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Matching entries from Diffusion Science radio

Assange, Music and the law

download MP3 A plea-deal for Julian Assange? Artists given a second chance to sue AI. Not A Crime, Music and Book industries try to shut down the Internet Archive. Presented and produced by Ian Woolf Julian Assange Leak at WikiLeaks...

Why You're Not Dead Yet

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Powerless cameras by Ian Woolf, Dr David Farmer and comedian Jackson Vaarhoor explain Why You're Not Dead Yet, Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Towards Battery-Free...

Ghost of Xmas 2000

MP3 From the 20kbps Active Streaming File archives: News by Nick Perkins: I'm Not Dead Yet gene discovered, Mobile phone safety, Big Foot imprint found! Nick Perkins explains science of the beer gut, Lachlan Whatmore discusses anthropomorphism, Gina Satore with...

2014 Ig Nobel Prizes - Food

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') MAVEN orbits Mars by Ian Woolf, The 2014 Ig Nobel Prizes - science that first makes you laugh, then make you think, by Ian Woolf. Checked by Charles Willock, Hosted and produced by...

Mood Dress and the End of the World

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Nicaragua got hit! by Ian Woolf, Orsola De Marco talks about what astronomy tells us about how the world ends, Andrew and Ashley Stapleton talk about the Mood Dress, Production checked by Charles...

Mapping Robots and printed houses

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') China, the Netherlands and the US print houses by Ian Woolf, Josh Harle speaks to Ian Woolf about mapping robots and graffiti for art. Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Josh Harle Tactical...

Sick prawns and sleep rehearsal

download MP3 Julie-Anne Popple reports on Turtle death mysteries, spray on batteries, and Hot dinosaurs. Ian Woolf reports on Sleep rehearsal,Vortex data streams Hiccupops, Shoes for efficient running, record Solar power,,Alcohol and caffeine sprays. Bonnie Yiu reports on pesticide pollution...

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