Entries from Diffusion Science radio tagged with 'nuclear'

Nuclear proliferation and robot relations

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') This program was first broadcast in 2007, but the science is still valid, and the technology hasn't improved. A Diffusion Science Nuclear Proliferation Special Special Guests Dr Sue Wareham OAM of the Medical...

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors AGAIN

MP3 From 2022: Are Small Modular Nuclear Reactors the answer? The Liberal-National Party want you to think so. News of a vaccine for hair loss, and a reminder from the original Moon landing. Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Can...

Nuclear Australia - pros and cons

download MP3 From the 2013 Nuclear Energy For Australia? conference: Uranium miner Dr Erica Smyth argues for nuclear power for Australia, Conservationist Professor Ian Lowe argues against nuclear power for Australia Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Dr Erica Smyth...

Australian Computer Museum Society - part 2

MP3 Listen to Adrian Frenulovich talk about the joys and challengers of curating ancient computers, and their importance to our history. News of the energy breakthrough that wasn't. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Australian Computer Museum Society Nuclear Fusion...

Small Modular Reactors

MP3 Vaccine for hair loss, NASA postpones the Moon , Are Small Modular Nuclear Reactors the answer? Produced and presented by Ian Woolf Can you hit rewind on hair loss? Sinclair Dermatology Hair Trials Alopecia Areata Gets FDA-Approved Drug Demonstration...

Nuclear waste storage

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') This program was first broadcast in 2007, but the science is still valid, and the technology hasn't improved. A Diffusion Science Nuclear Special. We look at the breakdown of nuclear waste storage materials...

Nuclear windmill synaesthesia - in memory of Charles Willock

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') In memory of my dear friend and long time Diffusioneer Charles Willock: Nuclear waste physics by Charles Willock, Scientists in Politics by Charles Willock, Patrick Rubie and Ian Woolf, Tilting at Windmills by...

Life on Mars

MP3 download The race to Mars, Fusion fuel? by Ian Woolf Bonnie Teece, Kirsten Banks and Martin Kranendonk talk about the search for life on Mars - part 1. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf The Australian Centre for Astrobiology...

Kinder gentler transhumanism

MP3 download Small modular nuclear reactors by Ian Woolf, Andrew Despri talks about a kinder, gentler Transhumanism, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Andrew Despi Akin Small Isn't Always Beautiful - Safety, Security, and Cost Concerns about Small Modular Reactors...

Launching Arlula

MP3 download Aftermath of the big radioactive explosion in Russia, Singing fish by Ian Woolf, Sebastian Chaoui and Arran Salerno talk about their space image business Arlula, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Arlula Global network's nuclear sensors in Russia...

Tales from feathers and quills

MP3 download Big radioactive explosion in Russia by Ian Woolf, Kate Brandis talk how wetland bird feathers tell tales, Gina Sartore's The Daughter of Time about Grace Hopper, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Scientists in the Bookshop: Tales from...

Quantum dots

MP3 download ANSTO workers hurt again by Ian Woolf, Alison Campbell talks about quantum dots. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Alison Campbell Molecular Photophysics (MP2) research group ANSTO workers exposed to unique occupational risk Lucas Heights nuclear medicine production...

Giant echidnas drive air conditioned thorium cars

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Giant echidnas may still live in WA by Ian Woolf, Vahid Vkiloroaya talks abut solar absorber air conditioning, Thorium cars run on rainbows by Ian Woolf. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf This...

Aging brains and Ciguatera

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Fukushima reactor spills radioactive water yet again by Ian Woolf, Dr Nady Braidy talks about toxins causing neuro-degenerative age-related brain diseases, and Ciguatera Fish Poison. Presented and produced by Ian Woolf How ciguatoxins...

Thorium Trans-Tasman 3MT competition

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Poverty uses up more brain power by Ian Woolf Thorium SkeptiCamp presentation by Ian Woolf, Ian Woolf attended the Trans-Tasman 3 minute thesis competition and spoke to" Kelsey Kennedy about winning the Trans-Tasman...

Gambling addiction and Big Data

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Forever fertilser news by Ian Woolf Indonesian nuclear power by Ian Woolf Interview with Alex Blaszczynksi, about gambling addiction, Marianne Menictas presents her 3 Minute Thesis: Fast Data Analysis. Presented and produced by...

Nuclear power for Australia? part 2

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Mind controlled rat news by Ian Woolf, Concluding Why Nuclear Australia? Howard Eastwood from New England Nuclear Energy speaks on endless clean energy, and Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe, explains why nuclear's not needed...

Nuclear power for Australia? part 1

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Wearable computing news by Ian Woolf. Ian Woolf attends the Nuclear Energy For Australia? conference and speaks with: Dr Erica Smyth argues for nuclear power for Australia, Dr Timos Aikas explains how nuclear...

Neutron bombs, GM apples and Zanzibar

MP3 download Lachlan Whatmore looks back over the history of neutron bombs, Victoria Bond reports on apples genetically modified to hide spoilage, discussion from Marc West, Peta Waller-Bryant, Ian Woolf, Phillipe Perez, Victoria Bond and Lachlan Whatmore. News by Phillipe...

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