Diffusion Science radio: Cognitive Reserve and Solar max

Cognitive Reserve and Solar max

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Penguins, planetary engineering, and introverted charges by Deanna Coleman,
Cognitive Reserve by Ian Woolf,
Craniometry by Lachlan Whatmore,
Tim Baynes looks into the Sun.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Education and Dementia in the Context of the Cognitive Reserve Hypothesis: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses and Qualitative Analyses
Cognitive Reserve and Lifestyle
Build Your Cognitive Reserve - Yaakov Stern
Should Grandma Join Facebook? It May Give Her a Cognitive Boost, Study Finds
How to Build and Maintain Cognitive Reserve
A savings account for your brain
Staying Sharp: Can You Prevent Alzheimer's Disease?
Can You Delay Dementia?
The latest advice in avoiding Alzheimer's
Losing your self

March 11, 2013
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