Diffusion Science radio: SkeptiCamp, Life and HackerSpace

SkeptiCamp, Life and HackerSpace

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3D Printed toothbrushes and nuclear fusion creeps nearer by Ian Woolf.
Robin Hilliard talks to Ian Woolf about Conway's Game of Life,
Alistair D'Silva explains to Ian Woolf how to make a bike jacket with turn signals.
Taryn Chalmers presents her 3 Minute Thesis about the connection between heart disease, depression and professional driving in Australia.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

3D printed toothbrush
Laser fusion experiment yields record energy at Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility
Scoop it: Laser fusion record: "yield was
NIF responds to fusion 'deadline' expiry
So Far Unfruitful, Fusion Project Faces a Frugal Congress

Skepticamp Sydney 2013
Golly - Conway's Game of Life

Make Hack Void
Assessing Cardiovascular Associations to Affective  Disorders in Professional Drivers of Australia

October 14, 2013
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