Diffusion Science radio: Dishbrain puppeting drones in VR

Dishbrain puppeting drones in VR

Drones puppetting people in the metaverse,
Dishbrain plays Pong by Ian Woolf,
From 2007:
Retocausality by Tim Baynes,
Killer toys by a panel of Ian Woolf, Marc West, Lachlan Whatmore, Catherine Beehag, and Celine Steinfeld,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf

photo of a brain in a dish with wires coming out


HapticPuppet: A Kinesthetic Mid-air Multidirectional Force-Feedback Drone-based Interface
ZeRONE: Safety Drone with Blade-Free Propulsion - Proceedings of the Association for Computing machinery
Drones on strings could puppeteer people in virtual reality

In vitro neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated game-world

November 28, 2022
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