Diffusion Science radio: Hypercolour vision and soap

Hypercolour vision and soap

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Do GM crops upset pigs? by Ian Woolf
Hypercolour vision by Ian Woolf
Scurvy by Chris Stewart
Soap Science by Ian Woolf
produced and presented by Ian Woolf

A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet( full paper)
A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet (Abstract)
Study questions feeding GM food to farm animals
Debate over GM feed affecting pig's health
GM pig feed and stomach inflammation
expert reaction to new study on GM pig feed and stomach inflammation
GM feeding study in pigs – experts respond
The Humans With Super Human Vision
Ultra Violet Color Glow after Cataract Surgery with Crystalens
Cataract Surgery with Crystalens - My Experience
Ask Slashdot: How to Exploit Post-Cataract Ultraviolet Vision?
Followup: Ultraviolet Vision After Cataract Surgery
Color Blindness
Guy's eye surgery accidentally gives him strange super vision
Making Soap
How to Make Soap from Ashes
Making Lye water
How to Make Natural Soap with Vegetable Oil and Lye

June 17, 2013
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