health Response to a Nuclear Detonation (cached as original has been removed!)

Fresh Science NSW

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Posted by iwoolf

Bright Sparks 2017 - part 2


Fresh Scientists:
Claire Henry - Ovarian cancer targets,
Juliano Morimoto - Fertility and gut bacteria,
Rebecca Poulos - Sunlight and cancer,
Mohamed Tashani – Making pneumonia vaccine more affordable,
and Amy Moss – More chicken with less feed.
Haiku and limericks!
Hosted by Neil Byrne,
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Fresh Science NSW

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Posted by iwoolf

Ig Nobel Prizes 2017


Ten Ig Nobel prizes condensed from the full 90 minute ceremony for your listening pleasure. Science that first makes you laugh and then makes you think.
Didgeridoo therapy, twin cognition, cat liquidity, walking backward while not spilling coffee, vampire bats, and more...
Hosted by Marc Abrams of The Annals of Improbable Research.
Sound checked by Charles Willock,
Produced by Ian Woolf.

Posted by iwoolf

Ghost of Xmas 2000


From the 20kbps Active Streaming File archives:

News by Nick Perkins:
I'm Not Dead Yet gene discovered,
Mobile phone safety,
Big Foot imprint found!

Nick Perkins explains science of the beer gut,
Lachlan Whatmore discusses anthropomorphism,

Gina Satore with weird news from the Fortean Times: Potatoes that glow when they need watering, Why penguins waddle, and illegal Mexican Santas.

Hosted by Adam Mark,
Produced by Lachlan Whatmore,
Technical assistance and editing by Ian Woolf.
Sound and fact checked by Charles Willock

2017-12-05 21.36.55

Reduce your risk: new national guidelines for alcohol consumption
Drug Induced Deaths in Australia: A changing story

Posted by iwoolf

Terminal decline and Zero emissions


This show was originally broadcast in 2011:

Victoria Bond spoke to Prof. Mohammed Khadra about his latest book, Terminal Decline. They also spoke about end of life care, and the strained Australian health budget.
Ian Woolf and Julianne Popple discuss their thoughts on end of life care and euthanasia.
Marc West interviews Petra Liverani from Beyond Zero Emissions Australia, about climate change, science, and policy.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Julianne Popple, Marc West, Victoria Bond and Ian Woolf

Posted by iwoolf

Polarity, courtrooms, chilli and weirdness

download MP3

From the dusty vaults of 2003:
Christine Baker interviews Kip Williams from Macquarie University about courtroom psychology,
Keir Smith looks at retinal displays, and finds his Uncle John's sense of direction,
Adam Mark explains why pain can be a good thing,
Chris Stewart explores the weirdness of Physicists.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Richard Feynman playing the bongos with a friend

Posted by iwoolf

Bright Sparks 2017 - part 1

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Puppeteer fungus by Ian Woolf,
Bright Sparks challenge with Neil Byrne:
Jessica Allen on carbon for batteries from thin air,
Yik Lung Chan about the affect on babies of tobacco use by parents.
Zhengyu Wen on improving nitrogen uptake in plants with less fertiliser.
Rona Chandrawati on Glaucoma treatment implants
Xufeng Linfrom about forensic verification of digital photos and videos.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

2017-11-15 18.41.28
Jessica Allen

2017-11-15 18.44.47
Yik Lung Chan

2017-11-15 18.52.03
Zhengyu Wen

2017-11-15 18.54.33
Rona Chandrawati

2017-11-15 18.56.54
Xufeng Linfrom

Fresh Science NSW

'Zombie ant' brains left intact by fungal parasite
Three-dimensional visualization and a deep-learning model reveal complex fungal parasite networks in behaviorally manipulated ants

Posted by iwoolf

The Science behind the Internet

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Nuclear diamond batteries by Ian Woolf,
Ben Eggleton explains the science behind the internet.
Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

CUDOS Director Professor Benjamin Eggleton - Photo Credit CUDOS

Laser light in an optical fibre - Photo Credit CUDOS
Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems - CUDOS

‘Diamond-age’ of power generation as nuclear batteries developed

Radioactive Diamond Batteries: Making Good Use Of Nuclear Waste

Posted by iwoolf

Singing Astronaut Again

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Dr Paul Willis from RI Aus TV, and Will Berryman from Hostworks talk about bringing Astronaut Chris Hadfield to 10 000 school-children around Australia at once.
Chris Hadfield answers questions and sings for the children.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

Sydney Science Festival
Royal Institution Australia
Paul Willis, Director of RI Aus
Will Berryman at Hostworks

Chris Hadfield's blog: Space Oddity

Posted by iwoolf

Create UNSW, MakerSpace and Repair Cafe - DIY Day part 2

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Bionic bacteria get solar panels to make vinegar while yeast turns Astronaut urine into plastic by Ian Woolf,
Anthony from Create UNSW show the latest student projects,
Anna Lise explains MakerSpace,
Bob invites you to learn to fix your stuff at the Repair Cafe.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

2017-08-19 10.47.59
Anthony from Create UNSW

2017-08-19 10.49.01

2017-08-19 10.54.18

2017-08-19 10.48.44

2017-08-19 10.55.54

2017-08-19 10.56.07

2017-08-19 12.58.12
Bob from the Bower's Repair Cafe

2017-08-19 12.33.18
Repairing!>Cyborg bacteria outperform plants when turning sunlight into useful compounds
There are microbes that eat and poo nnothing but electricity

Turning human waste into plastic, nutrients could aid long-distance space travel
Researchers Devise Method for Recycling Astronaut Urine to Make 3D Printing Plastics in Space
Urine space and need new parts? Researchers breathe life into space-made objects
(4 mins)
(26 minutes)

Posted by iwoolf

Cuberider, CubeSat and MathWorks - DIY Day part 1

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Stealthy sonar spying on cell phones by Ian Woolf,
Anh Nguyen, Flavia Ching Lu, Jenna Chan and Teresa Tran from Cerdon College develop space face cream with Cuberider data,
Dr Elias Aboutanio from UNSW talks about sending CubeSats into space,
Branka Dijkstra from Mathworks talks to Raspberry Pi and Arduino so you don't have to.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

2017-08-19 11.17.14
Anh Nguyen, Flavia Ching Lu, Jenna Chan and Teresa Tran from Cerdon College

2017-08-19 11.20.01
Cuberider module on Raspberry Pi

2017-08-19 11.06.10
Dr Elias Aboutanio
UNSW QB50 CubeSat

2017-08-19 13.14.47
CubeSat frames

2017-08-19 12.32.22

2017-08-19 12.32.04

2017-08-19 12.22.39

2017-08-19 12.21.59

2017-08-19 12.20.39

2017-08-19 12.20.50


CovertBand: Activity Information Leakage using Music (PDF)
Covertband: Activity Information Leakage using Music (samples)
Computer scientists use music to covertly track body movements, activity
Smart Devices Can Be Hijacked to Track Your Body Movements And Activities Remotely

Posted by iwoolf

Run your own Space business

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Virus in your virus? by Ian Woolf,
Troy McCann from MoonshotX explains how to make money in Space.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

Troy McCann

Computer Security, Privacy, and DNA Sequencing:
Compromising Computers with Synthesized DNA, Privacy Leaks, and More

These Scientists Took Over a Computer by Encoding Malware in DNA
Scientists successfully infiltrate computer using malware coded into DNA

Posted by iwoolf

What good is consciousness?

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Sea fleas and smart drugs by Ian Woolf,
Peter Watts talks about biologically plausible aliens, why only two sexes, and suggests you don't need to be conscious.
In the conversation we name-checked these stories: "Starfish" by Peter Watts, "Ten Monkeys, Ten Minutes" by Peter Watts, "The Gods Themselves" by Isaac Asimov, the "Tales of Known Space: The Universe of Larry Niven", the TV series "Alien Nation", the TV series "Space Above and Beyond", the 1950's "The War of The Worlds" movie, "Rendezvous with Rama" by Arthur C. Clarke, "The Chanur Saga" by C. J. Cherryh, "Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand" by Samuel Delaney, "Probability Moon (The Probability Trilogy)" by Nancy Kress, "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" by Julian James, "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

Peter Wattsin Helsinki 2013 C IMG 4150
Peter Watts
Peter Watt's blog

Museum identifies 'Flesh Eating Creatures'
Flesh-eating bugs at Brighton beach: What really ate Sam and why

Noradrenaline blockade specifically enhances metacognitive performance
Drug that boosts confidence in your own actions may help OCD

Posted by iwoolf

Space students and Mars jars

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DIY Day, Age control and Vacuum cleaner spying by Ian Woolf,
Gavan Huang talks about launching a student satellite,
Meow Ludo Meow Meow tells us what's bubbling at the Biofoundry.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

Gavan Huang


"Hypothalamic stem cells control ageing speed partly through exosomal miRNAs"
Brain cells found to control aging

Roomba vacuum maker iRobot betting big on the 'smart' home
Roomba's Next Big Step Is Selling Maps Of Your Home To The Highest Bidder
Roombas have been busy mapping our homes, and now that data could be shared
iRobot Privacy policy

Posted by iwoolf

The five pillars of biohacking

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Oz war on mathematics by Ian Woolf,
Meow Ludo Meow Meow explains the five pillars of biohacking,
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

2016-02-04 22.41.44
Meow Ludo Meow Meow (Photo copyright 2016 by Ian Woolf)


The laws of Australia will trump the laws of mathematics: Turnbull
Prime Minister Says The Laws Of Mathematics Are Trumped By Australian Law -
A war on maths.

Brandis refuses to table 'unremarkable' WhatsApp comms
WhatsApp not approved for sensitive government communications, says Malcolm Turnbull's adviser
Australia is now King Idiot of the internet
Facebook rebuffs Malcolm Turnbull on laws to access encrypted messages for criminal investigations

Indiana Pi
Australian Prime Minister Says Parliament Can Override Laws Of Mathematics
Laws of mathematics don’t apply here, says Australian PM
EU deals Theresa May encryption setback as MEPs propose ban on government backdoors
Theresa May’s futile war on psychoactive drugs

eBay threatens to block Australian shoppers over GST
Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Alibaba say online retailers won't comply with GST change
Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2016 Measures No. 1) Bill 2016
Government urged to scrap online GST changes
The ACCC Allows 'NBN Tax' To Be Passed On To Customers
Even A 'GigaGalactic Super Computer' Would Take A Long Time To Crack 256-Bit Security
When is 'not a backdoor' just a backdoor? Australia's struggle with encryption

Quantum teleportation record shattered

Posted by iwoolf

Crooke's radiometer mystery

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Virus cures diabetes,
Butterfly power,
Batteries banned,
Cannabis helps aged memories,
Drugs for better hearing,
Oz Govt hacks phones for welfare money.
The mystery of Crooke's radiometer.
Everyday physics - keeping your cool.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod (

Radiometer 9965 Nevit

Researchers cure diabetes in mice without side effects
Beta Cell Formation in vivo Through Cellular Networking, Integration and Processing (CNIP) in Wild Type Adult Mice

Transparent Long-Pass Filter with Short-Wavelength Scattering Based on Morpho Butterfly NanostructuresANU breakthrough: Butterfly effect could boost solar cell efficiency

The new standard that could kill the home battery storage market
Consultation commences on new draft standard for On-Site Battery Systems

A chronic low dose of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) restores cognitive function in old mice
Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain

Restoring auditory cortex plasticity in adult mice by restricting thalamic adenosine signaling
Old brains can’t hear similar sounds but a drug can change that

Centrelink hacking into fraudsters' phones
Sydney job seekers have far less competition than in the rest of NSW

How does a light-mill work?
SciForums - Crooke's radiometer
The n-Category Café - Light Mills
The Radiometer and how it does not work
Physics Forums - Thermal Transpiration
Cosmoquest fortum -
Random photon question

A Horizontal Vane Radiometer: Experiment, Theory, and Simulation
Rejeev - Crooke's radiometer
Light mill reversal

Posted by iwoolf

3 parent baby ethics and flavour tripping

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No more fillings by Ian Woolf,
Dr Ainsley Newson talks about the bioethics of babies with a third parent,
Miracle berries by Ian Woolf.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by MacLeod

Mitichondrial donation

Ainsley Newson Headshot-wider1
Dr Ainsley Newson

Promotion of natural tooth repair by small molecule GSK3 antagonists
Natural tooth repair method, using Alzheimer's drug, could revolutionise dental treatments

Miracle berry's sweet secret
How Flavor Tripping Works
Functional expression of the taste-modifying protein, miraculin, in transgenic lettuce
Method for Producing Genetically Modified Plant Expressing Miraculin
Miracle berry lets Japanese dieters get sweet from sour
Miracle berry tree

Posted by iwoolf

Robonomics, Hyperloop and Autonomous cars

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Cow-free dairy products from GM yeast follow-up by Ian Woolf,
Arjan Rensen talks about the Australian Driverless vehicle Initiative at CeBIT,
Anjelo Fernando talks about VicHyper at CeBIT,
Samir Sinha talks about RobonomicsAI at CeBIT,
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.
Rynos Theme by Kevin MacLeod

2017-05-24 16.42.59
Arjan Rensen from ADVI
Australian Driverless Vehicle Initiative

2017-05-24 16.02.56
Anjelo Fernando from VicHyper

Samir Sinha from RobonomicsAI


Perfect Day foods
Study commissioned by Perfect Day comparing dairy grown milk with bioreactor grown milk
Cows give 3% more milk with slow music

Got 3D printed milk? Perfect Day prints DNA sequences to create animal-free cow's milk

Posted by iwoolf

Robots and Voxels at CeBIT

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New Zealand launches a 3D-printed rocket by Ian Woolf,
Claude Sammut from UNSW talks about robots at CeBIT,
Todd the T1000 by Jonathan Coulton,
Gavin Smith from Voxon Photonics talks about 3D displays at CeBIT.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by Kevin MacLeod

2017-05-24 15.21.402017-05-24 15.11.292017-05-24 15.10.572017-05-24 15.24.22
Professor Claude Sammut from UNSW

2017-05-24 15.49.272017-05-24 15.28.592017-05-24 15.29.50

Gavin Smith with Voxon Photonics 3D display

Robotics and Autonomous Systems UNSW

Voxon Photonics

Rocket Lab successfully makes it to space (
Rocket Lab launches first rocket into space from New Zealand site — will Australia follow?
New Zealand launches into space race with 3D-printed rocket
A 3D printed, carbon fiber rocket flew for the first time in New Zealand
Rocket Lab: Carbon Fiber Rockets Powered by 3D Printing
Rocket Lab to build world's first private satellite launch pad for 3D printed rockets in New Zealand

Jonathan Coulton

Posted by iwoolf

Equal Reality for social intelligence

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Skeleton finger print unlocks phones by Ian Woolf,
Annie Harper and Brennan Hatton talk use virtual reality to raise social intelligence,
Nady Braidy treats alcohol addiction with NAD+,
Lael Lim builds robohand.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf,
Rynos Theme by Kevin MacLeod

Annie Harper 1 Equal RealityBrennan Hatton.2 - Equal Reality
Annie Harper and Brennan Hatton

Annie Harper 2 - Hololens
Brennan Hatton.2 - Equal Reality

Equal Reality

2016-06-08 21.31.03
Lael Lim with Robohand

MasterPrint: Exploring the Vulnerability of Partial Fingerprint-based Authentication Systems

Zwei Drittel aller Fingerabdrucksensoren lassen sich mit einem (1) Abdruck überlisten
The History of Fingerprints

Centre for healthy brain ageing

Posted by iwoolf

NAD+ and ageing

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Two compounds rejuvenate mice - are humans next? by Ian Woolf,
Nady Braidy talks about NAD+ , ageing, Alzheimer's and treating dementia,
Interview with a marching Diffusion listener,
Interview with Taylor Szyzka about the March for Science.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by Kevin MacLeod

Nady Briady 2
Nady Braidy
Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing - University of New South Wales
2017-04-22 11.41.16
Taylor Szyszka
March for Science - meet those who attended - ABC

First human clinical trial for nicotinamide riboside

Nicotinamide riboside is uniquely and orally bioavailable in mice and humans
ChromaDex Clinical Trial Studying NIAGEN® Well Underway, With Eight Additional Collaborative Human Studies Active
Thorne Research Announces Clinical Study to Assess Nicotinamide Riboside on Brain NAD+ in College Football Players
Use of 31P MRS to Assess Brain NAD+ in Healthy Collegiate Football Players

Scientists reverse ageing process in mice; early human trials showing 'promising results' (2014)
The first human clinical study for NMN has started in Japan
UNSW-Harvard scientists unveil a giant leap for anti-ageing
A conserved NAD+ binding pocket that regulates protein-protein interactions during aging
Scientists unveil a giant leap for anti-aging

(4PACK) Certified NMN β- Nicotinamide Mononucleotide 125mg+4mg Astaxanthin NAD+ on eBay

Posted by iwoolf

More colours and March for Science part 2

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See more colours by Ian Woolf,
John Hewson talks about science and politicians,
Angela Maharaj talks about climate science politics,
Ian Woolf speaks with CSIRO scientists marching.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf
Rynos Theme by Kevin MacLeod

Angela Maharaj

John Hewson

Science cuts make me relatively angry

The WIFI password is funding #supportcsiro

March for Science: Meet some of the people who descended on Sydney

Enhancement of human color vision by breaking the binocular redundancy
New Lenses Could Give You Super Color Vision
Java metamer explorer
Why RGB?

Posted by iwoolf

March for Science part 1

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Ian Woolf speaks with John Hewson,
Simon Chapman talks about public health and politics,
Ian Woolf speaks with Mike Hall,
Jonica Newby talks about appreciating science,
Ian Woolf speaks with Angie.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf