Diffusion Science radio: DNA bitcoin Virtual Astronomy

DNA bitcoin Virtual Astronomy

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Bitcoin encoded DNA by Ian Woolf,
Kai Polsterer and Andre Schaaff talk about astronomical visualisation with Google cardboard at the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems conference - ADASS,
Better by Jonathan Coulton.
Production checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.

2015-10-25 15.36.34
Andre Schaaf and Kai Polsterer
2015-10-25 16.02.35

Smartphones, Dark Matter & Code – Kai Polsterer @ ADASS in Sydney
Computer Science helps astronomers exploring the sky
Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre
International Virtual Observatory Alliance

GeneCoin - Make a backup of yourself using bitcoin
GeneCoin FAQ
Genecoin: DNA for the Blockchain
A Mysterious Entity Named Genecoin Wants To Backup Your DNA With Bitcoin
Genecoin offers you digital immortality… via Bitcoin!

Jonathan Coulton

November 16, 2015
Diffusion is funded solely by the fixed-income Bank of Ian, which lacks any kind of business model. Please contact me to suggest a business model. Buy from my Diffusion Science Etsy store, or contribute to the costs of producing the podcast with Paypal:

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