Diffusion Science radio: Nuclear dump Australia

Nuclear dump Australia

MP3 download

Australian national nuclear dump by Ian Woolf,
Sex in space by Ian Woolf,
Daughter of Time by Gina Sartore,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

FOR AUSTRALIA Site Selection Study - Phase 3

Radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management in Australia 2011 web version
Radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management in
Australia 2011 PDF

Management of Radioactive Waste in Australia 2011
Radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management in Australia
Letter | Published: 11 January 2007 Quantification of actinide α-radiation damage in minerals and ceramics Ian Farnan, Herman Cho & William J. Weber
Selection process for a national radioactive waste management facility in South Australia August 2018
Radioactive Waste Repository & Store for Australia
Managing radioactive waste 2019
National Radioactive Waste Management Facility: Statement on buffer zone 2019
Will Australia finally get a national nuclear waste facility? ABC
Will Australia finally get a national nuclear waste facility? Govt response 2019
Federal Court dismisses bid to stop ballot on nuclear storage facility near Kimba
Aboriginal group 'just want to be included' in vote on proposed nuclear waste dump in SA

July 29, 2019
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