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Matching entries from Diffusion Science radio

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors AGAIN

MP3 From 2022: Are Small Modular Nuclear Reactors the answer? The Liberal-National Party want you to think so. News of a vaccine for hair loss, and a reminder from the original Moon landing. Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Can...

Aussie Space Mail

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Worms uploaded to Lego by Ian Woolf, Kerrie Dougherty tells tales of Rockets delivering mail in Australia before Woomera. Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Kerrie Dougherty, courtesy of Valentin Shkolny Dennett rocket...

Nuclear Australia - pros and cons

download MP3 From the 2013 Nuclear Energy For Australia? conference: Uranium miner Dr Erica Smyth argues for nuclear power for Australia, Conservationist Professor Ian Lowe argues against nuclear power for Australia Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Dr Erica Smyth...

Small Modular Reactors

MP3 Vaccine for hair loss, NASA postpones the Moon , Are Small Modular Nuclear Reactors the answer? Produced and presented by Ian Woolf Can you hit rewind on hair loss? Sinclair Dermatology Hair Trials Alopecia Areata Gets FDA-Approved Drug Demonstration...

Plants to eat, and plants that eat

download MP3 Beetroot for heart health. Soluble fibre for healthy weight loss, Carnivorous plants go underground by Ian Woolf Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Daily beetroot juice could help people with common heart condition The 10 Best Foods to...

Glow worm quiz immunity

MP3 download Vaccines can protect against more than their targets, Wind farms dispatched by Ian Woolf, From 2006: Lindsey Gray illuminates Glow worms, From 2009: Celine Steinfeld hosts a science quiz with Jacqui Hayes and Sarah Wood, Produced and hosted...

Nano-tech train sets

MP3 download This show first broadcast in February 2019: Cyber attack on Australia, Weird technology from the US Navy, by Ian Woolf, Nano-engineering molecular motors by Dr Shelley Wickham, Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock, Hosted and produced by...

Neuromorphic social impact

MP3 download Face recognition through stealing photos used by police, by Ian Woolf, Yesh Bethi demonstrates neuromorphic cameras on foosball tables, Nic Ralph uses neuromorphic cameras on satellites, Hervé Harvard and Sophie Ritchie bridge academic engineering to real world problems...

Nuclear dump Australia

MP3 download Australian national nuclear dump by Ian Woolf, Sex in space by Ian Woolf, Daughter of Time by Gina Sartore, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf A RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPOSITORY FOR AUSTRALIA Site Selection Study - Phase 3 Radioactive...

Nano Molecular train sets

MP3 download Cyber attack on Australia, Weird technology from the US Navy, by Ian Woolf, Nano-engineering molecular motors by Dr Shelley Wickham, Sound and facts checked by Charles Willock, Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf Dr Shelley Wickham A DNA-based...

The story of Ruby Payne-Scott part 2

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Space Agency for Australia? by Ian Woolf,, Claire Hooker completes the story of Ruby Payne -Scott, pioneer radio-astronomer. Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Rynos Theme by Kevin...

The story of Ruby Payne-Scott part 1

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Octopolis and DolphinAttack by Ian Woolf, Claire Hooker tells the first part of the story of Ruby Payne -Scott, pioneer radio-astronomer. Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf Rynos...

What good is consciousness?

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Sea fleas and smart drugs by Ian Woolf, Peter Watts talks about biologically plausible aliens, why only two sexes, and suggests you don't need to be conscious. In the conversation we name-checked these...

Crooke's radiometer mystery

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Virus cures diabetes, Butterfly power, Batteries banned, Cannabis helps aged memories, Drugs for better hearing, Oz Govt hacks phones for welfare money. The mystery of Crooke's radiometer. Everyday physics - keeping your cool....

Surprizing stories and Quantum computers

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Flashing lights treat Alzheimer's mice by Ian Woolf, Professor Stuart Kauffman reads from The surprizing story of Patrick, Rupert, Sly and Gus - evolutionary niches and complexity. Quantum computing made simple by Ian...

Identity cards for Australia again?

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') (This show was first broadcast on the 1st of March 2007) ID Card news by Ian Woolf, Synthetic interview with Anna Johnston of the Australian Privacy Foundation about privacy concerns, by Anonymous Voice,...

Fate of the Universe

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Gravitational waves, The Creeping Garden, Glowing waste is the best part? by Ian Woolf Professor John Barrow talks about where the Universe has been, and where its heading. Production checked by Charles Willock,...

Paper engineering city spiders

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Drugs to make you fairer by Ian Woolf, Jean Kropper talks about engineering paper structures, Lizzy Lowe talks about urban spiders at Famelab, Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian...

Aussie Rockets Worm Lego

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Worms uploaded to Lego by Ian Woolf, Kerrie Dougherty tells tales of Rockets in Australia before Woomera. Production checked by Charles Willock, Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf. Kerrie Dougherty, courtesy of Valentin...

2014 Ig Nobel Prizes - Food

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') MAVEN orbits Mars by Ian Woolf, The 2014 Ig Nobel Prizes - science that first makes you laugh, then make you think, by Ian Woolf. Checked by Charles Willock, Hosted and produced by...

Giant echidnas drive air conditioned thorium cars

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Giant echidnas may still live in WA by Ian Woolf, Vahid Vkiloroaya talks abut solar absorber air conditioning, Thorium cars run on rainbows by Ian Woolf. Hosted and produced by Ian Woolf This...

Valves, rockets and Doctor Who

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') From the Sydney Mini Maker Faire: Steve Price talks about making Valve amplifiers, Lester talks about popup 3D printer workshops, George talks about launching your own rockets Ian Woolf revisits the science of...

SkeptiCamp, Life and HackerSpace

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') 3D Printed toothbrushes and nuclear fusion creeps nearer by Ian Woolf. Robin Hilliard talks to Ian Woolf about Conway's Game of Life, Alistair D'Silva explains to Ian Woolf how to make a bike...

BitCoin mining and Panspermia

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Panspermia and the stratosphere by Ian Woolf James Nichols speaks with Ian Woolf about building BitCoin mining computers at Dorkbot, The hundred dollar 3D printer from Peachy Printers, James Hitchcock presents his 3...

4D printing and Caring for carers

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') World Suicide Prevention day news by Ian Woolf, Interview with Stuart Grover about the future of 3D printing by Ian Woolf. Ty Lees presents his 3 Minute Thesis: "Who Cares for our Carers?"...

Nuclear power for Australia? part 1

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Wearable computing news by Ian Woolf. Ian Woolf attends the Nuclear Energy For Australia? conference and speaks with: Dr Erica Smyth argues for nuclear power for Australia, Dr Timos Aikas explains how nuclear...

Future silkmoth tricycle games

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') Ian Woolf reports on Harvard University flies robot bees. Janine Cahill speaks with Ian Woolf about improving the future with games. Silkmoths ride robot tricycles cruising for sexy females in Japan, for science!...

Kid-friendly science and emulsions

download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as') The Lyrid meteor shower report by Ian Woolf Emulsion science interview with Ann Evans by Ian Woolf Time travel by Ian Woolf and Ed Pollitt Interview with Mike Pollitt about building a ridable...

Sonic Screwdrivers and ingenuity awards

download MP3 Ed Pollit reports on Dental Anxiety, Heart modelling and the Chinese moon mission. Ian Woolf investigates the Science of Doctor Who, The Rolex Awards for Enterprize by Ed Pollitt, Presented and produced by Ian Woolf The Fourth Dimension...

Pond scum and ALS

download MP3 In a Brain Awareness week special, Dr Rachel Dunlop explains her research exploring the connection between blue-green algae and motor neurone disease, and how Gulf War veterans are coming down with ALS. Therese Chen reports on glue that...

Spooky worms and animal farms

download MP3 Animal special from 2007 'Spooky Worms' by Lachlan Whatmore 'Dr Pet and Medicine Farms' by Patrick Rubie News by Patrick Rubie Presented by Lachlan Whatmore Produced by Patrick Rubie...

Extremophiles and The Vision Revolution

download MP3 From 2000, Tim Baynes interviews Professor Rick Cavicchioli from UNSW about bacteria that thrive in extreme conditions, Derek Muller sings about electricity, From 2010, Ian Woolf reviews The Vision Revolution by Mark Changizi Presented and produced by Ian...

Horizontal genes and Darwin part 3

download MP3 Natural genetic modified cows, The Little Prince saves the world, and deaf mice regain their hearing by Ian Woolf, Natural Selection part 3, a radioplay by Lachlan Whatmore. Presented and produced by Ian Woolf...

Octopus bush and Darwin part2

download MP3 News by Ian Woolf: 3D printing becomes recyclable, 3D printing of huts and satellites, and walk-in 3D print studios. Wearable cameras take photos all day. Natural Selection part 2 - a radio play by Lachlan Whatmore, Octopus bush...

Tilting at windmills, Natural Selection

download MP3 Ian Woolf reports on viral heart-beats, and bee venom wrinkle remover. Natural Selection, the life of Charles Darwin - part 1 of a radioplay by Lachlan Whatmore. Charles Willock explains how your breadth of perception determines whether windmills...

Privacy, burning cold and cosmic rays

download MP3 Dissolving nanofibre condoms, Burning cold of Ciguatera explained, Galactic cosmic rays and world changing, Ben Dechrai talks about owning your data at the Open Source Developer's Conference. Presented and produced by Ian Woolf Open Source Developers' Conference...

Open Source Cryptoparty

download MP3 Arwen Cross reports on life under the ice, Therese Chen reports on Tasmanian Devil tumours Ian Woolf speaks with Ben Dechrai about Open Source software, and about Cryptoparties at the Open Source Developers' Conference. Produced and presented by...

Robots, Newton, Teller and Fugu

download MP3 Therese Chen reports on Fairy Wren passwords, Chris Stewart interviews Sir Isaac Newton (2003) Tim Baynes reports on fish poison, molecular machines and kidneys, (2003) Chris Stewart reports on the life and science of Edward Teller,(2003) Arwen Cross,...

Algae oil and CFS

download MP3 Brian Lennon spoke with Ian Woolf about vegetable oil powered cars and the algae oil revolution(2008) Charles Willock and Ian Woolf discuss the algae oil revolution, Christine Baker reports on the personal side of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, with...

Crown of thorns, and Single cell science

download MP3 James Millar reports on self-healing concrete and organ rhythms, Ian Woolf reports on Smart highways and hurricane prevention. Arwen Crossexplains the imortance of studying single cell science, Oliver Featherston interviews Dr Hugh Sweatman about the Crown of Thorns...

Snail snorkels and authentic science

download MP3 Therese Chen reports on Eunuchs and tooth patches, Ian Woolf reports on chocolate memories for pond snails. Oliver Featherston speaks with Michael Kasumovic about his prize-winning research into male sexual strategies, Ian Woolf speaks with Professor Gabriela Weaver...

The Tassie Devil's Dilemma and the Big Chill!

download MP3 In this week's science news: singing gibbons, (nearly) toothles rats, mars curiousity in space and angry birds! Dr Beata Ujvari speaks to Julie-Anne Popple about the plight of the tasmanian devil. Therese Chen reports on the Big Chill...

Belief updating kiwi

download MP3 Part 2 of How To Change Your Mind by Nathan Sinclair, Lindsey Gray talks about Kiwis with Julie-Anne Popple, Therese Chen reports on: - Curiosity - Attenborough's Goblin - dolphin subcluture - oldest insect fossil James Millar reports...

How to change your mind, snakes on a plane

download MP3 Nathan Sinclair explains How to change your mind, Professor Mike Thompson spoke with Julie-Anne Popple about the time he got a snake on a plane, Ian Woolf reports on the lack of Dark Matter, James Millar reports on...

Sick prawns and sleep rehearsal

download MP3 Julie-Anne Popple reports on Turtle death mysteries, spray on batteries, and Hot dinosaurs. Ian Woolf reports on Sleep rehearsal,Vortex data streams Hiccupops, Shoes for efficient running, record Solar power,,Alcohol and caffeine sprays. Bonnie Yiu reports on pesticide pollution...

From 2007: ID Card special

download MP3 Is Big Brother Stalking You? In March 2007 this special edition examined in depth issues of identity and privacy raised by the proposed introduction of a card to identify everyone using Government services. Presented by Darren Osborne, Synthetic...

Too smart phones, Venus and Science

download MP3 Therese Chen reports on Balding Wombats, Ian Woolf reports on too smart phones, and the SpaceX Dragon returns triumphant, Victoria Bond speaks with Kathryn Ticehurst and James Bond about what Science is, Victoria Bond and Kathryn Ticehurst discuss...

The Seven Deadly Things

download MP3 Therese Chen reports on flatulent dinosaurs and Ian Woolf looks at treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Aubrey De Grey talks about the 'Seven Deadly Things' of ageing and Ian Woolf interviews him on curing the diseases of ageing. Presented...

Coral Art Life Science TV Eyes

download MP3 Julie-Anne Popple visits the Coral Art Life Science Exhibition at he University of Sydney and speaks with: science inspired artist Carmel Wallance, and Dr Adrienne Grant about her research into copper and corals. Ian Woolf continues his series...

Exercise, censorship and mobiles

download MP3 Ian Woolf , Julie-Anne Popple and Therese Chen discuss: Hormones that give the weight-loss benefits of exercise, the internet blackout protest, what is the youngest age for owning a mobile phone? presented and produced by Ian Woolf...

Sunstones, chocolate and rain-making

download MP3 Patrick Rubie reports on the ancient crystal navigation technology of the Vikings, Ian Woolf reports on anti-cancer and chocolate therapies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mic Cavazzini interviews Scott Peak from Australian Rain Technologies. Discussion from Therese Chen. Presented...

Axis of eating and Secrets of Chocolate

download MP3 Lindsey Gray reports on the Axis of Internal Well-being, Julie-Anne Popple reports on being locked up with plants, Ian Woolf interviews Galit Segev about the Secrets of Chocolate, Victoria Bond interviews Dorothee Bond about managing Heath care in...

Circadian rhythms and sperm teasing

MP3 download Victoria Bond interviews Professor Ian Hickie about circadian rhythms and depression, Patrick Rubie reports on: - Sperm teasing - big tobacco cures starvation - asteroid dust and the origins of life Presented and produced by Ian Woolf...

Unfair reporting and DNA Poetry

MP3 download Free internet for everyone by Ian Woolf Electronic glasses by Ian Woolf DNA poetry by Ian Woolf, How not to be fair and balanced, and why never to debate, by Peter Bowditch Presented and produced by Ian Woolf...

Mating dance, Vitamin C and Coal

MP3 download Matthew Hall and Melinda Hall-King share their wisdom on the human mating dance, Ian Woolf revisits the link between vitamins and sexual behaviour, and revisits how the coal industry could be saved by solar power. Produced and presented...

Addict detention and child enhancement

MP3 download Ian Woolf summarises Robert Sparrow's talk "The Not-so-New Eugenics: The Harsh Logic of human enhancement", about the ethics of child enhancing technology, from the Singularity Summit, Australia, Victoria Bond interviews Dr Fisher from Nepean hospital about the ethics...

Plankton and the Artilect War

MP3 download Ian Woolf speaks to Hugo De Garis about the implications of being able to build god-like massively super-intelligent machines at the Singularity Summit Australia in Melbourne. Lachlan Whatmore explains the phytoplankton crisis. Presented and Produced by Ian Woolf...

Gene modified salmon and Sexy dancing

MP3 download Victoria Bond reports on the legalisation of genetically modified salmon and its Frankenfish implications, leading a panel discussion with Marc West, Phillipe Perez and Ian Woolf. Ian Woolf describes the male dance moves that sexually attract women, and...

BSD Sex and Beady-Eyed Agents

MP3 download Lachlan Whatmore reports on the chocolate genome Marc West and Darren Osborne discuss the science of sex in the pub, Ian Woolf interviews Dr Michael Georgeff about Rational Artificial Intelligence, at the Singularity Summit Australia Presented by Bonnie...

Brown science, Solar cells, horse tale

MP3 download Aaron Cook presents this weekâs juicy news. Lachlan Whatmore finishes off his trilogy tribute to horse evolution. Marc West grills Senator Bob Brown, leader of the Green Party, about his partyâs stand on science in the upcoming election,...

Power tool orchestra, self attraction?

MP3 download Ian Woolf speaks to Fred Rodrigues with his power tools orchestra at Dorkbot Sydney, Lachlan Whatmore brings us part 2 of the evolution of the horse, News by Victoria Bond - Dogs can't help imitating people - Social...

Rising seas and the oil crises

MP3 download Ian Woolf interviews Melissa Neighbour about Project Survival Pacific and disappearing landmass in the Pacific islands Aaron Cook talks about the link between singing and cricket balls Jon Bale breathes new life in the science of sighs Victoria...

Quolls, laser planes, anosmic flies

MP3 download Jon Bale discusses glow in the dark sperm (because who doesn't love glow in the dark sperm?), Victoria Bond talks geriatric dieting fruit flies, and Ian Woolf gets excited about laser-propelled paper planes. Marc West gets to the...

Inside the Earth, pharmacogenomics

MP3 download Aaron Cooke asks Geophysicist Hrvoje Tkalcic whats happening inside the Earth, Ollie Barrand, Marc West and Ian Woolf discuss Pharmacogenomics and Gattaca, Ian Woolf and Aaron Cooke discuss forbidden words and the healing powers of marmite. Presented and...

ID Card - Is Big Brother Stalking You?

This is a special edition of the Diffusion Science Radio show looking at a controversial application of science and technology: the proposed card to identify everyone accessing Australian government services. Go directly to Podcasts: -->   Download/listen, 64kbs MP3 (13.4...

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