Entries from Diffusion Science radio tagged with 'surveillance'


MP3 download From 2018: Lizzie O'Shea talks about the anti-privacy Assistance and Access Bill, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Lizzie O'Shea Digital Rights Watch Tell Labor to defend encryption The 'Data Sharing and Release Act' is coming for your...

Why You're (still) Not Dead Yet

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') From 2018: Powerless cameras by Ian Woolf, Dr David Farmer and comedian Jackson Vaarhoor explain Why You're Not Dead Yet, Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf....

Print spies dolphin terrorists

MP3 download Male Mobile phone lekking by Tim Baynes, The Laserprinter conspiracy by Matt Clarke, Nano-cars with Chris Stewart, Dolphin terrorists by Ian Woolf, Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Mobile phones as lekking devices among human males Why printers...

Face recognition antagonism

MP3 download Foreign interference in Australia, Masks and face recognition antagonism by Ian Woolf Mark Andrejevic talks about facial recognition surveillance in the pandemic part 2 Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Facial recognition technology and the end of privacy...

Face recognition pandemic

MP3 download Face recognition on trial around Australia by Ian Woolf Mark Andrejevic talks about facial recognition surveillance in the pandemic Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Facial recognition technology and the end of privacy for good Perth’s facial recognition...

Brainwave generation

MP3 download Microsoft body mining, Seeing what you see, by Ian Woolf, R Douglas Fields talks about how the brain generates brainwaves, Catherine Beehag talks about Brainwave fingerprinting, with panel discussion from Lachlan Whatmore, Marc West and Ian Woolf. Produced...

Nano-tech train sets

MP3 download This show first broadcast in February 2019: Cyber attack on Australia, Weird technology from the US Navy, by Ian Woolf, Nano-engineering molecular motors by Dr Shelley Wickham, Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock, Hosted and produced by...


MP3 download Lizzie O'Shea talks about the anti-encryption Assistance and Access Bill, Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Lizzie O'Shea Digital Rights Watch Tell Labor to defend encryption The 'Data Sharing and Release...

Zero Carbon stars align

MP3 download Cameras take roll call all day in Australian schools by Ian Woolf, Sander Fransen asks When will the stars align for Zero Carbon energy in NSW? Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian...

Why You're Not Dead Yet

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Powerless cameras by Ian Woolf, Dr David Farmer and comedian Jackson Vaarhoor explain Why You're Not Dead Yet, Fact and sound checking by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Towards Battery-Free...

The five pillars of biohacking

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Oz war on mathematics by Ian Woolf, Meow Ludo Meow Meow explains the five pillars of biohacking, Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced by Ian Woolf Rynos Theme by MacLeod (incompetech.com) Meow Ludo...

Sexual ecology and Pirate privacy again

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') (This show was first broadcast on the 8th of July 2013) In Pitt St Mall, Ian Woolf talks to David W Campbell, Pirate Party Senate candidate about the PRISMbreak privacy protest. At Nerd...

Canada in Space & Google listens

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Google listening by Ian Woolf, Canada's space success can teach Australia by Marc Beaudry, Does the FIV vaccine prevent FIV? by Mark Westman at Famelab. Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted...

Bionic eyes traffic and Do-arama

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Spies stole all the mobile phone keys, and Spies hacked all the hard drives by Ian Woolf At the NICTA Techfest: David Gambril talks about Intelligent traffic, Nick Barnes talks about the Bionic...

TV spying and Biohacker stimulation

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') TV watches the watchers by Ian Woolf, Garrick Bercero describes La Paillasse Manila's biohacker group, Peter Simpson-Young gives us a taste of his brain stimulating device, production checked by Charles Willock Produced and...

Megaphones and Microfluidics

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Sound reconstructed from video vibrations by Ian Woolf, Microfluidics by Meow Ludo Meow Meow, Jenny "Kit" Alaca uses her Listening Voice to tell Ian Woolf about her artful megaphones. Hosted and produced by...

Shadow profiles and eating babies

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Why you want to eat babies by Ian Woolf, Facebook shadow profiles by Ian Woolf The Singularity by Paul Rhodes, The Placebo effect and faith by Ian Woolf, Presented and produced by Ian...

3D Paper and Identity theft

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Pandora archive news by Ian Woolf Connor Moore discusses about printing 3D objects with paper, with Ian Woolf, Joanna Spasojevic presents Morphometric Face Analysis: A Potential Solution for Identity Theft at Australia's Borders...

Sydney Maker Culture

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Australian National Security Enquiry needs a time machine by Ian Woolf, Daniel Green plans the Sydney Mini Maker Faire. Adam Farrow-palmer describes his electronic shirt, Iain Chalmers talks about MooresCloud networked lights, Manuel...

Sexual ecology and Pirate privacy

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') In Pitt St Mall, Ian Woolf talks to David W Campbell, Pirate Party Senate candidate about the PRISMbreak privacy protest. At Nerd Nite Sydney, Ian Woolf chats with Dr Peter Jonason about the...

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